// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 package pki import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto" "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/ed25519" "crypto/elliptic" "crypto/rand" "crypto/rsa" "crypto/x509" "crypto/x509/pkix" "encoding/base64" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "encoding/pem" "fmt" "math" "math/big" mathrand "math/rand" "net" "net/url" "os" "reflect" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/testhelpers/teststorage" "github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/testhelpers" "github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/helper/testhelpers/schema" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" "github.com/armon/go-metrics" "github.com/fatih/structs" "github.com/go-test/deep" "github.com/hashicorp/go-secure-stdlib/strutil" "github.com/hashicorp/vault/api" auth "github.com/hashicorp/vault/api/auth/userpass" "github.com/hashicorp/vault/builtin/credential/userpass" logicaltest "github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/testhelpers/logical" vaulthttp "github.com/hashicorp/vault/http" "github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/helper/certutil" "github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk/logical" "github.com/hashicorp/vault/vault" "github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure" "golang.org/x/net/idna" ) var stepCount = 0 // From builtin/credential/cert/test-fixtures/root/rootcacert.pem const ( rootCACertPEM = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDPDCCAiSgAwIBAgIUb5id+GcaMeMnYBv3MvdTGWigyJ0wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL BQAwFjEUMBIGA1UEAxMLZXhhbXBsZS5jb20wHhcNMTYwMjI5MDIyNzI5WhcNMjYw MjI2MDIyNzU5WjAWMRQwEgYDVQQDEwtleGFtcGxlLmNvbTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcN AQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAOxTMvhTuIRc2YhxZpmPwegP86cgnqfT1mXxi1A7 Q7qax24Nqbf00I3oDMQtAJlj2RB3hvRSCb0/lkF7i1Bub+TGxuM7NtZqp2F8FgG0 z2md+W6adwW26rlxbQKjmRvMn66G9YPTkoJmPmxt2Tccb9+apmwW7lslL5j8H48x AHJTMb+PMP9kbOHV5Abr3PT4jXUPUr/mWBvBiKiHG0Xd/HEmlyOEPeAThxK+I5tb 6m+eB+7cL9BsvQpy135+2bRAxUphvFi5NhryJ2vlAvoJ8UqigsNK3E28ut60FAoH SWRfFUFFYtfPgTDS1yOKU/z/XMU2giQv2HrleWt0mp4jqBUCAwEAAaOBgTB/MA4G A1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBSdxLNP/ocx 7HK6JT3/sSAe76iTmzAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSdxLNP/ocx7HK6JT3/sSAe76iTmzAc BgNVHREEFTATggtleGFtcGxlLmNvbYcEfwAAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEA wHThDRsXJunKbAapxmQ6bDxSvTvkLA6m97TXlsFgL+Q3Jrg9HoJCNowJ0pUTwhP2 U946dCnSCkZck0fqkwVi4vJ5EQnkvyEbfN4W5qVsQKOFaFVzep6Qid4rZT6owWPa cNNzNcXAee3/j6hgr6OQ/i3J6fYR4YouYxYkjojYyg+CMdn6q8BoV0BTsHdnw1/N ScbnBHQIvIZMBDAmQueQZolgJcdOuBLYHe/kRy167z8nGg+PUFKIYOL8NaOU1+CJ t2YaEibVq5MRqCbRgnd9a2vG0jr5a3Mn4CUUYv+5qIjP3hUusYenW1/EWtn1s/gk zehNe5dFTjFpylg1o6b8Ow== -----END CERTIFICATE-----` rootCAKeyPEM = `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEA7FMy+FO4hFzZiHFmmY/B6A/zpyCep9PWZfGLUDtDuprHbg2p t/TQjegMxC0AmWPZEHeG9FIJvT+WQXuLUG5v5MbG4zs21mqnYXwWAbTPaZ35bpp3 BbbquXFtAqOZG8yfrob1g9OSgmY+bG3ZNxxv35qmbBbuWyUvmPwfjzEAclMxv48w /2Rs4dXkBuvc9PiNdQ9Sv+ZYG8GIqIcbRd38cSaXI4Q94BOHEr4jm1vqb54H7twv 0Gy9CnLXfn7ZtEDFSmG8WLk2GvIna+UC+gnxSqKCw0rcTby63rQUCgdJZF8VQUVi 18+BMNLXI4pT/P9cxTaCJC/YeuV5a3SaniOoFQIDAQABAoIBAQCoGZJC84JnnIgb ttZNWuWKBXbCJcDVDikOQJ9hBZbqsFg1X0CfGmQS3MHf9Ubc1Ro8zVjQh15oIEfn 8lIpdzTeXcpxLdiW8ix3ekVJF20F6pnXY8ZP6UnTeOwamXY6QPZAtb0D9UXcvY+f nw+IVRD6082XS0Rmzu+peYWVXDy+FDN+HJRANBcdJZz8gOmNBIe0qDWx1b85d/s8 2Kk1Wwdss1IwAGeSddTSwzBNaaHdItZaMZOqPW1gRyBfVSkcUQIE6zn2RKw2b70t grkIvyRcTdfmiKbqkkJ+eR+ITOUt0cBZSH4cDjlQA+r7hulvoBpQBRj068Toxkcc bTagHaPBAoGBAPWPGVkHqhTbJ/DjmqDIStxby2M1fhhHt4xUGHinhUYjQjGOtDQ9 0mfaB7HObudRiSLydRAVGAHGyNJdQcTeFxeQbovwGiYKfZSA1IGpea7dTxPpGEdN ksA0pzSp9MfKzX/MdLuAkEtO58aAg5YzsgX9hDNxo4MhH/gremZhEGZlAoGBAPZf lqdYvAL0fjHGJ1FUEalhzGCGE9PH2iOqsxqLCXK7bDbzYSjvuiHkhYJHAOgVdiW1 lB34UHHYAqZ1VVoFqJ05gax6DE2+r7K5VV3FUCaC0Zm3pavxchU9R/TKP82xRrBj AFWwdgDTxUyvQEmgPR9sqorftO71Iz2tiwyTpIfxAoGBAIhEMLzHFAse0rtKkrRG ccR27BbRyHeQ1Lp6sFnEHKEfT8xQdI/I/snCpCJ3e/PBu2g5Q9z416mktiyGs8ib thTNgYsGYnxZtfaCx2pssanoBcn2wBJRae5fSapf5gY49HDG9MBYR7qCvvvYtSzU 4yWP2ZzyotpRt3vwJKxLkN5BAoGAORHpZvhiDNkvxj3da7Rqpu7VleJZA2y+9hYb iOF+HcqWhaAY+I+XcTRrTMM/zYLzLEcEeXDEyao86uwxCjpXVZw1kotvAC9UqbTO tnr3VwRkoxPsV4kFYTAh0+1pnC8dbcxxDmhi3Uww3tOVs7hfkEDuvF6XnebA9A+Y LyCgMzECgYEA6cCU8QODOivIKWFRXucvWckgE6MYDBaAwe6qcLsd1Q/gpE2e3yQc 4RB3bcyiPROLzMLlXFxf1vSNJQdIaVfrRv+zJeGIiivLPU8+Eq4Lrb+tl1LepcOX OzQeADTSCn5VidOfjDkIst9UXjMlrFfV9/oJEw5Eiqa6lkNPCGDhfA8= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----` ) func TestPKI_RequireCN(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myvault.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("expected ca info") } // Create a role which does require CN (default) _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/example", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": "foobar.com,zipzap.com,abc.com,xyz.com", "allow_bare_domains": true, "allow_subdomains": true, "max_ttl": "2h", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue a cert with require_cn set to true and with common name supplied. // It should succeed. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/example", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("issue/example"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue a cert with require_cn set to true and with out supplying the // common name. It should error out. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/example", map[string]interface{}{}) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expected an error due to missing common_name") } // Modify the role to make the common name optional _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/example", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": "foobar.com,zipzap.com,abc.com,xyz.com", "allow_bare_domains": true, "allow_subdomains": true, "max_ttl": "2h", "require_cn": false, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue a cert with require_cn set to false and without supplying the // common name. It should succeed. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/example", map[string]interface{}{}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp.Data["certificate"] == "" { t.Fatalf("expected a cert to be generated") } // Issue a cert with require_cn set to false and with a common name. It // should succeed. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/example", map[string]interface{}{}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp.Data["certificate"] == "" { t.Fatalf("expected a cert to be generated") } } func TestPKI_DeviceCert(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myvault.com", "not_after": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z", "not_before_duration": "2h", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("expected ca info") } var certBundle certutil.CertBundle err = mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate notAfter := cert.NotAfter.Format(time.RFC3339) if notAfter != "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z" { t.Fatalf("not after from certificate: %v is not matching with input parameter: %v", cert.NotAfter, "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z") } if math.Abs(float64(time.Now().Add(-2*time.Hour).Unix()-cert.NotBefore.Unix())) > 10 { t.Fatalf("root/generate/internal did not properly set validity period (notBefore): was %v vs expected %v", cert.NotBefore, time.Now().Add(-2*time.Hour)) } // Create a role which does require CN (default) _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/example", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": "foobar.com,zipzap.com,abc.com,xyz.com", "allow_bare_domains": true, "allow_subdomains": true, "not_after": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue a cert with require_cn set to true and with common name supplied. // It should succeed. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/example", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } err = mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } parsedCertBundle, err = certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } cert = parsedCertBundle.Certificate notAfter = cert.NotAfter.Format(time.RFC3339) if notAfter != "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z" { t.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("not after from certificate is not matching with input parameter")) } } func TestBackend_InvalidParameter(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) _, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myvault.com", "not_after": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z", "ttl": "25h", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myvault.com", "not_after": "9999-12-31T23:59:59", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestBackend_CSRValues(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() initTest.Do(setCerts) b, _ := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) testCase := logicaltest.TestCase{ LogicalBackend: b, Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{}, } intdata := map[string]interface{}{} reqdata := map[string]interface{}{} testCase.Steps = append(testCase.Steps, generateCSRSteps(t, ecCACert, ecCAKey, intdata, reqdata)...) logicaltest.Test(t, testCase) } func TestBackend_URLsCRUD(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() initTest.Do(setCerts) b, _ := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) testCase := logicaltest.TestCase{ LogicalBackend: b, Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{}, } intdata := map[string]interface{}{} reqdata := map[string]interface{}{} testCase.Steps = append(testCase.Steps, generateURLSteps(t, ecCACert, ecCAKey, intdata, reqdata)...) logicaltest.Test(t, testCase) } // Generates and tests steps that walk through the various possibilities // of role flags to ensure that they are properly restricted func TestBackend_Roles(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() cases := []struct { name string key, cert *string useCSR bool }{ {"RSA", &rsaCAKey, &rsaCACert, false}, {"RSACSR", &rsaCAKey, &rsaCACert, true}, {"EC", &ecCAKey, &ecCACert, false}, {"ECCSR", &ecCAKey, &ecCACert, true}, {"ED", &edCAKey, &edCACert, false}, {"EDCSR", &edCAKey, &edCACert, true}, } for _, tc := range cases { tc := tc t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { initTest.Do(setCerts) b, _ := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) testCase := logicaltest.TestCase{ LogicalBackend: b, Steps: []logicaltest.TestStep{ { Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "config/ca", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": *tc.key + "\n" + *tc.cert, }, }, }, } testCase.Steps = append(testCase.Steps, generateRoleSteps(t, tc.useCSR)...) if len(os.Getenv("VAULT_VERBOSE_PKITESTS")) > 0 { for i, v := range testCase.Steps { data := map[string]interface{}{} var keys []string for k := range v.Data { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) for _, k := range keys { interf := v.Data[k] switch v := interf.(type) { case bool: if !v { continue } case int: if v == 0 { continue } case []string: if len(v) == 0 { continue } case string: if v == "" { continue } lines := strings.Split(v, "\n") if len(lines) > 1 { data[k] = lines[0] + " ... (truncated)" continue } } data[k] = interf } t.Logf("Step %d:\n%s %s err=%v %+v\n\n", i+1, v.Operation, v.Path, v.ErrorOk, data) } } logicaltest.Test(t, testCase) }) } } // Performs some validity checking on the returned bundles func checkCertsAndPrivateKey(keyType string, key crypto.Signer, usage x509.KeyUsage, extUsage x509.ExtKeyUsage, validity time.Duration, certBundle *certutil.CertBundle) (*certutil.ParsedCertBundle, error) { parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing cert bundle: %s", err) } if key != nil { switch keyType { case "rsa": parsedCertBundle.PrivateKeyType = certutil.RSAPrivateKey parsedCertBundle.PrivateKey = key parsedCertBundle.PrivateKeyBytes = x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(key.(*rsa.PrivateKey)) case "ec": parsedCertBundle.PrivateKeyType = certutil.ECPrivateKey parsedCertBundle.PrivateKey = key parsedCertBundle.PrivateKeyBytes, err = x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(key.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey)) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing EC key: %s", err) } case "ed25519": parsedCertBundle.PrivateKeyType = certutil.Ed25519PrivateKey parsedCertBundle.PrivateKey = key parsedCertBundle.PrivateKeyBytes, err = x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(key.(ed25519.PrivateKey)) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing Ed25519 key: %s", err) } } } switch { case parsedCertBundle.Certificate == nil: return nil, fmt.Errorf("did not find a certificate in the cert bundle") case len(parsedCertBundle.CAChain) == 0 || parsedCertBundle.CAChain[0].Certificate == nil: return nil, fmt.Errorf("did not find a CA in the cert bundle") case parsedCertBundle.PrivateKey == nil: return nil, fmt.Errorf("did not find a private key in the cert bundle") case parsedCertBundle.PrivateKeyType == certutil.UnknownPrivateKey: return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not figure out type of private key") } switch { case parsedCertBundle.PrivateKeyType == certutil.Ed25519PrivateKey && keyType != "ed25519": fallthrough case parsedCertBundle.PrivateKeyType == certutil.RSAPrivateKey && keyType != "rsa": fallthrough case parsedCertBundle.PrivateKeyType == certutil.ECPrivateKey && keyType != "ec": return nil, fmt.Errorf("given key type does not match type found in bundle") } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate if usage != cert.KeyUsage { return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected usage of %#v, got %#v; ext usage is %#v", usage, cert.KeyUsage, cert.ExtKeyUsage) } // There should only be one ext usage type, because only one is requested // in the tests if len(cert.ExtKeyUsage) != 1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("got wrong size key usage in generated cert; expected 1, values are %#v", cert.ExtKeyUsage) } switch extUsage { case x509.ExtKeyUsageEmailProtection: if cert.ExtKeyUsage[0] != x509.ExtKeyUsageEmailProtection { return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad extended key usage") } case x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth: if cert.ExtKeyUsage[0] != x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth { return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad extended key usage") } case x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth: if cert.ExtKeyUsage[0] != x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth { return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad extended key usage") } case x509.ExtKeyUsageCodeSigning: if cert.ExtKeyUsage[0] != x509.ExtKeyUsageCodeSigning { return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad extended key usage") } } // TODO: We incremented 20->25 due to CircleCI execution // being slow and pausing this test. We might consider recording the // actual issuance time of the cert and calculating the expected // validity period +/- fuzz, but that'd require recording and passing // through more information. if math.Abs(float64(time.Now().Add(validity).Unix()-cert.NotAfter.Unix())) > 25 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("certificate validity end: %s; expected within 25 seconds of %s", cert.NotAfter.Format(time.RFC3339), time.Now().Add(validity).Format(time.RFC3339)) } return parsedCertBundle, nil } func generateURLSteps(t *testing.T, caCert, caKey string, intdata, reqdata map[string]interface{}) []logicaltest.TestStep { expected := certutil.URLEntries{ IssuingCertificates: []string{ "http://example.com/ca1", "http://example.com/ca2", }, CRLDistributionPoints: []string{ "http://example.com/crl1", "http://example.com/crl2", }, OCSPServers: []string{ "http://example.com/ocsp1", "http://example.com/ocsp2", }, } csrTemplate := x509.CertificateRequest{ Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: "my@example.com", }, } priv1024, _ := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 1024) csr1024, _ := x509.CreateCertificateRequest(rand.Reader, &csrTemplate, priv1024) csrPem1024 := strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE REQUEST", Bytes: csr1024, }))) priv2048, _ := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) csr2048, _ := x509.CreateCertificateRequest(rand.Reader, &csrTemplate, priv2048) csrPem2048 := strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE REQUEST", Bytes: csr2048, }))) ret := []logicaltest.TestStep{ { Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/generate/exported", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "Root Cert", "ttl": "180h", }, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp.Secret != nil && resp.Secret.LeaseID != "" { return fmt.Errorf("root returned with a lease") } return nil }, }, { Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "config/urls", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "issuing_certificates": strings.Join(expected.IssuingCertificates, ","), "crl_distribution_points": strings.Join(expected.CRLDistributionPoints, ","), "ocsp_servers": strings.Join(expected.OCSPServers, ","), }, }, { Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: "config/urls", Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp.Data == nil { return fmt.Errorf("no data returned") } var entries certutil.URLEntries err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &entries) if err != nil { return err } if !reflect.DeepEqual(entries, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("expected urls\n%#v\ndoes not match provided\n%#v\n", expected, entries) } return nil }, }, { Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/sign-intermediate", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "intermediate.cert.com", "csr": csrPem1024, "format": "der", }, ErrorOk: true, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if !resp.IsError() { return fmt.Errorf("expected an error response but did not get one") } if !strings.Contains(resp.Data["error"].(string), "2048") { return fmt.Errorf("received an error but not about a 1024-bit key, error was: %s", resp.Data["error"].(string)) } return nil }, }, { Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/sign-intermediate", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "intermediate.cert.com", "csr": csrPem2048, "signature_bits": 512, "format": "der", "not_before_duration": "2h", // Let's Encrypt -- R3 SKID "skid": "14:2E:B3:17:B7:58:56:CB:AE:50:09:40:E6:1F:AF:9D:8B:14:C2:C6", }, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { certString := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) if certString == "" { return fmt.Errorf("no certificate returned") } if resp.Secret != nil && resp.Secret.LeaseID != "" { return fmt.Errorf("signed intermediate returned with a lease") } certBytes, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(certString) certs, err := x509.ParseCertificates(certBytes) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("returned cert cannot be parsed: %w", err) } if len(certs) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected returned length of certificates: %d", len(certs)) } cert := certs[0] skid, _ := hex.DecodeString("142EB317B75856CBAE500940E61FAF9D8B14C2C6") switch { case !reflect.DeepEqual(expected.IssuingCertificates, cert.IssuingCertificateURL): return fmt.Errorf("IssuingCertificateURL:\nexpected\n%#v\ngot\n%#v\n", expected.IssuingCertificates, cert.IssuingCertificateURL) case !reflect.DeepEqual(expected.CRLDistributionPoints, cert.CRLDistributionPoints): return fmt.Errorf("CRLDistributionPoints:\nexpected\n%#v\ngot\n%#v\n", expected.CRLDistributionPoints, cert.CRLDistributionPoints) case !reflect.DeepEqual(expected.OCSPServers, cert.OCSPServer): return fmt.Errorf("OCSPServer:\nexpected\n%#v\ngot\n%#v\n", expected.OCSPServers, cert.OCSPServer) case !reflect.DeepEqual([]string{"intermediate.cert.com"}, cert.DNSNames): return fmt.Errorf("DNSNames\nexpected\n%#v\ngot\n%#v\n", []string{"intermediate.cert.com"}, cert.DNSNames) case !reflect.DeepEqual(x509.SHA512WithRSA, cert.SignatureAlgorithm): return fmt.Errorf("Signature Algorithm:\nexpected\n%#v\ngot\n%#v\n", x509.SHA512WithRSA, cert.SignatureAlgorithm) case !reflect.DeepEqual(skid, cert.SubjectKeyId): return fmt.Errorf("SKID:\nexpected\n%#v\ngot\n%#v\n", skid, cert.SubjectKeyId) } if math.Abs(float64(time.Now().Add(-2*time.Hour).Unix()-cert.NotBefore.Unix())) > 10 { t.Fatalf("root/sign-intermediate did not properly set validity period (notBefore): was %v vs expected %v", cert.NotBefore, time.Now().Add(-2*time.Hour)) } return nil }, }, // Same as above but exclude adding to sans { Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/sign-intermediate", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "intermediate.cert.com", "csr": csrPem2048, "format": "der", "exclude_cn_from_sans": true, }, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { certString := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) if certString == "" { return fmt.Errorf("no certificate returned") } if resp.Secret != nil && resp.Secret.LeaseID != "" { return fmt.Errorf("signed intermediate returned with a lease") } certBytes, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(certString) certs, err := x509.ParseCertificates(certBytes) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("returned cert cannot be parsed: %w", err) } if len(certs) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected returned length of certificates: %d", len(certs)) } cert := certs[0] switch { case !reflect.DeepEqual(expected.IssuingCertificates, cert.IssuingCertificateURL): return fmt.Errorf("expected\n%#v\ngot\n%#v\n", expected.IssuingCertificates, cert.IssuingCertificateURL) case !reflect.DeepEqual(expected.CRLDistributionPoints, cert.CRLDistributionPoints): return fmt.Errorf("expected\n%#v\ngot\n%#v\n", expected.CRLDistributionPoints, cert.CRLDistributionPoints) case !reflect.DeepEqual(expected.OCSPServers, cert.OCSPServer): return fmt.Errorf("expected\n%#v\ngot\n%#v\n", expected.OCSPServers, cert.OCSPServer) case !reflect.DeepEqual([]string(nil), cert.DNSNames): return fmt.Errorf("expected\n%#v\ngot\n%#v\n", []string(nil), cert.DNSNames) } return nil }, }, } return ret } func generateCSR(t *testing.T, csrTemplate *x509.CertificateRequest, keyType string, keyBits int) (interface{}, []byte, string) { t.Helper() var priv interface{} var err error switch keyType { case "rsa": priv, err = rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, keyBits) case "ec": switch keyBits { case 224: priv, err = ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P224(), rand.Reader) case 256: priv, err = ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader) case 384: priv, err = ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P384(), rand.Reader) case 521: priv, err = ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P521(), rand.Reader) default: t.Fatalf("Got unknown ec< key bits: %v", keyBits) } case "ed25519": _, priv, err = ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader) } if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Got error generating private key for CSR: %v", err) } csr, err := x509.CreateCertificateRequest(rand.Reader, csrTemplate, priv) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Got error generating CSR: %v", err) } csrPem := strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE REQUEST", Bytes: csr, }))) return priv, csr, csrPem } func generateCSRSteps(t *testing.T, caCert, caKey string, intdata, reqdata map[string]interface{}) []logicaltest.TestStep { csrTemplate, csrPem := generateTestCsr(t, certutil.RSAPrivateKey, 2048) ret := []logicaltest.TestStep{ { Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/generate/exported", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "Root Cert", "ttl": "180h", "max_path_length": 0, }, }, { Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/sign-intermediate", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "use_csr_values": true, "csr": csrPem, "format": "der", }, ErrorOk: true, }, { Operation: logical.DeleteOperation, Path: "root", }, { Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/generate/exported", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "Root Cert", "ttl": "180h", "max_path_length": 1, }, }, { Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/sign-intermediate", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "use_csr_values": true, "csr": csrPem, "format": "der", }, Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { certString := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) if certString == "" { return fmt.Errorf("no certificate returned") } certBytes, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(certString) certs, err := x509.ParseCertificates(certBytes) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("returned cert cannot be parsed: %w", err) } if len(certs) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected returned length of certificates: %d", len(certs)) } cert := certs[0] if cert.MaxPathLen != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("max path length of %d does not match the requested of 3", cert.MaxPathLen) } if !cert.MaxPathLenZero { return fmt.Errorf("max path length zero is not set") } // We need to set these as they are filled in with unparsed values in the final cert csrTemplate.Subject.Names = cert.Subject.Names csrTemplate.Subject.ExtraNames = cert.Subject.ExtraNames switch { case !