import { click, fillIn, findAll, currentURL, visit } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import VAULT_KEYS from 'vault/tests/helpers/vault-keys'; import authPage from 'vault/tests/pages/auth'; import logout from 'vault/tests/pages/logout'; import { pollCluster } from 'vault/tests/helpers/poll-cluster'; const { unseal } = VAULT_KEYS; module('Acceptance | unseal', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { return authPage.login(); }); hooks.afterEach(function() { return logout.visit(); }); test('seal then unseal', async function(assert) { await visit('/vault/settings/seal'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/vault/settings/seal'); // seal await click('[data-test-seal] button'); await click('[data-test-confirm-button]'); await pollCluster(this.owner); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/vault/unseal', 'vault is on the unseal page'); // unseal await fillIn('[data-test-shamir-input]', unseal); await click('button[type="submit"]'); await pollCluster(this.owner); assert.equal(findAll('[data-test-cluster-status]').length, 0, 'ui does not show sealed warning'); assert.ok(currentURL().match(/\/vault\/auth/), 'vault is ready to authenticate'); }); });