//go:build !openbsd || !arm package diagnose import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "github.com/dustin/go-humanize" "github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3/disk" ) func diskUsage(ctx context.Context) error { // Disk usage partitions, err := disk.Partitions(false) if err != nil { return err } partitionExcludes := []string{"/boot"} partLoop: for _, partition := range partitions { for _, exc := range partitionExcludes { if strings.HasPrefix(partition.Mountpoint, exc) { continue partLoop } } usage, err := disk.Usage(partition.Mountpoint) testName := "Check Disk Usage" if err != nil { Warn(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Could not obtain partition usage for %s: %v.", partition.Mountpoint, err)) } else { if usage.UsedPercent > 95 { SpotWarn(ctx, testName, fmt.Sprintf(partition.Mountpoint+" is %.2f percent full.", usage.UsedPercent), Advice("It is recommended to have more than five percent of the partition free.")) } else if usage.Free < 1<<30 { SpotWarn(ctx, testName, fmt.Sprintf(partition.Mountpoint+" has %s free.", humanize.Bytes(usage.Free)), Advice("It is recommended to have at least 1 GB of space free per partition.")) } else { SpotOk(ctx, testName, partition.Mountpoint+" usage ok.") } } } return nil }