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.Subject, csrTemplate.Subject): return fmt.Errorf("cert subject\n%#v\ndoes not match csr subject\n%#v\n", cert.Subject, csrTemplate.Subject) case !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.DNSNames, csrTemplate.DNSNames): return fmt.Errorf("cert dns names\n%#v\ndoes not match csr dns names\n%#v\n", cert.DNSNames, csrTemplate.DNSNames) case !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.EmailAddresses, csrTemplate.EmailAddresses): return fmt.Errorf("cert email addresses\n%#v\ndoes not match csr email addresses\n%#v\n", cert.EmailAddresses, csrTemplate.EmailAddresses) case !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.IPAddresses, csrTemplate.IPAddresses): return fmt.Errorf("cert ip addresses\n%#v\ndoes not match csr ip addresses\n%#v\n", cert.IPAddresses, csrTemplate.IPAddresses) } return nil }, }, } return ret } func generateTestCsr(t *testing.T, keyType certutil.PrivateKeyType, keyBits int) (x509.CertificateRequest, string) { t.Helper() csrTemplate := x509.CertificateRequest{ Subject: pkix.Name{ Country: []string{"MyCountry"}, PostalCode: []string{"MyPostalCode"}, SerialNumber: "MySerialNumber", CommonName: "my@example.com", }, DNSNames: []string{ "name1.example.com", "name2.example.com", "name3.example.com", }, EmailAddresses: []string{ "name1@example.com", "name2@example.com", "name3@example.com", }, IPAddresses: []net.IP{ net.ParseIP("::ff:1:2:3:4"), net.ParseIP("::ff:5:6:7:8"), }, } _, _, csrPem := generateCSR(t, &csrTemplate, string(keyType), keyBits) return csrTemplate, csrPem } // Generates steps to test out various role permutations func generateRoleSteps(t *testing.T, useCSRs bool) []logicaltest.TestStep { roleVals := roleEntry{ MaxTTL: 12 * time.Hour, KeyType: "rsa", KeyBits: 2048, RequireCN: true, AllowWildcardCertificates: new(bool), } *roleVals.AllowWildcardCertificates = true issueVals := certutil.IssueData{} ret := []logicaltest.TestStep{} roleTestStep := logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/test", } var issueTestStep logicaltest.TestStep if useCSRs { issueTestStep = logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "sign/test", } } else { issueTestStep = logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "issue/test", } } generatedRSAKeys := map[int]crypto.Signer{} generatedECKeys := map[int]crypto.Signer{} generatedEdKeys := map[int]crypto.Signer{} /* // For the number of tests being run, a seed of 1 has been tested // to hit all of the various values below. However, for normal // testing we use a randomized time for maximum fuzziness. */ var seed int64 = 1 fixedSeed := os.Getenv("VAULT_PKITESTS_FIXED_SEED") if len(fixedSeed) == 0 { seed = time.Now().UnixNano() } else { var err error seed, err = strconv.ParseInt(fixedSeed, 10, 64) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("error parsing fixed seed of %s: %v", fixedSeed, err) } } mathRand := mathrand.New(mathrand.NewSource(seed)) // t.Logf("seed under test: %v", seed) // Used by tests not toggling common names to turn off the behavior of random key bit fuzziness keybitSizeRandOff := false genericErrorOkCheck := func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp.IsError() { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("expected an error, but did not seem to get one") } // Adds tests with the currently configured issue/role information addTests := func(testCheck logicaltest.TestCheckFunc) { stepCount++ // t.Logf("test step %d\nrole vals: %#v\n", stepCount, roleVals) stepCount++ // t.Logf("test step %d\nissue vals: %#v\n", stepCount, issueTestStep) roleTestStep.Data = roleVals.ToResponseData() roleTestStep.Data["generate_lease"] = false ret = append(ret, roleTestStep) issueTestStep.Data = structs.New(issueVals).Map() switch { case issueTestStep.ErrorOk: issueTestStep.Check = genericErrorOkCheck case testCheck != nil: issueTestStep.Check = testCheck default: issueTestStep.Check = nil } ret = append(ret, issueTestStep) } getCountryCheck := func(role roleEntry) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc { var certBundle certutil.CertBundle return func(resp *logical.Response) error { err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { return err } parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error checking generated certificate: %s", err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate expected := strutil.RemoveDuplicates(role.Country, true) if !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.Subject.Country, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("error: returned certificate has Country of %s but %s was specified in the role", cert.Subject.Country, expected) } return nil } } getOuCheck := func(role roleEntry) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc { var certBundle certutil.CertBundle return func(resp *logical.Response) error { err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { return err } parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error checking generated certificate: %s", err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate expected := strutil.RemoveDuplicatesStable(role.OU, true) if !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.Subject.OrganizationalUnit, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("error: returned certificate has OU of %s but %s was specified in the role", cert.Subject.OrganizationalUnit, expected) } return nil } } getOrganizationCheck := func(role roleEntry) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc { var certBundle certutil.CertBundle return func(resp *logical.Response) error { err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { return err } parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error checking generated certificate: %s", err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate expected := strutil.RemoveDuplicates(role.Organization, true) if !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.Subject.Organization, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("error: returned certificate has Organization of %s but %s was specified in the role", cert.Subject.Organization, expected) } return nil } } getLocalityCheck := func(role roleEntry) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc { var certBundle certutil.CertBundle return func(resp *logical.Response) error { err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { return err } parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error checking generated certificate: %s", err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate expected := strutil.RemoveDuplicates(role.Locality, true) if !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.Subject.Locality, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("error: returned certificate has Locality of %s but %s was specified in the role", cert.Subject.Locality, expected) } return nil } } getProvinceCheck := func(role roleEntry) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc { var certBundle certutil.CertBundle return func(resp *logical.Response) error { err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { return err } parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error checking generated certificate: %s", err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate expected := strutil.RemoveDuplicates(role.Province, true) if !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.Subject.Province, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("error: returned certificate has Province of %s but %s was specified in the role", cert.Subject.Province, expected) } return nil } } getStreetAddressCheck := func(role roleEntry) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc { var certBundle certutil.CertBundle return func(resp *logical.Response) error { err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { return err } parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error checking generated certificate: %s", err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate expected := strutil.RemoveDuplicates(role.StreetAddress, true) if !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.Subject.StreetAddress, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("error: returned certificate has StreetAddress of %s but %s was specified in the role", cert.Subject.StreetAddress, expected) } return nil } } getPostalCodeCheck := func(role roleEntry) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc { var certBundle certutil.CertBundle return func(resp *logical.Response) error { err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { return err } parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error checking generated certificate: %s", err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate expected := strutil.RemoveDuplicates(role.PostalCode, true) if !reflect.DeepEqual(cert.Subject.PostalCode, expected) { return fmt.Errorf("error: returned certificate has PostalCode of %s but %s was specified in the role", cert.Subject.PostalCode, expected) } return nil } } getNotBeforeCheck := func(role roleEntry) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc { var certBundle certutil.CertBundle return func(resp *logical.Response) error { err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { return err } parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error checking generated certificate: %s", err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate actualDiff := time.Since(cert.NotBefore) certRoleDiff := (role.NotBeforeDuration - actualDiff).Truncate(time.Second) // These times get truncated, so give a 1 second buffer on each side if certRoleDiff >= -1*time.Second && certRoleDiff <= 1*time.Second { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("validity period out of range diff: %v", certRoleDiff) } } // Returns a TestCheckFunc that performs various validity checks on the // returned certificate information, mostly within checkCertsAndPrivateKey getCnCheck := func(name string, role roleEntry, key crypto.Signer, usage x509.KeyUsage, extUsage x509.ExtKeyUsage, validity time.Duration) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc { var certBundle certutil.CertBundle return func(resp *logical.Response) error { err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { return err } parsedCertBundle, err := checkCertsAndPrivateKey(role.KeyType, key, usage, extUsage, validity, &certBundle) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error checking generated certificate: %s", err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate if cert.Subject.CommonName != name { return fmt.Errorf("error: returned certificate has CN of %s but %s was requested", cert.Subject.CommonName, name) } if strings.Contains(cert.Subject.CommonName, "@") { if len(cert.DNSNames) != 0 || len(cert.EmailAddresses) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("error: found more than one DNS SAN or not one Email SAN but only one was requested, cert.DNSNames = %#v, cert.EmailAddresses = %#v", cert.DNSNames, cert.EmailAddresses) } } else { if len(cert.DNSNames) != 1 || len(cert.EmailAddresses) != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("error: found more than one Email SAN or not one DNS SAN but only one was requested, cert.DNSNames = %#v, cert.EmailAddresses = %#v", cert.DNSNames, cert.EmailAddresses) } } var retName string if len(cert.DNSNames) > 0 { retName = cert.DNSNames[0] } if len(cert.EmailAddresses) > 0 { retName = cert.EmailAddresses[0] } if retName != name { // Check IDNA p := idna.New( idna.StrictDomainName(true), idna.VerifyDNSLength(true), ) converted, err := p.ToUnicode(retName) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if converted != name { return fmt.Errorf("error: returned certificate has a DNS SAN of %s (from idna: %s) but %s was requested", retName, converted, name) } } return nil } } type csrPlan struct { errorOk bool roleKeyBits int cert string privKey crypto.Signer } getCsr := func(keyType string, keyBits int, csrTemplate *x509.CertificateRequest) (*pem.Block, crypto.Signer) { var privKey crypto.Signer var ok bool switch keyType { case "rsa": privKey, ok = generatedRSAKeys[keyBits] if !ok { privKey, _ = rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, keyBits) generatedRSAKeys[keyBits] = privKey } case "ec": var curve elliptic.Curve switch keyBits { case 224: curve = elliptic.P224() case 256: curve = elliptic.P256() case 384: curve = elliptic.P384() case 521: curve = elliptic.P521() } privKey, ok = generatedECKeys[keyBits] if !ok { privKey, _ = ecdsa.GenerateKey(curve, rand.Reader) generatedECKeys[keyBits] = privKey } case "ed25519": privKey, ok = generatedEdKeys[keyBits] if !ok { _, privKey, _ = ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader) generatedEdKeys[keyBits] = privKey } default: panic("invalid key type: " + keyType) } csr, err := x509.CreateCertificateRequest(rand.Reader, csrTemplate, privKey) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error creating certificate request: %s", err) } block := pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE REQUEST", Bytes: csr, } return &block, privKey } getRandCsr := func(keyType string, errorOk bool, csrTemplate *x509.CertificateRequest) csrPlan { rsaKeyBits := []int{2048, 3072, 4096} ecKeyBits := []int{224, 256, 384, 521} plan := csrPlan{errorOk: errorOk} var testBitSize int switch keyType { case "rsa": plan.roleKeyBits = rsaKeyBits[mathRand.Int()%len(rsaKeyBits)] testBitSize = plan.roleKeyBits // If we don't expect an error already, randomly choose a // key size and expect an error if it's less than the role // setting if !keybitSizeRandOff && !errorOk { testBitSize = rsaKeyBits[mathRand.Int()%len(rsaKeyBits)] } if testBitSize < plan.roleKeyBits { plan.errorOk = true } case "ec": plan.roleKeyBits = ecKeyBits[mathRand.Int()%len(ecKeyBits)] testBitSize = plan.roleKeyBits // If we don't expect an error already, randomly choose a // key size and expect an error if it's less than the role // setting if !keybitSizeRandOff && !errorOk { testBitSize = ecKeyBits[mathRand.Int()%len(ecKeyBits)] } if testBitSize < plan.roleKeyBits { plan.errorOk = true } default: panic("invalid key type: " + keyType) } if len(os.Getenv("VAULT_VERBOSE_PKITESTS")) > 0 { t.Logf("roleKeyBits=%d testBitSize=%d errorOk=%v", plan.roleKeyBits, testBitSize, plan.errorOk) } block, privKey := getCsr(keyType, testBitSize, csrTemplate) plan.cert = strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(block))) plan.privKey = privKey return plan } // Common names to test with the various role flags toggled var commonNames struct { Localhost bool `structs:"localhost"` BareDomain bool `structs:"example.com"` SecondDomain bool `structs:"foobar.com"` SubDomain bool `structs:"foo.example.com"` Wildcard bool `structs:"*.example.com"` SubSubdomain bool `structs:"foo.bar.example.com"` SubSubdomainWildcard bool `structs:"*.bar.example.com"` GlobDomain bool `structs:"fooexample.com"` IDN bool `structs:"daɪˈɛrɨsɨs"` AnyHost bool `structs:"porkslap.beer"` } // Adds a series of tests based on the current selection of // allowed common names; contains some (seeded) randomness // // This allows for a variety of common names to be tested in various // combinations with allowed toggles of the role addCnTests := func() { cnMap := structs.New(commonNames).Map() for name, allowedInt := range cnMap { roleVals.KeyType = "rsa" roleVals.KeyBits = 2048 if mathRand.Int()%3 == 1 { roleVals.KeyType = "ec" roleVals.KeyBits = 224 } roleVals.ServerFlag = false roleVals.ClientFlag = false roleVals.CodeSigningFlag = false roleVals.EmailProtectionFlag = false var usage []string if mathRand.Int()%2 == 1 { usage = append(usage, "DigitalSignature") } if mathRand.Int()%2 == 1 { usage = append(usage, "ContentCoMmitment") } if mathRand.Int()%2 == 1 { usage = append(usage, "KeyEncipherment") } if mathRand.Int()%2 == 1 { usage = append(usage, "DataEncipherment") } if mathRand.Int()%2 == 1 { usage = append(usage, "KeyAgreemEnt") } if mathRand.Int()%2 == 1 { usage = append(usage, "CertSign") } if mathRand.Int()%2 == 1 { usage = append(usage, "CRLSign") } if mathRand.Int()%2 == 1 { usage = append(usage, "EncipherOnly") } if mathRand.Int()%2 == 1 { usage = append(usage, "DecipherOnly") } roleVals.KeyUsage = usage parsedKeyUsage := parseKeyUsages(roleVals.KeyUsage) if parsedKeyUsage == 0 && len(usage) != 0 { panic("parsed key usages was zero") } var extUsage x509.ExtKeyUsage i := mathRand.Int() % 4 switch { case i == 0: // Punt on this for now since I'm not clear the actual proper // way to format these if name != "daɪˈɛrɨsɨs" { extUsage = x509.ExtKeyUsageEmailProtection roleVals.EmailProtectionFlag = true break } fallthrough case i == 1: extUsage = x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth roleVals.ServerFlag = true case i == 2: extUsage = x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth roleVals.ClientFlag = true default: extUsage = x509.ExtKeyUsageCodeSigning roleVals.CodeSigningFlag = true } allowed := allowedInt.(bool) issueVals.CommonName = name if roleVals.EmailProtectionFlag { if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "*") { issueVals.CommonName = "user@" + issueVals.CommonName } } issueTestStep.ErrorOk = !allowed validity := roleVals.MaxTTL if useCSRs { templ := &x509.CertificateRequest{ Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: issueVals.CommonName, }, } plan := getRandCsr(roleVals.KeyType, issueTestStep.ErrorOk, templ) issueVals.CSR = plan.cert roleVals.KeyBits = plan.roleKeyBits issueTestStep.ErrorOk = plan.errorOk addTests(getCnCheck(issueVals.CommonName, roleVals, plan.privKey, x509.KeyUsage(parsedKeyUsage), extUsage, validity)) } else { addTests(getCnCheck(issueVals.CommonName, roleVals, nil, x509.KeyUsage(parsedKeyUsage), extUsage, validity)) } } } funcs := []interface{}{ addCnTests, getCnCheck, getCountryCheck, getLocalityCheck, getNotBeforeCheck, getOrganizationCheck, getOuCheck, getPostalCodeCheck, getRandCsr, getStreetAddressCheck, getProvinceCheck, } if len(os.Getenv("VAULT_VERBOSE_PKITESTS")) > 0 { t.Logf("funcs=%d", len(funcs)) } // Common Name tests { // common_name not provided issueVals.CommonName = "" issueTestStep.ErrorOk = true addTests(nil) // Nothing is allowed addCnTests() roleVals.AllowLocalhost = true commonNames.Localhost = true addCnTests() roleVals.AllowedDomains = []string{"foobar.com"} addCnTests() roleVals.AllowedDomains = []string{"example.com"} roleVals.AllowSubdomains = true commonNames.SubDomain = true commonNames.Wildcard = true commonNames.SubSubdomain = true commonNames.SubSubdomainWildcard = true addCnTests() roleVals.AllowedDomains = []string{"foobar.com", "example.com"} commonNames.SecondDomain = true roleVals.AllowBareDomains = true commonNames.BareDomain = true addCnTests() roleVals.AllowedDomains = []string{"foobar.com", "*example.com"} roleVals.AllowGlobDomains = true commonNames.GlobDomain = true addCnTests() roleVals.AllowAnyName = true roleVals.EnforceHostnames = true commonNames.AnyHost = true commonNames.IDN = true addCnTests() roleVals.EnforceHostnames = false addCnTests() // Ensure that we end up with acceptable key sizes since they won't be // toggled any longer keybitSizeRandOff = true addCnTests() } // Country tests { roleVals.Country = []string{"foo"} addTests(getCountryCheck(roleVals)) roleVals.Country = []string{"foo", "bar"} addTests(getCountryCheck(roleVals)) } // OU tests { roleVals.OU = []string{"foo"} addTests(getOuCheck(roleVals)) roleVals.OU = []string{"bar", "foo"} addTests(getOuCheck(roleVals)) } // Organization tests { roleVals.Organization = []string{"system:masters"} addTests(getOrganizationCheck(roleVals)) roleVals.Organization = []string{"foo", "bar"} addTests(getOrganizationCheck(roleVals)) } // Locality tests { roleVals.Locality = []string{"foo"} addTests(getLocalityCheck(roleVals)) roleVals.Locality = []string{"foo", "bar"} addTests(getLocalityCheck(roleVals)) } // Province tests { roleVals.Province = []string{"foo"} addTests(getProvinceCheck(roleVals)) roleVals.Province = []string{"foo", "bar"} addTests(getProvinceCheck(roleVals)) } // StreetAddress tests { roleVals.StreetAddress = []string{"123 foo street"} addTests(getStreetAddressCheck(roleVals)) roleVals.StreetAddress = []string{"123 foo street", "456 bar avenue"} addTests(getStreetAddressCheck(roleVals)) } // PostalCode tests { roleVals.PostalCode = []string{"f00"} addTests(getPostalCodeCheck(roleVals)) roleVals.PostalCode = []string{"f00", "b4r"} addTests(getPostalCodeCheck(roleVals)) } // NotBefore tests { roleVals.NotBeforeDuration = 10 * time.Second addTests(getNotBeforeCheck(roleVals)) roleVals.NotBeforeDuration = 30 * time.Second addTests(getNotBeforeCheck(roleVals)) roleVals.NotBeforeDuration = 0 } // IP SAN tests { getIpCheck := func(expectedIp ...net.IP) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc { return func(resp *logical.Response) error { var certBundle certutil.CertBundle err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { return err } parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error parsing cert bundle: %s", err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate var expected []net.IP expected = append(expected, expectedIp...) if diff := deep.Equal(cert.IPAddresses, expected); len(diff) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("wrong SAN IPs, diff: %v", diff) } return nil } } addIPSANTests := func(useCSRs, useCSRSANs, allowIPSANs, errorOk bool, ipSANs string, csrIPSANs []net.IP, check logicaltest.TestCheckFunc) { if useCSRs { csrTemplate := &x509.CertificateRequest{ Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: issueVals.CommonName, }, IPAddresses: csrIPSANs, } block, _ := getCsr(roleVals.KeyType, roleVals.KeyBits, csrTemplate) issueVals.CSR = strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(block))) } oldRoleVals, oldIssueVals, oldIssueTestStep := roleVals, issueVals, issueTestStep roleVals.UseCSRSANs = useCSRSANs roleVals.AllowIPSANs = allowIPSANs issueVals.CommonName = "someone@example.com" issueVals.IPSANs = ipSANs issueTestStep.ErrorOk = errorOk addTests(check) roleVals, issueVals, issueTestStep = oldRoleVals, oldIssueVals, oldIssueTestStep } roleVals.AllowAnyName = true roleVals.EnforceHostnames = true roleVals.AllowLocalhost = true roleVals.UseCSRCommonName = true commonNames.Localhost = true netip1, netip2 := net.IP{127, 0, 0, 1}, net.IP{170, 171, 172, 173} textip1, textip3 := "", "::1" // IPSANs not allowed and not provided, should not be an error. addIPSANTests(useCSRs, false, false, false, "", nil, getIpCheck()) // IPSANs not allowed, valid IPSANs provided, should be an error. addIPSANTests(useCSRs, false, false, true, textip1+","+textip3, nil, nil) // IPSANs allowed, bogus IPSANs provided, should be an error. addIPSANTests(useCSRs, false, true, true, "foobar", nil, nil) // Given IPSANs as API argument and useCSRSANs false, CSR arg ignored. addIPSANTests(useCSRs, false, true, false, textip1, []net.IP{netip2}, getIpCheck(netip1)) if useCSRs { // IPSANs not allowed, valid IPSANs provided via CSR, should be an error. addIPSANTests(useCSRs, true, false, true, "", []net.IP{netip1}, nil) // Given IPSANs as both API and CSR arguments and useCSRSANs=true, API arg ignored. addIPSANTests(useCSRs, true, true, false, textip3, []net.IP{netip1, netip2}, getIpCheck(netip1, netip2)) } } { getOtherCheck := func(expectedOthers ...otherNameUtf8) logicaltest.TestCheckFunc { return func(resp *logical.Response) error { var certBundle certutil.CertBundle err := mapstructure.Decode(resp.Data, &certBundle) if err != nil { return err } parsedCertBundle, err := certBundle.ToParsedCertBundle() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error parsing cert bundle: %s", err) } cert := parsedCertBundle.Certificate foundOthers, err := getOtherSANsFromX509Extensions(cert.Extensions) if err != nil { return err } var expected []otherNameUtf8 expected = append(expected, expectedOthers...) if diff := deep.Equal(foundOthers, expected); len(diff) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("wrong SAN IPs, diff: %v", diff) } return nil } } addOtherSANTests := func(useCSRs, useCSRSANs bool, allowedOtherSANs []string, errorOk bool, otherSANs []string, csrOtherSANs []otherNameUtf8, check logicaltest.TestCheckFunc) { otherSansMap := func(os []otherNameUtf8) map[string][]string { ret := make(map[string][]string) for _, o := range os { ret[o.oid] = append(ret[o.oid], o.value) } return ret } if useCSRs { csrTemplate := &x509.CertificateRequest{ Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: issueVals.CommonName, }, } if err := handleOtherCSRSANs(csrTemplate, otherSansMap(csrOtherSANs)); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } block, _ := getCsr(roleVals.KeyType, roleVals.KeyBits, csrTemplate) issueVals.CSR = strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(block))) } oldRoleVals, oldIssueVals, oldIssueTestStep := roleVals, issueVals, issueTestStep roleVals.UseCSRSANs = useCSRSANs roleVals.AllowedOtherSANs = allowedOtherSANs issueVals.CommonName = "someone@example.com" issueVals.OtherSANs = strings.Join(otherSANs, ",") issueTestStep.ErrorOk = errorOk addTests(check) roleVals, issueVals, issueTestStep = oldRoleVals, oldIssueVals, oldIssueTestStep } roleVals.AllowAnyName = true roleVals.EnforceHostnames = true roleVals.AllowLocalhost = true roleVals.UseCSRCommonName = true commonNames.Localhost = true newOtherNameUtf8 := func(s string) (ret otherNameUtf8) { pieces := strings.Split(s, ";") if len(pieces) == 2 { piecesRest := strings.Split(pieces[1], ":") if len(piecesRest) == 2 { switch strings.ToUpper(piecesRest[0]) { case "UTF-8", "UTF8": return otherNameUtf8{oid: pieces[0], value: piecesRest[1]} } } } t.Fatalf("error parsing otherName: %q", s) return } oid1 := "" oth1str := oid1 + ";utf8:devops@nope.com" oth1 := newOtherNameUtf8(oth1str) oth2 := otherNameUtf8{oid1, "me@example.com"} // allowNone, allowAll := []string{}, []string{oid1 + ";UTF-8:*"} allowNone, allowAll := []string{}, []string{"*"} // OtherSANs not allowed and not provided, should not be an error. addOtherSANTests(useCSRs, false, allowNone, false, nil, nil, getOtherCheck()) // OtherSANs not allowed, valid OtherSANs provided, should be an error. addOtherSANTests(useCSRs, false, allowNone, true, []string{oth1str}, nil, nil) // OtherSANs allowed, bogus OtherSANs provided, should be an error. addOtherSANTests(useCSRs, false, allowAll, true, []string{"foobar"}, nil, nil) // Given OtherSANs as API argument and useCSRSANs false, CSR arg ignored. addOtherSANTests(useCSRs, false, allowAll, false, []string{oth1str}, []otherNameUtf8{oth2}, getOtherCheck(oth1)) if useCSRs { // OtherSANs not allowed, valid OtherSANs provided via CSR, should be an error. addOtherSANTests(useCSRs, true, allowNone, true, nil, []otherNameUtf8{oth1}, nil) // Given OtherSANs as both API and CSR arguments and useCSRSANs=true, API arg ignored. addOtherSANTests(useCSRs, false, allowAll, false, []string{oth2.String()}, []otherNameUtf8{oth1}, getOtherCheck(oth2)) } } // Lease tests { roleTestStep.ErrorOk = true roleVals.Lease = "" roleVals.MaxTTL = 0 addTests(nil) roleVals.Lease = "12h" roleVals.MaxTTL = 6 * time.Hour addTests(nil) roleTestStep.ErrorOk = false roleVals.TTL = 0 roleVals.MaxTTL = 12 * time.Hour } // Listing test ret = append(ret, logicaltest.TestStep{ Operation: logical.ListOperation, Path: "roles/", Check: func(resp *logical.Response) error { if resp.Data == nil { return fmt.Errorf("nil data") } keysRaw, ok := resp.Data["keys"] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("no keys found") } keys, ok := keysRaw.([]string) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("could not convert keys to a string list") } if len(keys) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected keys length of %d", len(keys)) } if keys[0] != "test" { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected key value of %s", keys[0]) } return nil }, }) return ret } func TestRolesAltIssuer(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // Create two issuers. resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root a - example.com", "issuer_name": "root-a", "key_type": "ec", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) rootAPem := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) rootACert := parseCert(t, rootAPem) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root b - example.com", "issuer_name": "root-b", "key_type": "ec", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) rootBPem := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) rootBCert := parseCert(t, rootBPem) // Create three roles: one with no assignment, one with explicit root-a, // one with explicit root-b. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/use-default", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_any_name": true, "enforce_hostnames": false, "key_type": "ec", }) require.NoError(t, err) _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/use-root-a", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_any_name": true, "enforce_hostnames": false, "key_type": "ec", "issuer_ref": "root-a", }) require.NoError(t, err) _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/use-root-b", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_any_name": true, "enforce_hostnames": false, "issuer_ref": "root-b", }) require.NoError(t, err) // Now issue certs against these roles. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/use-default", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "testing", "ttl": "5s", }) require.NoError(t, err) leafPem := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) leafCert := parseCert(t, leafPem) err = leafCert.CheckSignatureFrom(rootACert) require.NoError(t, err, "should be signed by root-a but wasn't") resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/use-root-a", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "testing", "ttl": "5s", }) require.NoError(t, err) leafPem = resp.Data["certificate"].(string) leafCert = parseCert(t, leafPem) err = leafCert.CheckSignatureFrom(rootACert) require.NoError(t, err, "should be signed by root-a but wasn't") resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/use-root-b", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "testing", "ttl": "5s", }) require.NoError(t, err) leafPem = resp.Data["certificate"].(string) leafCert = parseCert(t, leafPem) err = leafCert.CheckSignatureFrom(rootBCert) require.NoError(t, err, "should be signed by root-b but wasn't") // Update the default issuer to be root B and make sure that the // use-default role updates. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "config/issuers", map[string]interface{}{ "default": "root-b", }) require.NoError(t, err) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/use-default", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "testing", "ttl": "5s", }) require.NoError(t, err) leafPem = resp.Data["certificate"].(string) leafCert = parseCert(t, leafPem) err = leafCert.CheckSignatureFrom(rootBCert) require.NoError(t, err, "should be signed by root-b but wasn't") } func TestBackend_PathFetchValidRaw(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, storage := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) resp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/generate/internal", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.com", "ttl": "6h", }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) require.NoError(t, err) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to generate root, %#v", resp) } rootCaAsPem := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) // Chain should contain the root. resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: "ca_chain", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{}, MountPoint: "pki/", }) require.NoError(t, err) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed read ca_chain, %#v", resp) } if strings.Count(string(resp.Data[logical.HTTPRawBody].([]byte)), rootCaAsPem) != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected raw chain to contain the root cert") } // The ca/pem should return us the actual CA... resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: "ca/pem", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{}, MountPoint: "pki/", }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("ca/pem"), logical.ReadOperation), resp, true) require.NoError(t, err) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed read ca/pem, %#v", resp) } // check the raw cert matches the response body if !bytes.Equal(resp.Data[logical.HTTPRawBody].([]byte), []byte(rootCaAsPem)) { t.Fatalf("failed to get raw cert") } _, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/example", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": "example.com", "allow_subdomains": "true", "max_ttl": "1h", "no_store": "false", }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) require.NoError(t, err, "error setting up pki role: %v", err) // Now issue a short-lived certificate from our pki-external. resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "issue/example", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.example.com", "ttl": "5m", }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) require.NoError(t, err, "error issuing certificate: %v", err) require.NotNil(t, resp, "got nil response from issuing request") issueCrtAsPem := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) issuedCrt := parseCert(t, issueCrtAsPem) expectedSerial := serialFromCert(issuedCrt) expectedCert := []byte(issueCrtAsPem) // get der cert resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: fmt.Sprintf("cert/%s/raw", expectedSerial), Storage: storage, }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to get raw cert, %#v", resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // check the raw cert matches the response body rawBody := resp.Data[logical.HTTPRawBody].([]byte) bodyAsPem := []byte(strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: rawBody})))) if !bytes.Equal(bodyAsPem, expectedCert) { t.Fatalf("failed to get raw cert for serial number: %s", expectedSerial) } if resp.Data[logical.HTTPContentType] != "application/pkix-cert" { t.Fatalf("failed to get raw cert content-type") } // get pem resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: fmt.Sprintf("cert/%s/raw/pem", expectedSerial), Storage: storage, }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to get raw, %#v", resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // check the pem cert matches the response body if !bytes.Equal(resp.Data[logical.HTTPRawBody].([]byte), expectedCert) { t.Fatalf("failed to get pem cert") } if resp.Data[logical.HTTPContentType] != "application/pem-certificate-chain" { t.Fatalf("failed to get raw cert content-type") } } func TestBackend_PathFetchCertList(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // create the backend b, storage := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // generate root rootData := map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.com", "ttl": "6h", } resp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/generate/internal", Storage: storage, Data: rootData, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to generate root, %#v", resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // config urls urlsData := map[string]interface{}{ "issuing_certificates": "", "crl_distribution_points": "", } resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "config/urls", Storage: storage, Data: urlsData, MountPoint: "pki/", }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("config/urls"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.ReadOperation, Path: "config/urls", Storage: storage, MountPoint: "pki/", }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("config/urls"), logical.ReadOperation), resp, true) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to config urls, %#v", resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // create a role entry roleData := map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": "test.com", "allow_subdomains": "true", "max_ttl": "4h", } resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/test-example", Storage: storage, Data: roleData, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to create a role, %#v", resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // issue some certs i := 1 for i < 10 { certData := map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "example.test.com", } resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "issue/test-example", Storage: storage, Data: certData, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to issue a cert, %#v", resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } i = i + 1 } // list certs resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.ListOperation, Path: "certs", Storage: storage, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to list certs, %#v", resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // check that the root and 9 additional certs are all listed if len(resp.Data["keys"].([]string)) != 10 { t.Fatalf("failed to list all 10 certs") } // list certs/ resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.ListOperation, Path: "certs/", Storage: storage, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to list certs, %#v", resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // check that the root and 9 additional certs are all listed if len(resp.Data["keys"].([]string)) != 10 { t.Fatalf("failed to list all 10 certs") } } func TestBackend_SignVerbatim(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testCases := []struct { testName string keyType string }{ {testName: "RSA", keyType: "rsa"}, {testName: "ED25519", keyType: "ed25519"}, {testName: "EC", keyType: "ec"}, {testName: "Any", keyType: "any"}, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) { runTestSignVerbatim(t, tc.keyType) }) } } func runTestSignVerbatim(t *testing.T, keyType string) { // create the backend b, storage := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // generate root rootData := map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.com", "not_after": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z", } resp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/generate/internal", Storage: storage, Data: rootData, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to generate root, %#v", *resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // create a CSR and key key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } csrReq := &x509.CertificateRequest{ Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: "foo.bar.com", }, // Check that otherName extensions are not duplicated (see hashicorp/vault#16700). // If these extensions are duplicated, sign-verbatim will fail when parsing the signed certificate on Go 1.19+ (see golang/go#50988). // On older versions of Go this test will fail due to an explicit check for duplicate otherNames later in this test. ExtraExtensions: []pkix.Extension{ { Id: oidExtensionSubjectAltName, Critical: false, Value: []byte{0x30, 0x26, 0xA0, 0x24, 0x06, 0x0A, 0x2B, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x82, 0x37, 0x14, 0x02, 0x03, 0xA0, 0x16, 0x0C, 0x14, 0x75, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x6E, 0x61, 0x6D, 0x65, 0x40, 0x65, 0x78, 0x61, 0x6D, 0x70, 0x6C, 0x65, 0x2E, 0x63, 0x6F, 0x6D}, }, }, } csr, err := x509.CreateCertificateRequest(rand.Reader, csrReq, key) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(csr) == 0 { t.Fatal("generated csr is empty") } pemCSR := strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE REQUEST", Bytes: csr, }))) if len(pemCSR) == 0 { t.Fatal("pem csr is empty") } signVerbatimData := map[string]interface{}{ "csr": pemCSR, } if keyType == "rsa" { signVerbatimData["signature_bits"] = 512 } resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "sign-verbatim", Storage: storage, Data: signVerbatimData, MountPoint: "pki/", }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("sign-verbatim"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to sign-verbatim basic CSR: %#v", *resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp.Secret != nil { t.Fatal("secret is not nil") } // create a role entry; we use this to check that sign-verbatim when used with a role is still honoring TTLs roleData := map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "4h", "max_ttl": "8h", "key_type": keyType, "not_before_duration": "2h", } resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/test", Storage: storage, Data: roleData, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to create a role, %#v", *resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "sign-verbatim/test", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "csr": pemCSR, "ttl": "5h", }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to sign-verbatim ttl'd CSR: %#v", *resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp.Secret != nil { t.Fatal("got a lease when we should not have") } resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "sign-verbatim/test", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "csr": pemCSR, "ttl": "12h", }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf(resp.Error().Error()) } if resp.Data == nil || resp.Data["certificate"] == nil { t.Fatal("did not get expected data") } certString := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(certString)) if block == nil { t.Fatal("nil pem block") } certs, err := x509.ParseCertificates(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(certs) != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected a single cert, got %d", len(certs)) } cert := certs[0] if math.Abs(float64(time.Now().Add(12*time.Hour).Unix()-cert.NotAfter.Unix())) < 10 { t.Fatalf("sign-verbatim did not properly cap validity period (notAfter) on signed CSR: was %v vs requested %v but should've been %v", cert.NotAfter, time.Now().Add(12*time.Hour), time.Now().Add(8*time.Hour)) } if math.Abs(float64(time.Now().Add(-2*time.Hour).Unix()-cert.NotBefore.Unix())) > 10 { t.Fatalf("sign-verbatim did not properly cap validity period (notBefore) on signed CSR: was %v vs expected %v", cert.NotBefore, time.Now().Add(-2*time.Hour)) } // Now check signing a certificate using the not_after input using the Y10K value resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "sign-verbatim/test", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "csr": pemCSR, "not_after": "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z", }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf(resp.Error().Error()) } if resp.Data == nil || resp.Data["certificate"] == nil { t.Fatal("did not get expected data") } certString = resp.Data["certificate"].(string) block, _ = pem.Decode([]byte(certString)) if block == nil { t.Fatal("nil pem block") } certs, err = x509.ParseCertificates(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(certs) != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected a single cert, got %d", len(certs)) } cert = certs[0] // Fallback check for duplicate otherName, necessary on Go versions before 1.19. // We assume that there is only one SAN in the original CSR and that it is an otherName. san_count := 0 for _, ext := range cert.Extensions { if ext.Id.Equal(oidExtensionSubjectAltName) { san_count += 1 } } if san_count != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected one SAN extension, got %d", san_count) } notAfter := cert.NotAfter.Format(time.RFC3339) if notAfter != "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z" { t.Fatal(fmt.Errorf("not after from certificate is not matching with input parameter")) } // now check that if we set generate-lease it takes it from the role and the TTLs match roleData = map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "4h", "max_ttl": "8h", "generate_lease": true, "key_type": keyType, } resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "roles/test", Storage: storage, Data: roleData, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to create a role, %#v", *resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "sign-verbatim/test", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "csr": pemCSR, "ttl": "5h", }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to sign-verbatim role-leased CSR: %#v", *resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp.Secret == nil { t.Fatalf("secret is nil, response is %#v", *resp) } if math.Abs(float64(resp.Secret.TTL-(5*time.Hour))) > float64(5*time.Hour) { t.Fatalf("ttl not default; wanted %v, got %v", b.System().DefaultLeaseTTL(), resp.Secret.TTL) } } func TestBackend_Root_Idempotency(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // This is a change within 1.11, we are no longer idempotent across generate/internal calls. resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myvault.com", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp, "expected ca info") keyId1 := resp.Data["key_id"] issuerId1 := resp.Data["issuer_id"] resp, err = CBRead(b, s, "cert/ca_chain") require.NoError(t, err, "error reading ca_chain: %v", err) r1Data := resp.Data // Calling generate/internal should generate a new CA as well. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myvault.com", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp, "expected ca info") keyId2 := resp.Data["key_id"] issuerId2 := resp.Data["issuer_id"] // Make sure that we actually generated different issuer and key values require.NotEqual(t, keyId1, keyId2) require.NotEqual(t, issuerId1, issuerId2) // Now because the issued CA's have no links, the call to ca_chain should return the same data (ca chain from default) resp, err = CBRead(b, s, "cert/ca_chain") require.NoError(t, err, "error reading ca_chain: %v", err) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("cert/ca_chain"), logical.ReadOperation), resp, true) r2Data := resp.Data if !reflect.DeepEqual(r1Data, r2Data) { t.Fatal("got different ca certs") } // Now let's validate that the import bundle is idempotent. pemBundleRootCA := rootCACertPEM + "\n" + rootCAKeyPEM resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "config/ca", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": pemBundleRootCA, }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("config/ca"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp, "expected ca info") firstMapping := resp.Data["mapping"].(map[string]string) firstImportedKeys := resp.Data["imported_keys"].([]string) firstImportedIssuers := resp.Data["imported_issuers"].([]string) firstExistingKeys := resp.Data["existing_keys"].([]string) firstExistingIssuers := resp.Data["existing_issuers"].([]string) require.NotContains(t, firstImportedKeys, keyId1) require.NotContains(t, firstImportedKeys, keyId2) require.NotContains(t, firstImportedIssuers, issuerId1) require.NotContains(t, firstImportedIssuers, issuerId2) require.Empty(t, firstExistingKeys) require.Empty(t, firstExistingIssuers) require.NotEmpty(t, firstMapping) require.Equal(t, 1, len(firstMapping)) var issuerId3 string var keyId3 string for i, k := range firstMapping { issuerId3 = i keyId3 = k } // Performing this again should result in no key/issuer ids being imported/generated. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "config/ca", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": pemBundleRootCA, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp, "expected ca info") secondMapping := resp.Data["mapping"].(map[string]string) secondImportedKeys := resp.Data["imported_keys"] secondImportedIssuers := resp.Data["imported_issuers"] secondExistingKeys := resp.Data["existing_keys"] secondExistingIssuers := resp.Data["existing_issuers"] require.Empty(t, secondImportedKeys) require.Empty(t, secondImportedIssuers) require.Contains(t, secondExistingKeys, keyId3) require.Contains(t, secondExistingIssuers, issuerId3) require.Equal(t, 1, len(secondMapping)) resp, err = CBDelete(b, s, "root") require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.Equal(t, 1, len(resp.Warnings)) // Make sure we can delete twice... resp, err = CBDelete(b, s, "root") require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.Equal(t, 1, len(resp.Warnings)) _, err = CBRead(b, s, "cert/ca_chain") require.Error(t, err, "expected an error fetching deleted ca_chain") // We should be able to import the same ca bundle as before and get a different key/issuer ids resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "config/ca", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": pemBundleRootCA, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp, "expected ca info") postDeleteImportedKeys := resp.Data["imported_keys"] postDeleteImportedIssuers := resp.Data["imported_issuers"] // Make sure that we actually generated different issuer and key values, then the previous import require.NotNil(t, postDeleteImportedKeys) require.NotNil(t, postDeleteImportedIssuers) require.NotEqual(t, postDeleteImportedKeys, firstImportedKeys) require.NotEqual(t, postDeleteImportedIssuers, firstImportedIssuers) resp, err = CBRead(b, s, "cert/ca_chain") require.NoError(t, err) caChainPostDelete := resp.Data if reflect.DeepEqual(r1Data, caChainPostDelete) { t.Fatal("ca certs from ca_chain were the same post delete, should have changed.") } } func TestBackend_SignIntermediate_AllowedPastCA(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b_root, s_root := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) b_int, s_int := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) var err error // Direct issuing from root _, err = CBWrite(b_root, s_root, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "40h", "common_name": "myvault.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = CBWrite(b_root, s_root, "roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_bare_domains": true, "allow_subdomains": true, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } resp, err := CBWrite(b_int, s_int, "intermediate/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myint.com", }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b_root.Route("intermediate/generate/internal"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } csr := resp.Data["csr"] _, err = CBWrite(b_root, s_root, "sign/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myint.com", "csr": csr, "ttl": "60h", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } _, err = CBWrite(b_root, s_root, "sign-verbatim/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myint.com", "other_sans": ";utf8:caadmin@example.com", "csr": csr, "ttl": "60h", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } resp, err = CBWrite(b_root, s_root, "root/sign-intermediate", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myint.com", "other_sans": ";utf8:caadmin@example.com", "csr": csr, "ttl": "60h", }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("got error: %v", err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("got nil response") } if len(resp.Warnings) == 0 { t.Fatalf("expected warnings, got %#v", *resp) } } func TestBackend_ConsulSignLeafWithLegacyRole(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // create the backend b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // generate root data, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "40h", "common_name": "myvault.com", }) require.NoError(t, err, "failed generating internal root cert") rootCaPem := data.Data["certificate"].(string) // Create a signing role like Consul did with the default args prior to Vault 1.10 _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_any_name": true, "allowed_serial_numbers": []string{"MySerialNumber"}, "key_type": "any", "key_bits": "2048", "signature_bits": "256", }) require.NoError(t, err, "failed creating legacy role") _, csrPem := generateTestCsr(t, certutil.ECPrivateKey, 256) data, err = CBWrite(b, s, "sign/test", map[string]interface{}{ "csr": csrPem, }) require.NoError(t, err, "failed signing csr") certAsPem := data.Data["certificate"].(string) signedCert := parseCert(t, certAsPem) rootCert := parseCert(t, rootCaPem) requireSignedBy(t, signedCert, rootCert) } func TestBackend_SignSelfIssued(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // create the backend b, storage := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // generate root rootData := map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.com", "ttl": "172800", } resp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/generate/internal", Storage: storage, Data: rootData, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to generate root, %#v", *resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } template := &x509.Certificate{ Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: "foo.bar.com", }, SerialNumber: big.NewInt(1234), IsCA: false, BasicConstraintsValid: true, } ss, _ := getSelfSigned(t, template, template, key) resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/sign-self-issued", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "certificate": ss, }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("got nil response") } if !resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("expected error due to non-CA; got: %#v", *resp) } // Set CA to true, but leave issuer alone template.IsCA = true issuer := &x509.Certificate{ Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: "bar.foo.com", }, SerialNumber: big.NewInt(2345), IsCA: true, BasicConstraintsValid: true, } ss, ssCert := getSelfSigned(t, template, issuer, key) resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/sign-self-issued", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "certificate": ss, }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("got nil response") } if !resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("expected error due to different issuer; cert info is\nIssuer\n%#v\nSubject\n%#v\n", ssCert.Issuer, ssCert.Subject) } ss, _ = getSelfSigned(t, template, template, key) resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/sign-self-issued", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "certificate": ss, }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("root/sign-self-issued"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("got nil response") } if resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("error in response: %s", resp.Error().Error()) } newCertString := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(newCertString)) newCert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } sc := b.makeStorageContext(context.Background(), storage) signingBundle, err := sc.fetchCAInfo(defaultRef, ReadOnlyUsage) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if reflect.DeepEqual(newCert.Subject, newCert.Issuer) { t.Fatal("expected different subject/issuer") } if !reflect.DeepEqual(newCert.Issuer, signingBundle.Certificate.Subject) { t.Fatalf("expected matching issuer/CA subject\n\nIssuer:\n%#v\nSubject:\n%#v\n", newCert.Issuer, signingBundle.Certificate.Subject) } if bytes.Equal(newCert.AuthorityKeyId, newCert.SubjectKeyId) { t.Fatal("expected different authority/subject") } if !bytes.Equal(newCert.AuthorityKeyId, signingBundle.Certificate.SubjectKeyId) { t.Fatal("expected authority on new cert to be same as signing subject") } if newCert.Subject.CommonName != "foo.bar.com" { t.Fatalf("unexpected common name on new cert: %s", newCert.Subject.CommonName) } } // TestBackend_SignSelfIssued_DifferentTypes tests the functionality of the // require_matching_certificate_algorithms flag. func TestBackend_SignSelfIssued_DifferentTypes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // create the backend b, storage := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // generate root rootData := map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.com", "ttl": "172800", "key_type": "ec", "key_bits": "521", } resp, err := b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/generate/internal", Storage: storage, Data: rootData, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if resp != nil && resp.IsError() { t.Fatalf("failed to generate root, %#v", *resp) } if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } key, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } template := &x509.Certificate{ Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: "foo.bar.com", }, SerialNumber: big.NewInt(1234), IsCA: true, BasicConstraintsValid: true, } // Tests absent the flag ss, _ := getSelfSigned(t, template, template, key) resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/sign-self-issued", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "certificate": ss, }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("got nil response") } // Set CA to true, but leave issuer alone template.IsCA = true // Tests with flag present but false ss, _ = getSelfSigned(t, template, template, key) resp, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/sign-self-issued", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "certificate": ss, "require_matching_certificate_algorithms": false, }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("got nil response") } // Test with flag present and true ss, _ = getSelfSigned(t, template, template, key) _, err = b.HandleRequest(context.Background(), &logical.Request{ Operation: logical.UpdateOperation, Path: "root/sign-self-issued", Storage: storage, Data: map[string]interface{}{ "certificate": ss, "require_matching_certificate_algorithms": true, }, MountPoint: "pki/", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error due to mismatched algorithms") } } // This is a really tricky test because the Go stdlib asn1 package is incapable // of doing the right thing with custom OID SANs (see comments in the package, // it's readily admitted that it's too magic) but that means that any // validation logic written for this test isn't being independently verified, // as in, if cryptobytes is used to decode it to make the test work, that // doesn't mean we're encoding and decoding correctly, only that we made the // test pass. Instead, when run verbosely it will first perform a bunch of // checks to verify that the OID SAN logic doesn't screw up other SANs, then // will spit out the PEM. This can be validated independently. // // You want the hex dump of the octet string corresponding to the X509v3 // Subject Alternative Name. There's a nice online utility at // https://lapo.it/asn1js that can be used to view the structure of an // openssl-generated other SAN at // https://lapo.it/asn1js/#3022A020060A2B060104018237140203A0120C106465766F7073406C6F63616C686F7374 // (openssl asn1parse can also be used with -strparse using an offset of the // hex blob for the subject alternative names extension). // // The structure output from here should match that precisely (even if the OID // itself doesn't) in the second test. // // The test that encodes two should have them be in separate elements in the // top-level sequence; see // https://lapo.it/asn1js/#3046A020060A2B060104018237140203A0120C106465766F7073406C6F63616C686F7374A022060A2B060104018237140204A0140C12322D6465766F7073406C6F63616C686F7374 for an openssl-generated example. // // The good news is that it's valid to simply copy and paste the PEM output from // here into the form at that site as it will do the right thing so it's pretty // easy to validate. func TestBackend_OID_SANs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) var err error var resp *logical.Response var certStr string var block *pem.Block var cert *x509.Certificate _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "40h", "common_name": "myvault.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": []string{"foobar.com", "zipzap.com"}, "allow_bare_domains": true, "allow_subdomains": true, "allow_ip_sans": true, "allowed_other_sans": ";UTF8:devops@*,;utf8:d*e@foobar.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Get a baseline before adding OID SANs. In the next sections we'll verify // that the SANs are all added even as the OID SAN inclusion forces other // adding logic (custom rather than built-in Golang logic) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foobar.com,foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } certStr = resp.Data["certificate"].(string) block, _ = pem.Decode([]byte(certStr)) cert, err = x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if cert.IPAddresses[0].String() != "" { t.Fatalf("unexpected IP SAN %q", cert.IPAddresses[0].String()) } if len(cert.DNSNames) != 3 || cert.DNSNames[0] != "bar.foobar.com" || cert.DNSNames[1] != "foo.foobar.com" || cert.DNSNames[2] != "foobar.com" { t.Fatalf("unexpected DNS SANs %v", cert.DNSNames) } // First test some bad stuff that shouldn't work _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", // Not a valid value for the first possibility "other_sans": ";UTF8:devop@nope.com", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", // Not a valid OID for the first possibility "other_sans": ";UTF8:devops@nope.com", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", // Not a valid name for the second possibility "other_sans": ";UTF8:d34g@foobar.com", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", // Not a valid OID for the second possibility "other_sans": ";UTF8:d34e@foobar.com", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", // Not a valid type "other_sans": ";UTF2:d34e@foobar.com", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } // Valid for first possibility resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", "other_sans": ";utf8:devops@nope.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } certStr = resp.Data["certificate"].(string) block, _ = pem.Decode([]byte(certStr)) cert, err = x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if cert.IPAddresses[0].String() != "" { t.Fatalf("unexpected IP SAN %q", cert.IPAddresses[0].String()) } if len(cert.DNSNames) != 3 || cert.DNSNames[0] != "bar.foobar.com" || cert.DNSNames[1] != "foo.foobar.com" || cert.DNSNames[2] != "foobar.com" { t.Fatalf("unexpected DNS SANs %v", cert.DNSNames) } if len(os.Getenv("VAULT_VERBOSE_PKITESTS")) > 0 { t.Logf("certificate 1 to check:\n%s", certStr) } // Valid for second possibility resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", "other_sans": ";UTF8:d234e@foobar.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } certStr = resp.Data["certificate"].(string) block, _ = pem.Decode([]byte(certStr)) cert, err = x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if cert.IPAddresses[0].String() != "" { t.Fatalf("unexpected IP SAN %q", cert.IPAddresses[0].String()) } if len(cert.DNSNames) != 3 || cert.DNSNames[0] != "bar.foobar.com" || cert.DNSNames[1] != "foo.foobar.com" || cert.DNSNames[2] != "foobar.com" { t.Fatalf("unexpected DNS SANs %v", cert.DNSNames) } if len(os.Getenv("VAULT_VERBOSE_PKITESTS")) > 0 { t.Logf("certificate 2 to check:\n%s", certStr) } // Valid for both oid1, type1, val1 := "", "utf8", "devops@nope.com" oid2, type2, val2 := "", "utf-8", "d234e@foobar.com" otherNames := []string{ fmt.Sprintf("%s;%s:%s", oid1, type1, val1), fmt.Sprintf("%s;%s:%s", oid2, type2, val2), } resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", "other_sans": strings.Join(otherNames, ","), }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } certStr = resp.Data["certificate"].(string) block, _ = pem.Decode([]byte(certStr)) cert, err = x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if cert.IPAddresses[0].String() != "" { t.Fatalf("unexpected IP SAN %q", cert.IPAddresses[0].String()) } if len(cert.DNSNames) != 3 || cert.DNSNames[0] != "bar.foobar.com" || cert.DNSNames[1] != "foo.foobar.com" || cert.DNSNames[2] != "foobar.com" { t.Fatalf("unexpected DNS SANs %v", cert.DNSNames) } expectedOtherNames := []otherNameUtf8{{oid1, val1}, {oid2, val2}} foundOtherNames, err := getOtherSANsFromX509Extensions(cert.Extensions) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if diff := deep.Equal(expectedOtherNames, foundOtherNames); len(diff) != 0 { t.Errorf("unexpected otherNames: %v", diff) } if len(os.Getenv("VAULT_VERBOSE_PKITESTS")) > 0 { t.Logf("certificate 3 to check:\n%s", certStr) } } func TestBackend_AllowedSerialNumbers(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) var err error var resp *logical.Response var certStr string var block *pem.Block var cert *x509.Certificate _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "40h", "common_name": "myvault.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // First test that Serial Numbers are not allowed _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_any_name": true, "enforce_hostnames": false, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar", "ttl": "1h", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar", "ttl": "1h", "serial_number": "foobar", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } // Update the role to allow serial numbers _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_any_name": true, "enforce_hostnames": false, "allowed_serial_numbers": "f00*,b4r*", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar", "ttl": "1h", // Not a valid serial number "serial_number": "foobar", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } // Valid for first possibility resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar", "serial_number": "f00bar", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } certStr = resp.Data["certificate"].(string) block, _ = pem.Decode([]byte(certStr)) cert, err = x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if cert.Subject.SerialNumber != "f00bar" { t.Fatalf("unexpected Subject SerialNumber %s", cert.Subject.SerialNumber) } if len(os.Getenv("VAULT_VERBOSE_PKITESTS")) > 0 { t.Logf("certificate 1 to check:\n%s", certStr) } // Valid for second possibility resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar", "serial_number": "b4rf00", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } certStr = resp.Data["certificate"].(string) block, _ = pem.Decode([]byte(certStr)) cert, err = x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if cert.Subject.SerialNumber != "b4rf00" { t.Fatalf("unexpected Subject SerialNumber %s", cert.Subject.SerialNumber) } if len(os.Getenv("VAULT_VERBOSE_PKITESTS")) > 0 { t.Logf("certificate 2 to check:\n%s", certStr) } } func TestBackend_URI_SANs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) var err error _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "40h", "common_name": "myvault.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": []string{"foobar.com", "zipzap.com"}, "allow_bare_domains": true, "allow_subdomains": true, "allow_ip_sans": true, "allowed_uri_sans": []string{"http://someuri/abc", "spiffe://host.com/*"}, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // First test some bad stuff that shouldn't work _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", "uri_sans": "http://www.mydomain.com/zxf", }) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } // Test valid single entry _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", "uri_sans": "http://someuri/abc", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Test globed entry _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", "uri_sans": "spiffe://host.com/something", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Test multiple entries resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "foobar.com", "ip_sans": "", "alt_names": "foo.foobar.com,bar.foobar.com", "ttl": "1h", "uri_sans": "spiffe://host.com/something,http://someuri/abc", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } certStr := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(certStr)) cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } URI0, _ := url.Parse("spiffe://host.com/something") URI1, _ := url.Parse("http://someuri/abc") if len(cert.URIs) != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected 2 valid URIs SANs %v", cert.URIs) } if cert.URIs[0].String() != URI0.String() || cert.URIs[1].String() != URI1.String() { t.Fatalf( "expected URIs SANs %v to equal provided values spiffe://host.com/something, http://someuri/abc", cert.URIs) } } func TestBackend_AllowedURISANsTemplate(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() coreConfig := &vault.CoreConfig{ CredentialBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{ "userpass": userpass.Factory, }, LogicalBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{ "pki": Factory, }, } cluster := vault.NewTestCluster(t, coreConfig, &vault.TestClusterOptions{ HandlerFunc: vaulthttp.Handler, }) cluster.Start() defer cluster.Cleanup() client := cluster.Cores[0].Client // Write test policy for userpass auth method. err := client.Sys().PutPolicy("test", ` path "pki/*" { capabilities = ["update"] }`) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Enable userpass auth method. if err := client.Sys().EnableAuth("userpass", "userpass", ""); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Configure test role for userpass. if _, err := client.Logical().Write("auth/userpass/users/userpassname", map[string]interface{}{ "password": "test", "policies": "test", }); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Login userpass for test role and keep client token. secret, err := client.Logical().Write("auth/userpass/login/userpassname", map[string]interface{}{ "password": "test", }) if err != nil || secret == nil { t.Fatal(err) } userpassToken := secret.Auth.ClientToken // Get auth accessor for identity template. auths, err := client.Sys().ListAuth() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } userpassAccessor := auths["userpass/"].Accessor // Mount PKI. err = client.Sys().Mount("pki", &api.MountInput{ Type: "pki", Config: api.MountConfigInput{ DefaultLeaseTTL: "16h", MaxLeaseTTL: "60h", }, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Generate internal CA. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "40h", "common_name": "myvault.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Write role PKI. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_uri_sans": []string{ "spiffe://domain/{{identity.entity.aliases." + userpassAccessor + ".name}}", "spiffe://domain/{{identity.entity.aliases." + userpassAccessor + ".name}}/*", "spiffe://domain/foo", }, "allowed_uri_sans_template": true, "require_cn": false, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue certificate with identity templating client.SetToken(userpassToken) _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/issue/test", map[string]interface{}{"uri_sans": "spiffe://domain/userpassname, spiffe://domain/foo"}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue certificate with identity templating and glob client.SetToken(userpassToken) _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/issue/test", map[string]interface{}{"uri_sans": "spiffe://domain/userpassname/bar"}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue certificate with non-matching identity template parameter client.SetToken(userpassToken) _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/issue/test", map[string]interface{}{"uri_sans": "spiffe://domain/unknownuser"}) if err == nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Set allowed_uri_sans_template to false. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_uri_sans_template": false, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue certificate with userpassToken. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/issue/test", map[string]interface{}{"uri_sans": "spiffe://domain/users/userpassname"}) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } } func TestBackend_AllowedDomainsTemplate(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() coreConfig := &vault.CoreConfig{ CredentialBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{ "userpass": userpass.Factory, }, LogicalBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{ "pki": Factory, }, } cluster := vault.NewTestCluster(t, coreConfig, &vault.TestClusterOptions{ HandlerFunc: vaulthttp.Handler, }) cluster.Start() defer cluster.Cleanup() client := cluster.Cores[0].Client // Write test policy for userpass auth method. err := client.Sys().PutPolicy("test", ` path "pki/*" { capabilities = ["update"] }`) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Enable userpass auth method. if err := client.Sys().EnableAuth("userpass", "userpass", ""); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Configure test role for userpass. if _, err := client.Logical().Write("auth/userpass/users/userpassname", map[string]interface{}{ "password": "test", "policies": "test", }); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Login userpass for test role and set client token userpassAuth, err := auth.NewUserpassAuth("userpassname", &auth.Password{FromString: "test"}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Get auth accessor for identity template. auths, err := client.Sys().ListAuth() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } userpassAccessor := auths["userpass/"].Accessor // Mount PKI. err = client.Sys().Mount("pki", &api.MountInput{ Type: "pki", Config: api.MountConfigInput{ DefaultLeaseTTL: "16h", MaxLeaseTTL: "60h", }, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Generate internal CA. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "40h", "common_name": "myvault.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Write role PKI. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": []string{ "foobar.com", "zipzap.com", "{{identity.entity.aliases." + userpassAccessor + ".name}}", "foo.{{identity.entity.aliases." + userpassAccessor + ".name}}.example.com", }, "allowed_domains_template": true, "allow_bare_domains": true, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue certificate with userpassToken. secret, err := client.Auth().Login(context.TODO(), userpassAuth) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err != nil || secret == nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/issue/test", map[string]interface{}{"common_name": "userpassname"}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue certificate for foobar.com to verify allowed_domain_template doesn't break plain domains. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/issue/test", map[string]interface{}{"common_name": "foobar.com"}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue certificate for unknown userpassname. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/issue/test", map[string]interface{}{"common_name": "unknownuserpassname"}) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } // Issue certificate for foo.userpassname.domain. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/issue/test", map[string]interface{}{"common_name": "foo.userpassname.example.com"}) if err != nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } // Set allowed_domains_template to false. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains_template": false, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Issue certificate with userpassToken. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/issue/test", map[string]interface{}{"common_name": "userpassname"}) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } } func TestReadWriteDeleteRoles(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := context.Background() coreConfig := &vault.CoreConfig{ CredentialBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{ "userpass": userpass.Factory, }, LogicalBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{ "pki": Factory, }, } cluster := vault.NewTestCluster(t, coreConfig, &vault.TestClusterOptions{ HandlerFunc: vaulthttp.Handler, }) cluster.Start() defer cluster.Cleanup() client := cluster.Cores[0].Client // Mount PKI. err := client.Sys().MountWithContext(ctx, "pki", &api.MountInput{ Type: "pki", Config: api.MountConfigInput{ DefaultLeaseTTL: "16h", MaxLeaseTTL: "60h", }, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } resp, err := client.Logical().ReadWithContext(ctx, "pki/roles/test") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp != nil { t.Fatalf("response should have been emtpy but was:\n%#v", resp) } // Write role PKI. _, err = client.Logical().WriteWithContext(ctx, "pki/roles/test", map[string]interface{}{}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Read the role. resp, err = client.Logical().ReadWithContext(ctx, "pki/roles/test") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp.Data == nil { t.Fatal("default data within response was nil when it should have contained data") } // Validate that we have not changed any defaults unknowingly expectedData := map[string]interface{}{ "key_type": "rsa", "use_csr_sans": true, "client_flag": true, "allowed_serial_numbers": []interface{}{}, "generate_lease": false, "signature_bits": json.Number("256"), "use_pss": false, "allowed_domains": []interface{}{}, "allowed_uri_sans_template": false, "enforce_hostnames": true, "policy_identifiers": []interface{}{}, "require_cn": true, "allowed_domains_template": false, "allow_token_displayname": false, "country": []interface{}{}, "not_after": "", "postal_code": []interface{}{}, "use_csr_common_name": true, "allow_localhost": true, "allow_subdomains": false, "allow_wildcard_certificates": true, "allowed_other_sans": []interface{}{}, "allowed_uri_sans": []interface{}{}, "basic_constraints_valid_for_non_ca": false, "key_usage": []interface{}{"DigitalSignature", "KeyAgreement", "KeyEncipherment"}, "not_before_duration": json.Number("30"), "allow_glob_domains": false, "ttl": json.Number("0"), "ou": []interface{}{}, "email_protection_flag": false, "locality": []interface{}{}, "server_flag": true, "allow_bare_domains": false, "allow_ip_sans": true, "ext_key_usage_oids": []interface{}{}, "allow_any_name": false, "ext_key_usage": []interface{}{}, "key_bits": json.Number("2048"), "max_ttl": json.Number("0"), "no_store": false, "organization": []interface{}{}, "province": []interface{}{}, "street_address": []interface{}{}, "code_signing_flag": false, "issuer_ref": "default", "cn_validations": []interface{}{"email", "hostname"}, "allowed_user_ids": []interface{}{}, } if diff := deep.Equal(expectedData, resp.Data); len(diff) > 0 { t.Fatalf("pki role default values have changed, diff: %v", diff) } _, err = client.Logical().DeleteWithContext(ctx, "pki/roles/test") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } resp, err = client.Logical().ReadWithContext(ctx, "pki/roles/test") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp != nil { t.Fatalf("response should have been empty but was:\n%#v", resp) } } func setCerts() { cak, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader) if err != nil { panic(err) } marshaledKey, err := x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(cak) if err != nil { panic(err) } keyPEMBlock := &pem.Block{ Type: "EC PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: marshaledKey, } ecCAKey = strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(keyPEMBlock))) if err != nil { panic(err) } subjKeyID, err := certutil.GetSubjKeyID(cak) if err != nil { panic(err) } caCertTemplate := &x509.Certificate{ Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: "root.localhost", }, SubjectKeyId: subjKeyID, DNSNames: []string{"root.localhost"}, KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsage(x509.KeyUsageCertSign | x509.KeyUsageCRLSign), SerialNumber: big.NewInt(mathrand.Int63()), NotAfter: time.Now().Add(262980 * time.Hour), BasicConstraintsValid: true, IsCA: true, } caBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, caCertTemplate, caCertTemplate, cak.Public(), cak) if err != nil { panic(err) } caCertPEMBlock := &pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: caBytes, } ecCACert = strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(caCertPEMBlock))) rak, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) if err != nil { panic(err) } marshaledKey = x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(rak) keyPEMBlock = &pem.Block{ Type: "RSA PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: marshaledKey, } rsaCAKey = strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(keyPEMBlock))) if err != nil { panic(err) } _, err = certutil.GetSubjKeyID(rak) if err != nil { panic(err) } caBytes, err = x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, caCertTemplate, caCertTemplate, rak.Public(), rak) if err != nil { panic(err) } caCertPEMBlock = &pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: caBytes, } rsaCACert = strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(caCertPEMBlock))) _, edk, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader) if err != nil { panic(err) } marshaledKey, err = x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(edk) if err != nil { panic(err) } keyPEMBlock = &pem.Block{ Type: "PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: marshaledKey, } edCAKey = strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(keyPEMBlock))) if err != nil { panic(err) } _, err = certutil.GetSubjKeyID(edk) if err != nil { panic(err) } caBytes, err = x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, caCertTemplate, caCertTemplate, edk.Public(), edk) if err != nil { panic(err) } caCertPEMBlock = &pem.Block{ Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: caBytes, } edCACert = strings.TrimSpace(string(pem.EncodeToMemory(caCertPEMBlock))) } func TestBackend_RevokePlusTidy_Intermediate(t *testing.T) { // Use a ridiculously long time to minimize the chance // that we have to deal with more than one interval. // InMemSink rounds down to an interval boundary rather than // starting one at the time of initialization. // // This test is not parallelizable. inmemSink := metrics.NewInmemSink( 1000000*time.Hour, 2000000*time.Hour) metricsConf := metrics.DefaultConfig("") metricsConf.EnableHostname = false metricsConf.EnableHostnameLabel = false metricsConf.EnableServiceLabel = false metricsConf.EnableTypePrefix = false _, err := metrics.NewGlobal(metricsConf, inmemSink) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Enable PKI secret engine coreConfig := &vault.CoreConfig{ LogicalBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{ "pki": Factory, }, } cluster := vault.NewTestCluster(t, coreConfig, &vault.TestClusterOptions{ HandlerFunc: vaulthttp.Handler, }) cluster.Start() defer cluster.Cleanup() cores := cluster.Cores vault.TestWaitActive(t, cores[0].Core) client := cores[0].Client // Mount /pki as a root CA err = client.Sys().Mount("pki", &api.MountInput{ Type: "pki", Config: api.MountConfigInput{ DefaultLeaseTTL: "16h", MaxLeaseTTL: "32h", }, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Set up Metric Configuration, then restart to enable it _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/config/auto-tidy", map[string]interface{}{ "maintain_stored_certificate_counts": true, "publish_stored_certificate_count_metrics": true, }) _, err = client.Logical().Write("/sys/plugins/reload/backend", map[string]interface{}{ "mounts": "pki/", }) // Check the metrics initialized in order to calculate backendUUID for /pki // BackendUUID not consistent during tests with UUID from /sys/mounts/pki metricsSuffix := "total_certificates_stored" backendUUID := "" mostRecentInterval := inmemSink.Data()[len(inmemSink.Data())-1] for _, existingGauge := range mostRecentInterval.Gauges { if strings.HasSuffix(existingGauge.Name, metricsSuffix) { expandedGaugeName := existingGauge.Name backendUUID = strings.Split(expandedGaugeName, ".")[2] break } } if backendUUID == "" { t.Fatalf("No Gauge Found ending with %s", metricsSuffix) } // Set the cluster's certificate as the root CA in /pki pemBundleRootCA := string(cluster.CACertPEM) + string(cluster.CAKeyPEM) _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/config/ca", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": pemBundleRootCA, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Mount /pki2 to operate as an intermediate CA err = client.Sys().Mount("pki2", &api.MountInput{ Type: "pki", Config: api.MountConfigInput{ DefaultLeaseTTL: "16h", MaxLeaseTTL: "32h", }, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Set up Metric Configuration, then restart to enable it _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki2/config/auto-tidy", map[string]interface{}{ "maintain_stored_certificate_counts": true, "publish_stored_certificate_count_metrics": true, }) _, err = client.Logical().Write("/sys/plugins/reload/backend", map[string]interface{}{ "mounts": "pki2/", }) // Create a CSR for the intermediate CA secret, err := client.Logical().Write("pki2/intermediate/generate/internal", nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } intermediateCSR := secret.Data["csr"].(string) // Sign the intermediate CSR using /pki secret, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/root/sign-intermediate", map[string]interface{}{ "permitted_dns_domains": ".myvault.com", "csr": intermediateCSR, "ttl": "10s", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } intermediateCertSerial := secret.Data["serial_number"].(string) intermediateCASerialColon := strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToLower(intermediateCertSerial), ":", "-") // Get the intermediate cert after signing secret, err = client.Logical().Read("pki/cert/" + intermediateCASerialColon) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if secret == nil || len(secret.Data) == 0 || len(secret.Data["certificate"].(string)) == 0 { t.Fatal("expected certificate information from read operation") } // Issue a revoke on on /pki _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/revoke", map[string]interface{}{ "serial_number": intermediateCertSerial, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Check the cert-count metrics expectedCertCountGaugeMetrics := map[string]float32{ "secrets.pki." + backendUUID + ".total_revoked_certificates_stored": 1, "secrets.pki." + backendUUID + ".total_certificates_stored": 1, } mostRecentInterval = inmemSink.Data()[len(inmemSink.Data())-1] for gauge, value := range expectedCertCountGaugeMetrics { if _, ok := mostRecentInterval.Gauges[gauge]; !ok { t.Fatalf("Expected metrics to include a value for gauge %s", gauge) } if value != mostRecentInterval.Gauges[gauge].Value { t.Fatalf("Expected value metric %s to be %f but got %f", gauge, value, mostRecentInterval.Gauges[gauge].Value) } } // Revoke adds a fixed 2s buffer, so we sleep for a bit longer to ensure // the revocation time is past the current time. time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) // Issue a tidy on /pki _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/tidy", map[string]interface{}{ "tidy_cert_store": true, "tidy_revoked_certs": true, "safety_buffer": "1s", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Sleep a bit to make sure we're past the safety buffer time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // Get CRL and ensure the tidied cert is still in the list after the tidy // operation since it's not past the NotAfter (ttl) value yet. crl := getParsedCrl(t, client, "pki") revokedCerts := crl.TBSCertList.RevokedCertificates if len(revokedCerts) == 0 { t.Fatal("expected CRL to be non-empty") } sn := certutil.GetHexFormatted(revokedCerts[0].SerialNumber.Bytes(), ":") if sn != intermediateCertSerial { t.Fatalf("expected: %v, got: %v", intermediateCertSerial, sn) } // Wait for cert to expire time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) // Issue a tidy on /pki _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/tidy", map[string]interface{}{ "tidy_cert_store": true, "tidy_revoked_certs": true, "safety_buffer": "1s", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Sleep a bit to make sure we're past the safety buffer time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // Issue a tidy-status on /pki { tidyStatus, err := client.Logical().Read("pki/tidy-status") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } expectedData := map[string]interface{}{ "safety_buffer": json.Number("1"), "issuer_safety_buffer": json.Number("31536000"), "revocation_queue_safety_buffer": json.Number("172800"), "tidy_cert_store": true, "tidy_revoked_certs": true, "tidy_revoked_cert_issuer_associations": false, "tidy_expired_issuers": false, "tidy_move_legacy_ca_bundle": false, "tidy_revocation_queue": false, "tidy_cross_cluster_revoked_certs": false, "pause_duration": "0s", "state": "Finished", "error": nil, "time_started": nil, "time_finished": nil, "last_auto_tidy_finished": nil, "message": nil, "cert_store_deleted_count": json.Number("1"), "revoked_cert_deleted_count": json.Number("1"), "missing_issuer_cert_count": json.Number("0"), "current_cert_store_count": json.Number("0"), "current_revoked_cert_count": json.Number("0"), "revocation_queue_deleted_count": json.Number("0"), "cross_revoked_cert_deleted_count": json.Number("0"), "internal_backend_uuid": backendUUID, } // Let's copy the times from the response so that we can use deep.Equal() timeStarted, ok := tidyStatus.Data["time_started"] if !ok || timeStarted == "" { t.Fatal("Expected tidy status response to include a value for time_started") } expectedData["time_started"] = timeStarted timeFinished, ok := tidyStatus.Data["time_finished"] if !ok || timeFinished == "" { t.Fatal("Expected tidy status response to include a value for time_finished") } expectedData["time_finished"] = timeFinished expectedData["last_auto_tidy_finished"] = tidyStatus.Data["last_auto_tidy_finished"] if diff := deep.Equal(expectedData, tidyStatus.Data); diff != nil { t.Fatal(diff) } } // Check the tidy metrics { // Map of gauges to expected value expectedGauges := map[string]float32{ "secrets.pki.tidy.cert_store_current_entry": 0, "secrets.pki.tidy.cert_store_total_entries": 1, "secrets.pki.tidy.revoked_cert_current_entry": 0, "secrets.pki.tidy.revoked_cert_total_entries": 1, "secrets.pki.tidy.start_time_epoch": 0, "secrets.pki." + backendUUID + ".total_certificates_stored": 0, "secrets.pki." + backendUUID + ".total_revoked_certificates_stored": 0, "secrets.pki.tidy.cert_store_total_entries_remaining": 0, "secrets.pki.tidy.revoked_cert_total_entries_remaining": 0, } // Map of counters to the sum of the metrics for that counter expectedCounters := map[string]float64{ "secrets.pki.tidy.cert_store_deleted_count": 1, "secrets.pki.tidy.revoked_cert_deleted_count": 1, "secrets.pki.tidy.success": 2, // Note that "secrets.pki.tidy.failure" won't be in the captured metrics } // If the metrics span more than one interval, skip the checks intervals := inmemSink.Data() if len(intervals) == 1 { interval := inmemSink.Data()[0] for gauge, value := range expectedGauges { if _, ok := interval.Gauges[gauge]; !ok { t.Fatalf("Expected metrics to include a value for gauge %s", gauge) } if value != interval.Gauges[gauge].Value { t.Fatalf("Expected value metric %s to be %f but got %f", gauge, value, interval.Gauges[gauge].Value) } } for counter, value := range expectedCounters { if _, ok := interval.Counters[counter]; !ok { t.Fatalf("Expected metrics to include a value for couter %s", counter) } if value != interval.Counters[counter].Sum { t.Fatalf("Expected the sum of metric %s to be %f but got %f", counter, value, interval.Counters[counter].Sum) } } tidyDuration, ok := interval.Samples["secrets.pki.tidy.duration"] if !ok { t.Fatal("Expected metrics to include a value for sample secrets.pki.tidy.duration") } if tidyDuration.Count <= 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected metrics to have count > 0 for sample secrets.pki.tidy.duration, but got %d", tidyDuration.Count) } } } crl = getParsedCrl(t, client, "pki") revokedCerts = crl.TBSCertList.RevokedCertificates if len(revokedCerts) != 0 { t.Fatal("expected CRL to be empty") } } func TestBackend_Root_FullCAChain(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testCases := []struct { testName string keyType string }{ {testName: "RSA", keyType: "rsa"}, {testName: "ED25519", keyType: "ed25519"}, {testName: "EC", keyType: "ec"}, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) { runFullCAChainTest(t, tc.keyType) }) } } func runFullCAChainTest(t *testing.T, keyType string) { // Generate a root CA at /pki-root b_root, s_root := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) var err error resp, err := CBWrite(b_root, s_root, "root/generate/exported", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "key_type": keyType, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("expected ca info") } rootData := resp.Data rootCert := rootData["certificate"].(string) // Validate that root's /cert/ca-chain now contains the certificate. resp, err = CBRead(b_root, s_root, "cert/ca_chain") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("expected intermediate chain information") } fullChain := resp.Data["ca_chain"].(string) requireCertInCaChainString(t, fullChain, rootCert, "expected root cert within root cert/ca_chain") // Make sure when we issue a leaf certificate we get the full chain back. _, err = CBWrite(b_root, s_root, "roles/example", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": "example.com", "allow_subdomains": "true", "max_ttl": "1h", }) require.NoError(t, err, "error setting up pki root role: %v", err) resp, err = CBWrite(b_root, s_root, "issue/example", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.example.com", "ttl": "5m", }) require.NoError(t, err, "error issuing certificate from pki root: %v", err) fullChainArray := resp.Data["ca_chain"].([]string) requireCertInCaChainArray(t, fullChainArray, rootCert, "expected root cert within root issuance pki-root/issue/example") // Now generate an intermediate at /pki-intermediate, signed by the root. b_int, s_int := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) resp, err = CBWrite(b_int, s_int, "intermediate/generate/exported", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "intermediate myvault.com", "key_type": keyType, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("expected intermediate CSR info") } intermediateData := resp.Data intermediateKey := intermediateData["private_key"].(string) resp, err = CBWrite(b_root, s_root, "root/sign-intermediate", map[string]interface{}{ "csr": intermediateData["csr"], "format": "pem", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("expected signed intermediate info") } intermediateSignedData := resp.Data intermediateCert := intermediateSignedData["certificate"].(string) rootCaCert := parseCert(t, rootCert) intermediaryCaCert := parseCert(t, intermediateCert) requireSignedBy(t, intermediaryCaCert, rootCaCert) intermediateCaChain := intermediateSignedData["ca_chain"].([]string) require.Equal(t, parseCert(t, intermediateCaChain[0]), intermediaryCaCert, "intermediate signed cert should have been part of ca_chain") require.Equal(t, parseCert(t, intermediateCaChain[1]), rootCaCert, "root cert should have been part of ca_chain") _, err = CBWrite(b_int, s_int, "intermediate/set-signed", map[string]interface{}{ "certificate": intermediateCert + "\n" + rootCert + "\n", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Validate that intermediate's ca_chain field now includes the full // chain. resp, err = CBRead(b_int, s_int, "cert/ca_chain") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("expected intermediate chain information") } // Verify we have a proper CRL now crl := getParsedCrlFromBackend(t, b_int, s_int, "crl") require.Equal(t, 0, len(crl.TBSCertList.RevokedCertificates)) fullChain = resp.Data["ca_chain"].(string) requireCertInCaChainString(t, fullChain, intermediateCert, "expected full chain to contain intermediate certificate from pki-intermediate/cert/ca_chain") requireCertInCaChainString(t, fullChain, rootCert, "expected full chain to contain root certificate from pki-intermediate/cert/ca_chain") // Make sure when we issue a leaf certificate we get the full chain back. _, err = CBWrite(b_int, s_int, "roles/example", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": "example.com", "allow_subdomains": "true", "max_ttl": "1h", }) require.NoError(t, err, "error setting up pki intermediate role: %v", err) resp, err = CBWrite(b_int, s_int, "issue/example", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.example.com", "ttl": "5m", }) require.NoError(t, err, "error issuing certificate from pki intermediate: %v", err) fullChainArray = resp.Data["ca_chain"].([]string) requireCertInCaChainArray(t, fullChainArray, intermediateCert, "expected full chain to contain intermediate certificate from pki-intermediate/issue/example") requireCertInCaChainArray(t, fullChainArray, rootCert, "expected full chain to contain root certificate from pki-intermediate/issue/example") // Finally, import this signing cert chain into a new mount to ensure // "external" CAs behave as expected. b_ext, s_ext := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) _, err = CBWrite(b_ext, s_ext, "config/ca", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": intermediateKey + "\n" + intermediateCert + "\n" + rootCert + "\n", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Validate the external chain information was loaded correctly. resp, err = CBRead(b_ext, s_ext, "cert/ca_chain") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("expected intermediate chain information") } fullChain = resp.Data["ca_chain"].(string) if strings.Count(fullChain, intermediateCert) != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected full chain to contain intermediate certificate; got %v occurrences", strings.Count(fullChain, intermediateCert)) } if strings.Count(fullChain, rootCert) != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected full chain to contain root certificate; got %v occurrences", strings.Count(fullChain, rootCert)) } // Now issue a short-lived certificate from our pki-external. _, err = CBWrite(b_ext, s_ext, "roles/example", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": "example.com", "allow_subdomains": "true", "max_ttl": "1h", }) require.NoError(t, err, "error setting up pki role: %v", err) resp, err = CBWrite(b_ext, s_ext, "issue/example", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.example.com", "ttl": "5m", }) require.NoError(t, err, "error issuing certificate: %v", err) require.NotNil(t, resp, "got nil response from issuing request") issueCrtAsPem := resp.Data["certificate"].(string) issuedCrt := parseCert(t, issueCrtAsPem) // Verify that the certificates are signed by the intermediary CA key... requireSignedBy(t, issuedCrt, intermediaryCaCert) // Test that we can request that the root ca certificate not appear in the ca_chain field resp, err = CBWrite(b_ext, s_ext, "issue/example", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.example.com", "ttl": "5m", "remove_roots_from_chain": "true", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "error issuing certificate when removing self signed") fullChain = strings.Join(resp.Data["ca_chain"].([]string), "\n") if strings.Count(fullChain, intermediateCert) != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected full chain to contain intermediate certificate; got %v occurrences", strings.Count(fullChain, intermediateCert)) } if strings.Count(fullChain, rootCert) != 0 { t.Fatalf("expected full chain to NOT contain root certificate; got %v occurrences", strings.Count(fullChain, rootCert)) } } func requireCertInCaChainArray(t *testing.T, chain []string, cert string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { var fullChain string for _, caCert := range chain { fullChain = fullChain + "\n" + caCert } requireCertInCaChainString(t, fullChain, cert, msgAndArgs) } func requireCertInCaChainString(t *testing.T, chain string, cert string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) { count := strings.Count(chain, cert) if count != 1 { failMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Found %d occurrances of the cert in the provided chain", count) require.FailNow(t, failMsg, msgAndArgs...) } } type MultiBool int const ( MFalse MultiBool = iota MTrue MultiBool = iota MAny MultiBool = iota ) func (o MultiBool) ToValues() []bool { if o == MTrue { return []bool{true} } if o == MFalse { return []bool{false} } if o == MAny { return []bool{true, false} } return []bool{} } type IssuanceRegression struct { AllowedDomains []string AllowBareDomains MultiBool AllowGlobDomains MultiBool AllowSubdomains MultiBool AllowLocalhost MultiBool AllowWildcardCertificates MultiBool CNValidations []string CommonName string Issued bool } func RoleIssuanceRegressionHelper(t *testing.T, b *backend, s logical.Storage, index int, test IssuanceRegression) int { tested := 0 for _, AllowBareDomains := range test.AllowBareDomains.ToValues() { for _, AllowGlobDomains := range test.AllowGlobDomains.ToValues() { for _, AllowSubdomains := range test.AllowSubdomains.ToValues() { for _, AllowLocalhost := range test.AllowLocalhost.ToValues() { for _, AllowWildcardCertificates := range test.AllowWildcardCertificates.ToValues() { role := fmt.Sprintf("issuance-regression-%d-bare-%v-glob-%v-subdomains-%v-localhost-%v-wildcard-%v", index, AllowBareDomains, AllowGlobDomains, AllowSubdomains, AllowLocalhost, AllowWildcardCertificates) _, err := CBWrite(b, s, "roles/"+role, map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": test.AllowedDomains, "allow_bare_domains": AllowBareDomains, "allow_glob_domains": AllowGlobDomains, "allow_subdomains": AllowSubdomains, "allow_localhost": AllowLocalhost, "allow_wildcard_certificates": AllowWildcardCertificates, "cn_validations": test.CNValidations, // TODO: test across this vector as well. Currently certain wildcard // matching is broken with it enabled (such as x*x.foo). "enforce_hostnames": false, "key_type": "ec", "key_bits": 256, "no_store": true, // With the CN Validations field, ensure we prevent CN from appearing // in SANs. }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "issue/"+role, map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": test.CommonName, "exclude_cn_from_sans": true, }) haveErr := err != nil || resp == nil expectErr := !test.Issued if haveErr != expectErr { t.Fatalf("issuance regression test [%d] failed: haveErr: %v, expectErr: %v, err: %v, resp: %v, test case: %v, role: %v", index, haveErr, expectErr, err, resp, test, role) } tested += 1 } } } } } return tested } func TestBackend_Roles_IssuanceRegression(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // Regression testing of role's issuance policy. testCases := []IssuanceRegression{ // allowed, bare, glob, subdomains, localhost, wildcards, cn, issued // === Globs not allowed but used === // // Allowed contains globs, but globbing not allowed, resulting in all // issuances failing. Note that tests against issuing a wildcard with // a bare domain will be covered later. /* 0 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "baz.fud.bar.foo", false}, /* 1 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.fud.bar.foo", false}, /* 2 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "fud.bar.foo", false}, /* 3 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.bar.foo", false}, /* 4 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "bar.foo", false}, /* 5 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.foo", false}, /* 6 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "foo", false}, /* 7 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "baz.fud.bar.foo", false}, /* 8 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.fud.bar.foo", false}, /* 9 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "fud.bar.foo", false}, /* 10 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.bar.foo", false}, /* 11 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "bar.foo", false}, /* 12 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "foo", false}, // === Localhost sanity === // // Localhost forbidden, not matching allowed domains -> not issued /* 13 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MAny, MAny, MFalse, MAny, nil, "localhost", false}, // Localhost allowed, not matching allowed domains -> issued /* 14 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, nil, "localhost", true}, // Localhost allowed via allowed domains (and bare allowed), not by AllowLocalhost -> issued /* 15 */ {[]string{"localhost"}, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MFalse, MAny, nil, "localhost", true}, // Localhost allowed via allowed domains (and bare not allowed), not by AllowLocalhost -> not issued /* 16 */ {[]string{"localhost"}, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MFalse, MAny, nil, "localhost", false}, // Localhost allowed via allowed domains (but bare not allowed), and by AllowLocalhost -> issued /* 17 */ {[]string{"localhost"}, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, nil, "localhost", true}, // === Bare wildcard issuance == // // allowed_domains contains one or more wildcards and bare domains allowed, // resulting in the cert being issued. /* 18 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.foo", true}, /* 19 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.*.foo", false}, // Does not conform to RFC 6125 // === Double Leading Glob Testing === // // Allowed contains globs, but glob allowed so certain matches work. // The value of bare and localhost does not impact these results. /* 20 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "baz.fud.bar.foo", true}, // glob domains allow infinite subdomains /* 21 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.fud.bar.foo", true}, // glob domain allows wildcard of subdomains /* 22 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "fud.bar.foo", true}, /* 23 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.bar.foo", true}, // Regression fix: Vault#13530 /* 24 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "bar.foo", false}, /* 25 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.foo", false}, /* 26 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "foo", false}, // Allowed contains globs, but glob and subdomain both work, so we expect // wildcard issuance to work as well. The value of bare and localhost does // not impact these results. /* 27 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "baz.fud.bar.foo", true}, /* 28 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.fud.bar.foo", true}, /* 29 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "fud.bar.foo", true}, /* 30 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.bar.foo", true}, // Regression fix: Vault#13530 /* 31 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "bar.foo", false}, /* 32 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.foo", false}, /* 33 */ {[]string{"*.*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "foo", false}, // === Single Leading Glob Testing === // // Allowed contains globs, but glob allowed so certain matches work. // The value of bare and localhost does not impact these results. /* 34 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "baz.fud.bar.foo", true}, // glob domains allow infinite subdomains /* 35 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.fud.bar.foo", true}, // glob domain allows wildcard of subdomains /* 36 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "fud.bar.foo", true}, // glob domains allow infinite subdomains /* 37 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.bar.foo", true}, // glob domain allows wildcards of subdomains /* 38 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "bar.foo", true}, /* 39 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "foo", false}, // Allowed contains globs, but glob and subdomain both work, so we expect // wildcard issuance to work as well. The value of bare and localhost does // not impact these results. /* 40 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "baz.fud.bar.foo", true}, /* 41 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.fud.bar.foo", true}, /* 42 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "fud.bar.foo", true}, /* 43 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.bar.foo", true}, /* 44 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "bar.foo", true}, /* 45 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "foo", false}, // === Only base domain name === // // Allowed contains only domain components, but subdomains not allowed. This // results in most issuances failing unless we allow bare domains, in which // case only the final issuance for "foo" will succeed. /* 46 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "baz.fud.bar.foo", false}, /* 47 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.fud.bar.foo", false}, /* 48 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "fud.bar.foo", false}, /* 49 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.bar.foo", false}, /* 50 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "bar.foo", false}, /* 51 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.foo", false}, /* 52 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MFalse, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "foo", false}, /* 53 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MTrue, MAny, MFalse, MAny, MAny, nil, "foo", true}, // Allowed contains only domain components, and subdomains are now allowed. // This results in most issuances succeeding, with the exception of the // base foo, which is still governed by base's value. /* 54 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "baz.fud.bar.foo", true}, /* 55 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.fud.bar.foo", true}, /* 56 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "fud.bar.foo", true}, /* 57 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.bar.foo", true}, /* 58 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "bar.foo", true}, /* 59 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*.foo", true}, /* 60 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MTrue, nil, "x*x.foo", true}, // internal wildcards should be allowed per RFC 6125/6.4.3 /* 61 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MTrue, nil, "*x.foo", true}, // prefix wildcards should be allowed per RFC 6125/6.4.3 /* 62 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MTrue, nil, "x*.foo", true}, // suffix wildcards should be allowed per RFC 6125/6.4.3 /* 63 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MFalse, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "foo", false}, /* 64 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MTrue, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, nil, "foo", true}, // === Internal Glob Matching === // // Basic glob matching requirements /* 65 */ {[]string{"x*x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "xerox.foo", true}, /* 66 */ {[]string{"x*x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "xylophone.files.pyrex.foo", true}, // globs can match across subdomains /* 67 */ {[]string{"x*x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "xercex.bar.foo", false}, // x.foo isn't matched /* 68 */ {[]string{"x*x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "bar.foo", false}, // x*x isn't matched. /* 69 */ {[]string{"x*x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.foo", false}, // unrelated wildcard /* 70 */ {[]string{"x*x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.x*x.foo", false}, // Does not conform to RFC 6125 /* 71 */ {[]string{"x*x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.xyx.foo", false}, // Globs and Subdomains do not layer per docs. // Various requirements around x*x.foo wildcard matching. /* 72 */ {[]string{"x*x.foo"}, MFalse, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "x*x.foo", false}, // base disabled, shouldn't match wildcard /* 73 */ {[]string{"x*x.foo"}, MFalse, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MTrue, nil, "x*x.foo", true}, // base disallowed, but globbing allowed and should match /* 74 */ {[]string{"x*x.foo"}, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, MTrue, nil, "x*x.foo", true}, // base allowed, should match wildcard // Basic glob matching requirements with internal dots. /* 75 */ {[]string{"x.*.x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "xerox.foo", false}, // missing dots /* 76 */ {[]string{"x.*.x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "x.ero.x.foo", true}, /* 77 */ {[]string{"x.*.x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "xylophone.files.pyrex.foo", false}, // missing dots /* 78 */ {[]string{"x.*.x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "x.ylophone.files.pyre.x.foo", true}, // globs can match across subdomains /* 79 */ {[]string{"x.*.x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "xercex.bar.foo", false}, // x.foo isn't matched /* 80 */ {[]string{"x.*.x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "bar.foo", false}, // x.*.x isn't matched. /* 81 */ {[]string{"x.*.x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.foo", false}, // unrelated wildcard /* 82 */ {[]string{"x.*.x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.x.*.x.foo", false}, // Does not conform to RFC 6125 /* 83 */ {[]string{"x.*.x.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.x.y.x.foo", false}, // Globs and Subdomains do not layer per docs. // === Wildcard restriction testing === // /* 84 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MFalse, nil, "*.fud.bar.foo", false}, // glob domain allows wildcard of subdomains /* 85 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MAny, MTrue, MFalse, MAny, MFalse, nil, "*.bar.foo", false}, // glob domain allows wildcards of subdomains /* 86 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MFalse, nil, "*.fud.bar.foo", false}, /* 87 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MFalse, nil, "*.bar.foo", false}, /* 88 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MFalse, nil, "*.foo", false}, /* 89 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MFalse, nil, "x*x.foo", false}, /* 90 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MFalse, nil, "*x.foo", false}, /* 91 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MTrue, MAny, MFalse, nil, "x*.foo", false}, /* 92 */ {[]string{"x*x.foo"}, MTrue, MAny, MAny, MAny, MFalse, nil, "x*x.foo", false}, /* 93 */ {[]string{"*.foo"}, MFalse, MFalse, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "*.foo", false}, // Bare and globs forbidden despite (potentially) allowing wildcards. /* 94 */ {[]string{"x.*.x.foo"}, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, nil, "x.*.x.foo", false}, // Does not conform to RFC 6125 // === CN validation allowances === // /* 95 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, []string{"disabled"}, "*.fud.bar.foo", true}, /* 96 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, []string{"disabled"}, "*.fud.*.foo", true}, /* 97 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, []string{"disabled"}, "*.bar.*.bar", true}, /* 98 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, []string{"disabled"}, "foo@foo", true}, /* 99 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, []string{"disabled"}, "foo@foo@foo", true}, /* 100 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, MAny, []string{"disabled"}, "bar@bar@bar", true}, /* 101 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, []string{"email"}, "bar@bar@bar", false}, /* 102 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, []string{"email"}, "bar@bar", false}, /* 103 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, []string{"email"}, "bar@foo", true}, /* 104 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, []string{"hostname"}, "bar@foo", false}, /* 105 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, []string{"hostname"}, "bar@bar", false}, /* 106 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, []string{"hostname"}, "bar.foo", true}, /* 107 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, []string{"hostname"}, "bar.bar", false}, /* 108 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, []string{"email"}, "bar.foo", false}, /* 109 */ {[]string{"foo"}, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, MTrue, []string{"email"}, "bar.bar", false}, } if len(testCases) != 110 { t.Fatalf("misnumbered test case entries will make it hard to find bugs: %v", len(testCases)) } b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // We need a RSA key so all signature sizes are valid with it. resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/exported", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myvault.com", "ttl": "128h", "key_type": "rsa", "key_bits": 2048, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("expected ca info") } tested := 0 for index, test := range testCases { tested += RoleIssuanceRegressionHelper(t, b, s, index, test) } t.Logf("Issuance regression expanded matrix test scenarios: %d", tested) } type KeySizeRegression struct { // Values reused for both Role and CA configuration. RoleKeyType string RoleKeyBits []int // Signature Bits presently is only specified on the role. RoleSignatureBits []int RoleUsePSS bool // These are tuples; must be of the same length. TestKeyTypes []string TestKeyBits []int // All of the above key types/sizes must pass or fail together. ExpectError bool } func (k KeySizeRegression) KeyTypeValues() []string { if k.RoleKeyType == "any" { return []string{"rsa", "ec", "ed25519"} } return []string{k.RoleKeyType} } func RoleKeySizeRegressionHelper(t *testing.T, b *backend, s logical.Storage, index int, test KeySizeRegression) int { tested := 0 for _, caKeyType := range test.KeyTypeValues() { for _, caKeyBits := range test.RoleKeyBits { // Generate a new CA key. resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/exported", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myvault.com", "ttl": "128h", "key_type": caKeyType, "key_bits": caKeyBits, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("expected ca info") } for _, roleKeyBits := range test.RoleKeyBits { for _, roleSignatureBits := range test.RoleSignatureBits { role := fmt.Sprintf("key-size-regression-%d-keytype-%v-keybits-%d-signature-bits-%d", index, test.RoleKeyType, roleKeyBits, roleSignatureBits) _, err := CBWrite(b, s, "roles/"+role, map[string]interface{}{ "key_type": test.RoleKeyType, "key_bits": roleKeyBits, "signature_bits": roleSignatureBits, "use_pss": test.RoleUsePSS, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for index, keyType := range test.TestKeyTypes { keyBits := test.TestKeyBits[index] _, _, csrPem := generateCSR(t, &x509.CertificateRequest{ Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: "localhost", }, }, keyType, keyBits) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "sign/"+role, map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "csr": csrPem, }) haveErr := err != nil || resp == nil if haveErr != test.ExpectError { t.Fatalf("key size regression test [%d] failed: haveErr: %v, expectErr: %v, err: %v, resp: %v, test case: %v, caKeyType: %v, caKeyBits: %v, role: %v, keyType: %v, keyBits: %v", index, haveErr, test.ExpectError, err, resp, test, caKeyType, caKeyBits, role, keyType, keyBits) } if resp != nil && test.RoleUsePSS && caKeyType == "rsa" { leafCert := parseCert(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string)) switch leafCert.SignatureAlgorithm { case x509.SHA256WithRSAPSS, x509.SHA384WithRSAPSS, x509.SHA512WithRSAPSS: default: t.Fatalf("key size regression test [%d] failed on role %v: unexpected signature algorithm; expected RSA-type CA to sign a leaf cert with PSS algorithm; got %v", index, role, leafCert.SignatureAlgorithm.String()) } } tested += 1 } } } _, err = CBDelete(b, s, "root") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } } return tested } func TestBackend_Roles_KeySizeRegression(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // Regression testing of role's issuance policy. testCases := []KeySizeRegression{ // RSA with default parameters should fail to issue smaller RSA keys // and any size ECDSA/Ed25519 keys. /* 0 */ {"rsa", []int{0, 2048}, []int{0, 256, 384, 512}, false, []string{"rsa", "ec", "ec", "ec", "ec", "ed25519"}, []int{1024, 224, 256, 384, 521, 0}, true}, // But it should work to issue larger RSA keys. /* 1 */ {"rsa", []int{0, 2048}, []int{0, 256, 384, 512}, false, []string{"rsa", "rsa"}, []int{2048, 3072}, false}, // EC with default parameters should fail to issue smaller EC keys // and any size RSA/Ed25519 keys. /* 2 */ {"ec", []int{0}, []int{0}, false, []string{"rsa", "ec", "ed25519"}, []int{2048, 224, 0}, true}, // But it should work to issue larger EC keys. Note that we should be // independent of signature bits as that's computed from the issuer // type (for EC based issuers). /* 3 */ {"ec", []int{224}, []int{0, 256, 384, 521}, false, []string{"ec", "ec", "ec", "ec"}, []int{224, 256, 384, 521}, false}, /* 4 */ {"ec", []int{0, 256}, []int{0, 256, 384, 521}, false, []string{"ec", "ec", "ec"}, []int{256, 384, 521}, false}, /* 5 */ {"ec", []int{384}, []int{0, 256, 384, 521}, false, []string{"ec", "ec"}, []int{384, 521}, false}, /* 6 */ {"ec", []int{521}, []int{0, 256, 384, 512}, false, []string{"ec"}, []int{521}, false}, // Ed25519 should reject RSA and EC keys. /* 7 */ {"ed25519", []int{0}, []int{0}, false, []string{"rsa", "ec", "ec"}, []int{2048, 256, 521}, true}, // But it should work to issue Ed25519 keys. /* 8 */ {"ed25519", []int{0}, []int{0}, false, []string{"ed25519"}, []int{0}, false}, // Any key type should reject insecure RSA key sizes. /* 9 */ {"any", []int{0}, []int{0, 256, 384, 512}, false, []string{"rsa", "rsa"}, []int{512, 1024}, true}, // But work for everything else. /* 10 */ {"any", []int{0}, []int{0, 256, 384, 512}, false, []string{"rsa", "rsa", "ec", "ec", "ec", "ec", "ed25519"}, []int{2048, 3072, 224, 256, 384, 521, 0}, false}, // RSA with larger than default key size should reject smaller ones. /* 11 */ {"rsa", []int{3072}, []int{0, 256, 384, 512}, false, []string{"rsa"}, []int{2048}, true}, // We should be able to sign with PSS with any CA key type. /* 12 */ {"rsa", []int{0}, []int{0, 256, 384, 512}, true, []string{"rsa"}, []int{2048}, false}, /* 13 */ {"ec", []int{0}, []int{0}, true, []string{"ec"}, []int{256}, false}, /* 14 */ {"ed25519", []int{0}, []int{0}, true, []string{"ed25519"}, []int{0}, false}, } if len(testCases) != 15 { t.Fatalf("misnumbered test case entries will make it hard to find bugs: %v", len(testCases)) } b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) tested := 0 for index, test := range testCases { tested += RoleKeySizeRegressionHelper(t, b, s, index, test) } t.Logf("Key size regression expanded matrix test scenarios: %d", tested) } func TestRootWithExistingKey(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) var err error // Fail requests if type is existing, and we specify the key_type param _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/existing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "key_type": "rsa", }) require.Error(t, err) require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "key_type nor key_bits arguments can be set in this mode") // Fail requests if type is existing, and we specify the key_bits param _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/existing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "key_bits": "2048", }) require.Error(t, err) require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "key_type nor key_bits arguments can be set in this mode") // Fail if the specified key does not exist. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/root/existing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "issuer_name": "my-issuer1", "key_ref": "my-key1", }) require.Error(t, err) require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "unable to find PKI key for reference: my-key1") // Fail if the specified key name is default. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/root/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "issuer_name": "my-issuer1", "key_name": "Default", }) require.Error(t, err) require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "reserved keyword 'default' can not be used as key name") // Fail if the specified issuer name is default. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/root/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "issuer_name": "DEFAULT", }) require.Error(t, err) require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "reserved keyword 'default' can not be used as issuer name") // Create the first CA resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/root/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "key_type": "rsa", "issuer_name": "my-issuer1", }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("issuers/generate/root/internal"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data["certificate"]) myIssuerId1 := resp.Data["issuer_id"] myKeyId1 := resp.Data["key_id"] require.NotEmpty(t, myIssuerId1) require.NotEmpty(t, myKeyId1) // Fetch the parsed CRL; it should be empty as we've not revoked anything parsedCrl := getParsedCrlFromBackend(t, b, s, "issuer/my-issuer1/crl/der") require.Equal(t, len(parsedCrl.TBSCertList.RevokedCertificates), 0, "should have no revoked certificates") // Fail if the specified issuer name is re-used. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/root/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "issuer_name": "my-issuer1", }) require.Error(t, err) require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "issuer name already in use") // Create the second CA resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/root/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "key_type": "rsa", "issuer_name": "my-issuer2", "key_name": "root-key2", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data["certificate"]) myIssuerId2 := resp.Data["issuer_id"] myKeyId2 := resp.Data["key_id"] require.NotEmpty(t, myIssuerId2) require.NotEmpty(t, myKeyId2) // Fetch the parsed CRL; it should be empty as we've not revoked anything parsedCrl = getParsedCrlFromBackend(t, b, s, "issuer/my-issuer2/crl/der") require.Equal(t, len(parsedCrl.TBSCertList.RevokedCertificates), 0, "should have no revoked certificates") // Fail if the specified key name is re-used. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/root/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "issuer_name": "my-issuer3", "key_name": "root-key2", }) require.Error(t, err) require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "key name already in use") // Create a third CA re-using key from CA 1 resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/root/existing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "issuer_name": "my-issuer3", "key_ref": myKeyId1, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data["certificate"]) myIssuerId3 := resp.Data["issuer_id"] myKeyId3 := resp.Data["key_id"] require.NotEmpty(t, myIssuerId3) require.NotEmpty(t, myKeyId3) // Fetch the parsed CRL; it should be empty as we've not revoking anything. parsedCrl = getParsedCrlFromBackend(t, b, s, "issuer/my-issuer3/crl/der") require.Equal(t, len(parsedCrl.TBSCertList.RevokedCertificates), 0, "should have no revoked certificates") // Signatures should be the same since this is just a reissued cert. We // use signature as a proxy for "these two CRLs are equal". firstCrl := getParsedCrlFromBackend(t, b, s, "issuer/my-issuer1/crl/der") require.Equal(t, parsedCrl.SignatureValue, firstCrl.SignatureValue) require.NotEqual(t, myIssuerId1, myIssuerId2) require.NotEqual(t, myIssuerId1, myIssuerId3) require.NotEqual(t, myKeyId1, myKeyId2) require.Equal(t, myKeyId1, myKeyId3) resp, err = CBList(b, s, "issuers") require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, 3, len(resp.Data["keys"].([]string))) require.Contains(t, resp.Data["keys"], string(myIssuerId1.(issuerID))) require.Contains(t, resp.Data["keys"], string(myIssuerId2.(issuerID))) require.Contains(t, resp.Data["keys"], string(myIssuerId3.(issuerID))) } func TestIntermediateWithExistingKey(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) var err error // Fail requests if type is existing, and we specify the key_type param _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "intermediate/generate/existing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "key_type": "rsa", }) require.Error(t, err) require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "key_type nor key_bits arguments can be set in this mode") // Fail requests if type is existing, and we specify the key_bits param _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "intermediate/generate/existing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "key_bits": "2048", }) require.Error(t, err) require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "key_type nor key_bits arguments can be set in this mode") // Fail if the specified key does not exist. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/intermediate/existing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "key_ref": "my-key1", }) require.Error(t, err) require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "unable to find PKI key for reference: my-key1") // Create the first intermediate CA resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/intermediate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "key_type": "rsa", }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("issuers/generate/intermediate/internal"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) require.NoError(t, err) // csr1 := resp.Data["csr"] myKeyId1 := resp.Data["key_id"] require.NotEmpty(t, myKeyId1) // Create the second intermediate CA resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/intermediate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "key_type": "rsa", "key_name": "interkey1", }) require.NoError(t, err) // csr2 := resp.Data["csr"] myKeyId2 := resp.Data["key_id"] require.NotEmpty(t, myKeyId2) // Create a third intermediate CA re-using key from intermediate CA 1 resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/generate/intermediate/existing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root myvault.com", "key_ref": myKeyId1, }) require.NoError(t, err) // csr3 := resp.Data["csr"] myKeyId3 := resp.Data["key_id"] require.NotEmpty(t, myKeyId3) require.NotEqual(t, myKeyId1, myKeyId2) require.Equal(t, myKeyId1, myKeyId3, "our new ca did not seem to reuse the key as we expected.") } func TestIssuanceTTLs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root example.com", "issuer_name": "root", "ttl": "10s", "key_type": "ec", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) rootCert := parseCert(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string)) _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/local-testing", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_any_name": true, "enforce_hostnames": false, "key_type": "ec", }) require.NoError(t, err) _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/local-testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "testing", "ttl": "1s", }) require.NoError(t, err, "expected issuance to succeed due to shorter ttl than cert ttl") _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/local-testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "testing", }) require.Error(t, err, "expected issuance to fail due to longer default ttl than cert ttl") resp, err = CBPatch(b, s, "issuer/root", map[string]interface{}{ "leaf_not_after_behavior": "permit", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.Equal(t, resp.Data["leaf_not_after_behavior"], "permit") _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/local-testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "testing", }) require.NoError(t, err, "expected issuance to succeed due to permitted longer TTL") resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/root", map[string]interface{}{ "issuer_name": "root", "leaf_not_after_behavior": "truncate", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.Equal(t, resp.Data["leaf_not_after_behavior"], "truncate") _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/local-testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "testing", }) require.NoError(t, err, "expected issuance to succeed due to truncated ttl") // Sleep until the parent cert expires and the clock rolls over // to the next second. time.Sleep(time.Until(rootCert.NotAfter) + (1500 * time.Millisecond)) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/root", map[string]interface{}{ "issuer_name": "root", "leaf_not_after_behavior": "err", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) // Even 1s ttl should now fail. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/local-testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "testing", "ttl": "1s", }) require.Error(t, err, "expected issuance to fail due to longer default ttl than cert ttl") } func TestSealWrappedStorageConfigured(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, _ := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) wrappedEntries := b.Backend.PathsSpecial.SealWrapStorage // Make sure our legacy bundle is within the list // NOTE: do not convert these test values to constants, we should always have these paths within seal wrap config require.Contains(t, wrappedEntries, "config/ca_bundle", "Legacy bundle missing from seal wrap") // The trailing / is important as it treats the entire folder requiring seal wrapping, not just config/key require.Contains(t, wrappedEntries, "config/key/", "key prefix with trailing / missing from seal wrap.") } func TestBackend_ConfigCA_WithECParams(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // Generated key with OpenSSL: // $ openssl ecparam -out p256.key -name prime256v1 -genkey // // Regression test for https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/issues/16667 resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "config/ca", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": ` -----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS----- BggqhkjOPQMBBw== -----END EC PARAMETERS----- -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- MHcCAQEEINzXthCZdhyV7+wIEBl/ty+ctNsUS99ykTeax6EbYZtvoAoGCCqGSM49 AwEHoUQDQgAE57NX8bR/nDoW8yRgLswoXBQcjHrdyfuHS0gPwki6BNnfunUzryVb 8f22/JWj6fsEF6AOADZlrswKIbR2Es9e/w== -----END EC PRIVATE KEY----- `, }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp, "expected ca info") importedKeys := resp.Data["imported_keys"].([]string) importedIssuers := resp.Data["imported_issuers"].([]string) require.Equal(t, len(importedKeys), 1) require.Equal(t, len(importedIssuers), 0) } func TestPerIssuerAIA(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // Generating a root without anything should not have AIAs. resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "root example.com", "issuer_name": "root", "key_type": "ec", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) rootCert := parseCert(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string)) require.Empty(t, rootCert.OCSPServer) require.Empty(t, rootCert.IssuingCertificateURL) require.Empty(t, rootCert.CRLDistributionPoints) // Set some local URLs on the issuer. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{ "issuing_certificates": []string{"https://google.com"}, }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("issuer/default"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) require.NoError(t, err) _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_any_name": true, "ttl": "85s", "key_type": "ec", }) require.NoError(t, err) // Issue something with this re-configured issuer. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/default/issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost.com", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) leafCert := parseCert(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string)) require.Empty(t, leafCert.OCSPServer) require.Equal(t, leafCert.IssuingCertificateURL, []string{"https://google.com"}) require.Empty(t, leafCert.CRLDistributionPoints) // Set global URLs and ensure they don't appear on this issuer's leaf. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "config/urls", map[string]interface{}{ "issuing_certificates": []string{"https://example.com/ca", "https://backup.example.com/ca"}, "crl_distribution_points": []string{"https://example.com/crl", "https://backup.example.com/crl"}, "ocsp_servers": []string{"https://example.com/ocsp", "https://backup.example.com/ocsp"}, }) require.NoError(t, err) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/default/issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost.com", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) leafCert = parseCert(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string)) require.Empty(t, leafCert.OCSPServer) require.Equal(t, leafCert.IssuingCertificateURL, []string{"https://google.com"}) require.Empty(t, leafCert.CRLDistributionPoints) // Now come back and remove the local modifications and ensure we get // the defaults again. _, err = CBPatch(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{ "issuing_certificates": []string{}, }) require.NoError(t, err) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/default/issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost.com", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) leafCert = parseCert(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string)) require.Equal(t, leafCert.IssuingCertificateURL, []string{"https://example.com/ca", "https://backup.example.com/ca"}) require.Equal(t, leafCert.OCSPServer, []string{"https://example.com/ocsp", "https://backup.example.com/ocsp"}) require.Equal(t, leafCert.CRLDistributionPoints, []string{"https://example.com/crl", "https://backup.example.com/crl"}) // Validate that we can set an issuer name and remove it. _, err = CBPatch(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{ "issuer_name": "my-issuer", }) require.NoError(t, err) _, err = CBPatch(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{ "issuer_name": "", }) require.NoError(t, err) } func TestIssuersWithoutCRLBits(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // Importing a root without CRL signing bits should work fine. customBundleWithoutCRLBits := ` -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDGTCCAgGgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADATMREwDwYDVQQDDAhyb290 LW5ldzAeFw0yMjA4MjQxMjEzNTVaFw0yMzA5MDMxMjEzNTVaMBMxETAPBgNVBAMM CHJvb3QtbmV3MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAojTA/Mx7 LVW/Zgn/N4BqZbaF82MrTIBFug3ob7mqycNRlWp4/PH8v37+jYn8e691HUsKjden rDTrO06kiQKiJinAzmlLJvgcazE3aXoh7wSzVG9lFHYvljEmVj+yDbkeaqaCktup skuNjxCoN9BLmKzZIwVCHn92ZHlhN6LI7CNaU3SDJdu7VftWF9Ugzt9FIvI+6Gcn /WNE9FWvZ9o7035rZ+1vvTn7/tgxrj2k3XvD51Kq4tsSbqjnSf3QieXT6E6uvtUE TbPp3xjBElgBCKmeogR1l28rs1aujqqwzZ0B/zOeF8ptaH0aZOIBsVDJR8yTwHzq s34hNdNfKLHzOwIDAQABo3gwdjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUF4djNmx+1+uJINhZ82pN+7jz H8EwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUF4djNmx+1+uJINhZ82pN+7jzH8EwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUw AwEB/zAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAoQwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwEwDQYJKoZI hvcNAQELBQADggEBAICQovBz4KLWlLmXeZ2Vf6WfQYyGNgGyJa10XNXtWQ5dM2NU OLAit4x1c2dz+aFocc8ZsX/ikYi/bruT2rsGWqMAGC4at3U4GuaYGO5a6XzMKIDC nxIlbiO+Pn6Xum7fAqUri7+ZNf/Cygmc5sByi3MAAIkszeObUDZFTJL7gEOuXIMT rKIXCINq/U+qc7m9AQ8vKhF1Ddj+dLGLzNQ5j3cKfilPs/wRaYqbMQvnmarX+5Cs k1UL6kWSQsiP3+UWaBlcWkmD6oZ3fIG7c0aMxf7RISq1eTAM9XjH3vMxWQJlS5q3 2weJ2LYoPe/DwX5CijR0IezapBCrin1BscJMLFQ= -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQCiNMD8zHstVb9m Cf83gGpltoXzYytMgEW6DehvuarJw1GVanj88fy/fv6Nifx7r3UdSwqN16esNOs7 TqSJAqImKcDOaUsm+BxrMTdpeiHvBLNUb2UUdi+WMSZWP7INuR5qpoKS26myS42P EKg30EuYrNkjBUIef3ZkeWE3osjsI1pTdIMl27tV+1YX1SDO30Ui8j7oZyf9Y0T0 Va9n2jvTfmtn7W+9Ofv+2DGuPaTde8PnUqri2xJuqOdJ/dCJ5dPoTq6+1QRNs+nf GMESWAEIqZ6iBHWXbyuzVq6OqrDNnQH/M54Xym1ofRpk4gGxUMlHzJPAfOqzfiE1 018osfM7AgMBAAECggEAAVd6kZZaN69IZITIc1vHRYa2rlZpKS2JP7c8Vd3Z/4Fz ZZvnJ7LgVAmUYg5WPZ2sOqBNLfKVN/oke5Q0dALgdxYl7dWQIhPjHeRFbZFtjqEV OXZGBniamMO/HSKGWGrqFf7BM/H7AhClUwQgjnzVSz+B+LJJidM+SVys3n1xuDmC EP+iOda+bAHqHv/7oCELQKhLmCvPc9v2fDy+180ttdo8EHuxwVnKiyR/ryKFhSyx K1wgAPQ9jO+V+GESL90rqpX/r501REsIOOpm4orueelHTD4+dnHxvUPqJ++9aYGX 79qBNPPUhxrQI1yoHxwW0cTxW5EqkZ9bT2lSd5rjcQKBgQDNyPBpidkHPrYemQDT RldtS6FiW/jc1It/CRbjU4A6Gi7s3Cda43pEUObKNLeXMyLQaMf4GbDPDX+eh7B8 RkUq0Q/N0H4bn1hbxYSUdgv0j/6czpMo6rLcJHGwOTSpHGsNsxSLL7xlpgzuzqrG FzEgjMA1aD3w8B9+/77AoSLoMQKBgQDJyYMw82+euLYRbR5Wc/SbrWfh2n1Mr2BG pp1ZNYorXE5CL4ScdLcgH1q/b8r5XGwmhMcpeA+geAAaKmk1CGG+gPLoq20c9Q1Y Ykq9tUVJasIkelvbb/SPxyjkJdBwylzcPP14IJBsqQM0be+yVqLJJVHSaoKhXZcl IW2xgCpjKwKBgFpeX5U5P+F6nKebMU2WmlYY3GpBUWxIummzKCX0SV86mFjT5UR4 mPzfOjqaI/V2M1eqbAZ74bVLjDumAs7QXReMb5BGetrOgxLqDmrT3DQt9/YMkXtq ddlO984XkRSisjB18BOfhvBsl0lX4I7VKHHO3amWeX0RNgOjc7VMDfRBAoGAWAQH r1BfvZHACLXZ58fISCdJCqCsysgsbGS8eW77B5LJp+DmLQBT6DUE9j+i/0Wq/ton rRTrbAkrsj4RicpQKDJCwe4UN+9DlOu6wijRQgbJC/Q7IOoieJxcX7eGxcve2UnZ HY7GsD7AYRwa02UquCYJHIjM1enmxZFhMW1AD+UCgYEAm4jdNz5e4QjA4AkNF+cB ZenrAZ0q3NbTyiSsJEAtRe/c5fNFpmXo3mqgCannarREQYYDF0+jpSoTUY8XAc4q wL7EZNzwxITLqBnnHQbdLdAvYxB43kvWTy+JRK8qY9LAMCCFeDoYwXkWV4Wkx/b0 TgM7RZnmEjNdeaa4M52o7VY= -----END PRIVATE KEY----- ` resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/import/bundle", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": customBundleWithoutCRLBits, }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("issuers/import/bundle"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["imported_issuers"]) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["imported_keys"]) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["mapping"]) // Shouldn't have crl-signing on the newly imported issuer's usage. resp, err = CBRead(b, s, "issuer/default") require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["usage"]) require.NotContains(t, resp.Data["usage"], "crl-signing") // Modifying to set CRL should fail. resp, err = CBPatch(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{ "usage": "issuing-certificates,crl-signing", }) require.Error(t, err) require.True(t, resp.IsError()) // Modifying to set issuing-certificates and ocsp-signing should succeed. resp, err = CBPatch(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{ "usage": "issuing-certificates,ocsp-signing", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["usage"]) require.NotContains(t, resp.Data["usage"], "crl-signing") } func TestBackend_IfModifiedSinceHeaders(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() coreConfig := &vault.CoreConfig{ LogicalBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{ "pki": Factory, }, } cluster := vault.NewTestCluster(t, coreConfig, &vault.TestClusterOptions{ HandlerFunc: vaulthttp.Handler, RequestResponseCallback: schema.ResponseValidatingCallback(t), }) cluster.Start() defer cluster.Cleanup() client := cluster.Cores[0].Client // Mount PKI. err := client.Sys().Mount("pki", &api.MountInput{ Type: "pki", Config: api.MountConfigInput{ DefaultLeaseTTL: "16h", MaxLeaseTTL: "60h", // Required to allow the header to be passed through. PassthroughRequestHeaders: []string{"if-modified-since"}, AllowedResponseHeaders: []string{"Last-Modified"}, }, }) require.NoError(t, err) // Get a time before CA generation. Subtract two seconds to ensure // the value in the seconds field is different than the time the CA // is actually generated at. beforeOldCAGeneration := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Second) // Generate an internal CA. This one is the default. resp, err := client.Logical().Write("pki/root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "40h", "common_name": "Root X1", "key_type": "ec", "issuer_name": "old-root", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["certificate"]) // CA is generated, but give a grace window. afterOldCAGeneration := time.Now().Add(2 * time.Second) // When you _save_ headers, client returns a copy. But when you go to // reset them, it doesn't create a new copy (and instead directly // assigns). This means we have to continually refresh our view of the // last headers, otherwise the headers added after the last set operation // leak into this copy... Yuck! lastHeaders := client.Headers() for _, path := range []string{"pki/cert/ca", "pki/cert/crl", "pki/issuer/default/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl", "pki/cert/delta-crl", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl/delta"} { t.Logf("path: %v", path) field := "certificate" if strings.HasPrefix(path, "pki/issuer") && strings.Contains(path, "/crl") { field = "crl" } // Reading the CA should work, without a header. resp, err := client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data[field]) // Ensure that the CA is returned correctly if we give it the old time. client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", beforeOldCAGeneration.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data[field]) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() // Ensure that the CA is elided if we give it the present time (plus a // grace window). client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", afterOldCAGeneration.Format(time.RFC1123)) t.Logf("headers: %v", client.Headers()) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.Nil(t, resp) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() } // Wait three seconds. This ensures we have adequate grace period // to distinguish the two cases, even with grace periods. time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) // Generating a second root. This one isn't the default. beforeNewCAGeneration := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Second) // Generate an internal CA. This one is the default. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "40h", "common_name": "Root X1", "key_type": "ec", "issuer_name": "new-root", }) require.NoError(t, err) // As above. afterNewCAGeneration := time.Now().Add(2 * time.Second) // New root isn't the default, so it has fewer paths. for _, path := range []string{"pki/issuer/new-root/json", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl/delta"} { t.Logf("path: %v", path) field := "certificate" if strings.HasPrefix(path, "pki/issuer") && strings.Contains(path, "/crl") { field = "crl" } // Reading the CA should work, without a header. resp, err := client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data[field]) // Ensure that the CA is returned correctly if we give it the old time. client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", beforeNewCAGeneration.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data[field]) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() // Ensure that the CA is elided if we give it the present time (plus a // grace window). client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", afterNewCAGeneration.Format(time.RFC1123)) t.Logf("headers: %v", client.Headers()) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.Nil(t, resp) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() } // Wait three seconds. This ensures we have adequate grace period // to distinguish the two cases, even with grace periods. time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) // Now swap the default issuers around. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/config/issuers", map[string]interface{}{ "default": "new-root", }) require.NoError(t, err) // Reading both with the last modified date should return new values. for _, path := range []string{"pki/cert/ca", "pki/cert/crl", "pki/issuer/default/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/json", "pki/issuer/new-root/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl", "pki/cert/delta-crl", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl/delta", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl/delta"} { t.Logf("path: %v", path) field := "certificate" if strings.HasPrefix(path, "pki/issuer") && strings.Contains(path, "/crl") { field = "crl" } // Ensure that the CA is returned correctly if we give it the old time. client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", afterOldCAGeneration.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data[field]) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() // Ensure that the CA is returned correctly if we give it the old time. client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", afterNewCAGeneration.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data[field]) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() } // Wait for things to settle, record the present time, and wait for the // clock to definitely tick over again. time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) preRevocationTimestamp := time.Now() time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // The above tests should say everything is cached. for _, path := range []string{"pki/cert/ca", "pki/cert/crl", "pki/issuer/default/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/json", "pki/issuer/new-root/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl", "pki/cert/delta-crl", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl/delta", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl/delta"} { t.Logf("path: %v", path) // Ensure that the CA is returned correctly if we give it the new time. client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", preRevocationTimestamp.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.Nil(t, resp) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() } // We could generate some leaves and verify the revocation updates the // CRL. But, revoking the issuer behaves the same, so let's do that // instead. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/issuer/old-root/revoke", map[string]interface{}{}) require.NoError(t, err) // CA should still be valid. for _, path := range []string{"pki/cert/ca", "pki/issuer/default/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/json", "pki/issuer/new-root/json"} { t.Logf("path: %v", path) // Ensure that the CA is returned correctly if we give it the old time. client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", preRevocationTimestamp.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.Nil(t, resp) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() } // CRL should be invalidated for _, path := range []string{"pki/cert/crl", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl", "pki/cert/delta-crl", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl/delta", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl/delta"} { t.Logf("path: %v", path) field := "certificate" if strings.HasPrefix(path, "pki/issuer") && strings.Contains(path, "/crl") { field = "crl" } client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", preRevocationTimestamp.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data[field]) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() } // If we send some time in the future, everything should be cached again! futureTime := time.Now().Add(30 * time.Second) for _, path := range []string{"pki/cert/ca", "pki/cert/crl", "pki/issuer/default/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/json", "pki/issuer/new-root/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl", "pki/cert/delta-crl", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl/delta", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl/delta"} { t.Logf("path: %v", path) // Ensure that the CA is returned correctly if we give it the new time. client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", futureTime.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.Nil(t, resp) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() } beforeThreeWaySwap := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Second) // Now, do a three-way swap of names (old->tmp; new->old; tmp->new). This // should result in all names/CRLs being invalidated. _, err = client.Logical().JSONMergePatch(ctx, "pki/issuer/old-root", map[string]interface{}{ "issuer_name": "tmp-root", }) require.NoError(t, err) _, err = client.Logical().JSONMergePatch(ctx, "pki/issuer/new-root", map[string]interface{}{ "issuer_name": "old-root", }) require.NoError(t, err) _, err = client.Logical().JSONMergePatch(ctx, "pki/issuer/tmp-root", map[string]interface{}{ "issuer_name": "new-root", }) require.NoError(t, err) afterThreeWaySwap := time.Now().Add(2 * time.Second) for _, path := range []string{"pki/cert/ca", "pki/cert/crl", "pki/issuer/default/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/json", "pki/issuer/new-root/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl", "pki/cert/delta-crl", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl/delta", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl/delta"} { t.Logf("path: %v", path) field := "certificate" if strings.HasPrefix(path, "pki/issuer") && strings.Contains(path, "/crl") { field = "crl" } // Ensure that the CA is returned if we give it the pre-update time. client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", beforeThreeWaySwap.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data[field]) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() // Ensure that the CA is elided correctly if we give it the after time. client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", afterThreeWaySwap.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.Nil(t, resp) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() } // Finally, rebuild the delta CRL and ensure that only that is // invalidated. We first need to enable it though, and wait for // all CRLs to rebuild. _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/config/crl", map[string]interface{}{ "auto_rebuild": true, "enable_delta": true, }) require.NoError(t, err) time.Sleep(4 * time.Second) beforeDeltaRotation := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Second) resp, err = client.Logical().Read("pki/crl/rotate-delta") require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.Equal(t, resp.Data["success"], true) afterDeltaRotation := time.Now().Add(2 * time.Second) for _, path := range []string{"pki/cert/ca", "pki/cert/crl", "pki/issuer/default/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/json", "pki/issuer/new-root/json", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl"} { t.Logf("path: %v", path) for _, when := range []time.Time{beforeDeltaRotation, afterDeltaRotation} { client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", when.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.Nil(t, resp) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() } } for _, path := range []string{"pki/cert/delta-crl", "pki/issuer/old-root/crl/delta", "pki/issuer/new-root/crl/delta"} { t.Logf("path: %v", path) field := "certificate" if strings.HasPrefix(path, "pki/issuer") && strings.Contains(path, "/crl") { field = "crl" } // Ensure that the CRL is present if we give it the pre-update time. client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", beforeDeltaRotation.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data[field]) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() client.AddHeader("If-Modified-Since", afterDeltaRotation.Format(time.RFC1123)) resp, err = client.Logical().Read(path) require.NoError(t, err) require.Nil(t, resp) client.SetHeaders(lastHeaders) lastHeaders = client.Headers() } } func TestBackend_InitializeCertificateCounts(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) ctx := context.Background() // Set up an Issuer and Role // We need a root certificate to write/revoke certificates with resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myvault.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if resp == nil { t.Fatal("expected ca info") } // Create a role _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/example", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": "myvault.com", "allow_bare_domains": true, "allow_subdomains": true, "max_ttl": "2h", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Put certificates A, B, C, D, E in backend var certificates []string = []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"} serials := make([]string, 5) for i, cn := range certificates { resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/example", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": cn + ".myvault.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } serials[i] = resp.Data["serial_number"].(string) } // Turn on certificate counting: CBWrite(b, s, "config/auto-tidy", map[string]interface{}{ "maintain_stored_certificate_counts": true, "publish_stored_certificate_count_metrics": false, }) // Assert initialize from clean is correct: b.initializeStoredCertificateCounts(ctx) // Revoke certificates A + B revocations := serials[0:2] for _, key := range revocations { resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "revoke", map[string]interface{}{ "serial_number": key, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } if b.certCount.Load() != 6 { t.Fatalf("Failed to count six certificates root,A,B,C,D,E, instead counted %d certs", b.certCount.Load()) } if b.revokedCertCount.Load() != 2 { t.Fatalf("Failed to count two revoked certificates A+B, instead counted %d certs", b.revokedCertCount.Load()) } // Simulates listing while initialize in progress, by "restarting it" b.certCount.Store(0) b.revokedCertCount.Store(0) b.certsCounted.Store(false) // Revoke certificates C, D dirtyRevocations := serials[2:4] for _, key := range dirtyRevocations { resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "revoke", map[string]interface{}{ "serial_number": key, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } // Put certificates F, G in the backend dirtyCertificates := []string{"f", "g"} for _, cn := range dirtyCertificates { resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/example", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": cn + ".myvault.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } // Run initialize b.initializeStoredCertificateCounts(ctx) // Test certificate count if b.certCount.Load() != 8 { t.Fatalf("Failed to initialize count of certificates root, A,B,C,D,E,F,G counted %d certs", b.certCount.Load()) } if b.revokedCertCount.Load() != 4 { t.Fatalf("Failed to count revoked certificates A,B,C,D counted %d certs", b.revokedCertCount.Load()) } return } // Verify that our default values are consistent when creating an issuer and when we do an // empty POST update to it. This will hopefully identify if we have different default values // for fields across the two APIs. func TestBackend_VerifyIssuerUpdateDefaultsMatchCreation(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "myvault.com", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed generating root issuer") resp, err = CBRead(b, s, "issuer/default") requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed reading default issuer") preUpdateValues := resp.Data // This field gets reset during issuer update to the empty string // (meaning Go will auto-detect the rev-sig-algo). preUpdateValues["revocation_signature_algorithm"] = "" resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{}) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed updating default issuer with no values") resp, err = CBRead(b, s, "issuer/default") requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed reading default issuer") postUpdateValues := resp.Data require.Equal(t, preUpdateValues, postUpdateValues, "A value was updated based on the empty update of an issuer, "+ "most likely we have a different set of field parameters across create and update of issuers.") } func TestBackend_VerifyPSSKeysIssuersFailImport(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // PKCS8 parsing fails on this key due to rsaPSS OID rsaOIDKey := ` -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEugIBADALBgkqhkiG9w0BAQoEggSmMIIEogIBAAKCAQEAtN0/NPuJHLuyEdBr tUikXoXOV741XZcNvLAIVBIqDA0ege2gXt9A15FGUI4X3u6kT16Fl6MRdtUZ/qNS Vs15nK9A1PI/AVekMgTVFTnoCzs550CKN8iRk9Om+lwHimpyXxKkFW69v8fsXwKE Bsz69jjT7HV9VZQ7fQhmE79brAMuwKP1fUQKdHq5OBKtQ7Cl3Gmipp0izCsVuQIE kBHvT3UUgyaSp2n+FONpOiyuBoYUH5tVEv9sZzBqSsrYBJYF+GvfnFy9AcTdqRe2 VX2SjjWjDF84T30OBA798gIFIPwu9R4OjWOlPeh2bo2kGeo3AITjwFZ28m7kS7kc OtvHpwIDAQABAoIBAFQxmjbj0RQbG+3HBBzD0CBgUYnu9ZC3vKFVoMriGci6YrVB FSKU8u5mpkDhpKMWnE6GRdItCvgyg4NSLAZUaIRT4O5ARqwtTDYsobTb2/U+gNnx 5WXKbFpQcK6jIK+ClfNEDjYb8yDPxG0GEsfHrBvqoFy25L1t37N4sWwH7HjJyZIe Hbqx4NVDur9qgqaUwkfSeufn4ycHqFtkzKNzCUarDkST9cxE6/1AKfhl09PPuMEa lAY2JLiEplQL5sh9cxG5FObJbutJo5EIhR2OdM0VcPf0MTD9LXKRoGR3SNlG7IlS llJzBjlh4J1ByMX32btKMHzEvlhyrMI90E1SEGECgYEAx1yDQWe4/b1MBqCxA3d0 20dDmUHSRQFhkd/Mzkl5dPzRkG42W3ryNbMKdeuL0ZgK9AhfaLCjcj1i+44O7dHb qBTVwfRrer2uoQVCqqJ6z8PGxPJJxTaqh9QuJxkoQ0i43ZNPcjc2M2sWLn+lkkdE MaGMiyrmjIQEC6tmgCtZ1VUCgYEA6D9xoT9VuAnQjDvW2tO5N2U2H/8ZyRd1pC3z H1CzjwShhxsP4YOUaVdw59K95JL4SMxSmpRrhthlW3cRaiT/exBcXLEvz0Qu0OhW a6155ZFjK3UaLDKlwvmtuoAsuAFqX084LO0B1oxvUJESgyPncQ36fv2lZGV7A66z Uo+BKQsCgYB2yGBMMAjA5nDN4iCV+C7gF+3m+pjWFKSVzcqxfoWndptGeuRYTUDT TgIFkHqWPwkHrZVrQxOflYPMbi/m8wr1crSKA5+mWi4aMpAuKvERqYxc/B+IKbIh jAKTuSGMNWAwZP0JCGx65mso+VUleuDe0Wpz4PPM9TuT2GQSKcI0oQKBgHAHcouC npmo+lU65DgoWzaydrpWdpy+2Tt6AsW/Su4ZIMWoMy/oJaXuzQK2cG0ay/NpxArW v0uLhNDrDZZzBF3blYIM4nALhr205UMJqjwntnuXACoDwFvdzoShIXEdFa+l6gYZ yYIxudxWLmTd491wDb5GIgrcvMsY8V1I5dfjAoGAM9g2LtdqgPgK33dCDtZpBm8m y4ri9PqHxnpps9WJ1dO6MW/YbW+a7vbsmNczdJ6XNLEfy2NWho1dw3xe7ztFVDjF cWNUzs1+/6aFsi41UX7EFn3zAFhQUPxT59hXspuWuKbRAWc5fMnxbCfI/Cr8wTLJ E/0kiZ4swUMyI4tYSbM= -----END PRIVATE KEY----- ` _, err := CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/import/bundle", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": rsaOIDKey, }) require.Error(t, err, "expected error importing PKCS8 rsaPSS OID key") _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "keys/import", map[string]interface{}{ "key": rsaOIDKey, }) require.Error(t, err, "expected error importing PKCS8 rsaPSS OID key") // Importing a cert with rsaPSS OID should also fail rsaOIDCert := ` -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDfjCCAjGgAwIBAgIBATBCBgkqhkiG9w0BAQowNaAPMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUA oRwwGgYJKoZIhvcNAQEIMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUAogQCAgDeMBMxETAPBgNVBAMM CHJvb3Qtb2xkMB4XDTIyMDkxNjE0MDEwM1oXDTIzMDkyNjE0MDEwM1owEzERMA8G A1UEAwwIcm9vdC1vbGQwggEgMAsGCSqGSIb3DQEBCgOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtN0/ NPuJHLuyEdBrtUikXoXOV741XZcNvLAIVBIqDA0ege2gXt9A15FGUI4X3u6kT16F l6MRdtUZ/qNSVs15nK9A1PI/AVekMgTVFTnoCzs550CKN8iRk9Om+lwHimpyXxKk FW69v8fsXwKEBsz69jjT7HV9VZQ7fQhmE79brAMuwKP1fUQKdHq5OBKtQ7Cl3Gmi pp0izCsVuQIEkBHvT3UUgyaSp2n+FONpOiyuBoYUH5tVEv9sZzBqSsrYBJYF+Gvf nFy9AcTdqRe2VX2SjjWjDF84T30OBA798gIFIPwu9R4OjWOlPeh2bo2kGeo3AITj wFZ28m7kS7kcOtvHpwIDAQABo3UwczAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUVGkTAUJ8inxIVGBlfxf4 cDhRSnowHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUVGkTAUJ8inxIVGBlfxf4cDhRSnowDAYDVR0TBAUw AwEB/zAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAYYwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwEwQgYJKoZI hvcNAQEKMDWgDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFAKEcMBoGCSqGSIb3DQEBCDANBglghkgB ZQMEAgEFAKIEAgIA3gOCAQEAQZ3iQ3NjvS4FYJ5WG41huZI0dkvNFNan+ZYWlYHJ MIQhbFogb/UQB0rlsuldG0+HF1RDXoYNuThfzt5hiBWYEtMBNurezvnOn4DF0hrl Uk3sBVnvTalVXg+UVjqh9hBGB75JYJl6a5Oa2Zrq++4qGNwjd0FqgnoXzqS5UGuB TJL8nlnXPuOIK3VHoXEy7l9GtvEzKcys0xa7g1PYpaJ5D2kpbBJmuQGmU6CDcbP+ m0hI4QDfVfHtnBp2VMCvhj0yzowtwF4BFIhv4EXZBU10mzxVj0zyKKft9++X8auH nebuK22ZwzbPe4NhOvAdfNDElkrrtGvTnzkDB7ezPYjelA== -----END CERTIFICATE----- ` _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/import/bundle", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": rsaOIDCert, }) require.Error(t, err, "expected error importing PKCS8 rsaPSS OID cert") _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/import/bundle", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": rsaOIDKey + "\n" + rsaOIDCert, }) require.Error(t, err, "expected error importing PKCS8 rsaPSS OID key+cert") _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/import/bundle", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": rsaOIDCert + "\n" + rsaOIDKey, }) require.Error(t, err, "expected error importing PKCS8 rsaPSS OID cert+key") // After all these errors, we should have zero issuers and keys. resp, err := CBList(b, s, "issuers") require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, nil, resp.Data["keys"]) resp, err = CBList(b, s, "keys") require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, nil, resp.Data["keys"]) // If we create a new PSS root, we should be able to issue an intermediate // under it. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/exported", map[string]interface{}{ "use_pss": "true", "common_name": "root x1 - pss", "key_type": "ec", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["certificate"]) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["private_key"]) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "intermediate/generate/exported", map[string]interface{}{ "use_pss": "true", "common_name": "int x1 - pss", "key_type": "ec", }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["csr"]) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["private_key"]) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/default/sign-intermediate", map[string]interface{}{ "use_pss": "true", "common_name": "int x1 - pss", "csr": resp.Data["csr"].(string), }) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Data["certificate"]) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuers/import/bundle", map[string]interface{}{ "pem_bundle": resp.Data["certificate"].(string), }) require.NoError(t, err) // Finally, if we were to take an rsaPSS OID'd CSR and use it against this // mount, it will fail. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_any_name": true, "ttl": "85s", "key_type": "any", }) require.NoError(t, err) // Issuing a leaf from a CSR with rsaPSS OID should fail... rsaOIDCSR := `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIICkTCCAUQCAQAwGTEXMBUGA1UEAwwOcmFuY2hlci5teS5vcmcwggEgMAsGCSqG SIb3DQEBCgOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAtzHuGEUK55lXI08yp9DXoye9yCZbkJZO+Hej 1TWGEkbX4hzauRJeNp2+wn8xU5y8ITjWSIXEVDHeezosLCSy0Y2QT7/V45zWPUYY ld0oUnPiwsb9CPFlBRFnX3dO9SS5MONIrNCJGKXmLdF3lgSl8zPT6J/hWM+JBjHO hBzK6L8IYwmcEujrQfnOnOztzgMEBJtWG8rnI8roz1adpczTddDKGymh2QevjhlL X9CLeYSSQZInOMsgaDYl98Hn00K5x0CBp8ADzzXtaPSQ9nsnihN8VvZ/wHw6YbBS BSHa6OD+MrYnw3Sao6/YgBRNT2glIX85uro4ARW9zGB9/748dwIDAQABoAAwQgYJ KoZIhvcNAQEKMDWgDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFAKEcMBoGCSqGSIb3DQEBCDANBglg hkgBZQMEAgEFAKIEAgIA3gOCAQEARGAa0HiwzWCpvAdLOVc4/srEyOYFZPLbtv+Y ezZIaUBNaWhOvkunqpa48avmcbGlji7r6fxJ5sT28lHt7ODWcJfn1XPAnqesXErm EBuOIhCv6WiwVyGeTVynuHYkHyw3rIL/zU7N8+zIFV2G2M1UAv5D/eyh/74cr9Of +nvm9jAbkHix8UwOBCFY2LLNl6bXvbIeJEdDOEtA9UmDXs8QGBg4lngyqcE2Z7rz +5N/x4guMk2FqblbFGiCc5fLB0Gp6lFFOqhX9Q8nLJ6HteV42xGJUUtsFpppNCRm 82dGIH2PTbXZ0k7iAAwLaPjzOv1v58Wq90o35d4iEsOfJ8v98Q== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----` _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/default/sign/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "example.com", "csr": rsaOIDCSR, }) require.Error(t, err) _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/default/sign-verbatim", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "example.com", "use_pss": true, "csr": rsaOIDCSR, }) require.Error(t, err) _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/default/sign-intermediate", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "faulty x1 - pss", "use_pss": true, "csr": rsaOIDCSR, }) require.Error(t, err) // Vault has a weird API for signing self-signed certificates. Ensure // that doesn't accept rsaPSS OID'd certificates either. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/default/sign-self-issued", map[string]interface{}{ "use_pss": true, "certificate": rsaOIDCert, }) require.Error(t, err) // Issuing a regular leaf should succeed. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_any_name": true, "ttl": "85s", "key_type": "rsa", "use_pss": "true", }) require.NoError(t, err) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issuer/default/issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "example.com", "use_pss": "true", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed to issue PSS leaf") } func TestPKI_EmptyCRLConfigUpgraded(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // Write an empty CRLConfig into storage. crlConfigEntry, err := logical.StorageEntryJSON("config/crl", &crlConfig{}) require.NoError(t, err) err = s.Put(ctx, crlConfigEntry) require.NoError(t, err) resp, err := CBRead(b, s, "config/crl") require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, resp) require.NotNil(t, resp.Data) require.Equal(t, resp.Data["expiry"], defaultCrlConfig.Expiry) require.Equal(t, resp.Data["disable"], defaultCrlConfig.Disable) require.Equal(t, resp.Data["ocsp_disable"], defaultCrlConfig.OcspDisable) require.Equal(t, resp.Data["auto_rebuild"], defaultCrlConfig.AutoRebuild) require.Equal(t, resp.Data["auto_rebuild_grace_period"], defaultCrlConfig.AutoRebuildGracePeriod) require.Equal(t, resp.Data["enable_delta"], defaultCrlConfig.EnableDelta) require.Equal(t, resp.Data["delta_rebuild_interval"], defaultCrlConfig.DeltaRebuildInterval) } func TestPKI_ListRevokedCerts(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // Test empty cluster resp, err := CBList(b, s, "certs/revoked") schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("certs/revoked"), logical.ListOperation), resp, true) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed listing empty cluster") require.Empty(t, resp.Data, "response map contained data that we did not expect") // Set up a mount that we can revoke under (We will create 3 leaf certs, 2 of which will be revoked) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.com", "key_type": "ec", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "error generating root CA") requireFieldsSetInResp(t, resp, "serial_number") issuerSerial := resp.Data["serial_number"] resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": "test.com", "allow_subdomains": "true", "max_ttl": "1h", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "error setting up pki role") resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test1.test.com", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "error issuing cert 1") requireFieldsSetInResp(t, resp, "serial_number") serial1 := resp.Data["serial_number"] resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test2.test.com", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "error issuing cert 2") requireFieldsSetInResp(t, resp, "serial_number") serial2 := resp.Data["serial_number"] resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test3.test.com", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "error issuing cert 2") requireFieldsSetInResp(t, resp, "serial_number") serial3 := resp.Data["serial_number"] resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "revoke", map[string]interface{}{"serial_number": serial1}) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "error revoking cert 1") resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "revoke", map[string]interface{}{"serial_number": serial2}) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "error revoking cert 2") // Test that we get back the expected revoked serial numbers. resp, err = CBList(b, s, "certs/revoked") requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed listing revoked certs") requireFieldsSetInResp(t, resp, "keys") revokedKeys := resp.Data["keys"].([]string) require.Contains(t, revokedKeys, serial1) require.Contains(t, revokedKeys, serial2) require.Equal(t, 2, len(revokedKeys), "Expected 2 revoked entries got %d: %v", len(revokedKeys), revokedKeys) // Test that listing our certs returns a different response resp, err = CBList(b, s, "certs") requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed listing written certs") requireFieldsSetInResp(t, resp, "keys") certKeys := resp.Data["keys"].([]string) require.Contains(t, certKeys, serial1) require.Contains(t, certKeys, serial2) require.Contains(t, certKeys, serial3) require.Contains(t, certKeys, issuerSerial) require.Equal(t, 4, len(certKeys), "Expected 4 cert entries got %d: %v", len(certKeys), certKeys) } func TestPKI_TemplatedAIAs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // Setting templated AIAs should succeed. resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "config/cluster", map[string]interface{}{ "path": "http://localhost:8200/v1/pki", "aia_path": "http://localhost:8200/cdn/pki", }) require.NoError(t, err) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("config/cluster"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) resp, err = CBRead(b, s, "config/cluster") require.NoError(t, err) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("config/cluster"), logical.ReadOperation), resp, true) aiaData := map[string]interface{}{ "crl_distribution_points": "{{cluster_path}}/issuer/{{issuer_id}}/crl/der", "issuing_certificates": "{{cluster_aia_path}}/issuer/{{issuer_id}}/der", "ocsp_servers": "{{cluster_path}}/ocsp", "enable_templating": true, } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "config/urls", aiaData) require.NoError(t, err) // But root generation will fail. rootData := map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "Long-Lived Root X1", "issuer_name": "long-root-x1", "key_type": "ec", } _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", rootData) require.Error(t, err) require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "unable to parse AIA URL") // Clearing the config and regenerating the root should succeed. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "config/urls", map[string]interface{}{ "crl_distribution_points": "", "issuing_certificates": "", "ocsp_servers": "", "enable_templating": false, }) require.NoError(t, err) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", rootData) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err) issuerId := string(resp.Data["issuer_id"].(issuerID)) // Now write the original AIA config and sign a leaf. _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "config/urls", aiaData) require.NoError(t, err) _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_any_name": "true", "key_type": "ec", "ttl": "50m", }) require.NoError(t, err) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "example.com", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err) // Validate the AIA info is correctly templated. cert := parseCert(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string)) require.Equal(t, cert.OCSPServer, []string{"http://localhost:8200/v1/pki/ocsp"}) require.Equal(t, cert.IssuingCertificateURL, []string{"http://localhost:8200/cdn/pki/issuer/" + issuerId + "/der"}) require.Equal(t, cert.CRLDistributionPoints, []string{"http://localhost:8200/v1/pki/issuer/" + issuerId + "/crl/der"}) // Modify our issuer to set custom AIAs: these URLs are bad. _, err = CBPatch(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{ "enable_aia_url_templating": "false", "crl_distribution_points": "a", "issuing_certificates": "b", "ocsp_servers": "c", }) require.Error(t, err) // These URLs are good. _, err = CBPatch(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{ "enable_aia_url_templating": "false", "crl_distribution_points": "http://localhost/a", "issuing_certificates": "http://localhost/b", "ocsp_servers": "http://localhost/c", }) resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "example.com", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err) // Validate the AIA info is correctly templated. cert = parseCert(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string)) require.Equal(t, cert.OCSPServer, []string{"http://localhost/c"}) require.Equal(t, cert.IssuingCertificateURL, []string{"http://localhost/b"}) require.Equal(t, cert.CRLDistributionPoints, []string{"http://localhost/a"}) // These URLs are bad, but will fail at issuance time due to AIA templating. resp, err = CBPatch(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{ "enable_aia_url_templating": "true", "crl_distribution_points": "a", "issuing_certificates": "b", "ocsp_servers": "c", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err) require.NotEmpty(t, resp.Warnings) _, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "example.com", }) require.Error(t, err) } func requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t *testing.T, cert string, target string) { xCert := parseCert(t, cert) for _, attr := range xCert.Subject.Names { var userID string if attr.Type.Equal(certutil.SubjectPilotUserIDAttributeOID) { if target == "" { t.Fatalf("expected no UserID (OID: %v) subject attributes in cert:\n%v", certutil.SubjectPilotUserIDAttributeOID, cert) } switch aValue := attr.Value.(type) { case string: userID = aValue case []byte: userID = string(aValue) default: t.Fatalf("unknown type for UserID attribute: %v\nCert: %v", attr, cert) } if userID == target { return } } } if target != "" { t.Fatalf("failed to find UserID (OID: %v) matching %v in cert:\n%v", certutil.SubjectPilotUserIDAttributeOID, target, cert) } } func TestUserIDsInLeafCerts(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // 1. Setup root issuer. resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "Vault Root CA", "key_type": "ec", "ttl": "7200h", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed generating root issuer") // 2. Allow no user IDs. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_user_ids": "", "key_type": "ec", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed setting up role") // - Issue cert without user IDs should work. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "") // - Issue cert with user ID should fail. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "humanoid", }) require.Error(t, err) require.True(t, resp.IsError()) // 3. Allow any user IDs. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_user_ids": "*", "key_type": "ec", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed setting up role") // - Issue cert without user IDs. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "") // - Issue cert with one user ID. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "humanoid", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "humanoid") // - Issue cert with two user IDs. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "humanoid,robot", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "humanoid") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "robot") // 4. Allow one specific user ID. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_user_ids": "humanoid", "key_type": "ec", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed setting up role") // - Issue cert without user IDs. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "") // - Issue cert with approved ID. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "humanoid", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "humanoid") // - Issue cert with non-approved user ID should fail. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "robot", }) require.Error(t, err) require.True(t, resp.IsError()) // - Issue cert with one approved and one non-approved should also fail. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "humanoid,robot", }) require.Error(t, err) require.True(t, resp.IsError()) // 5. Allow two specific user IDs. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_user_ids": "humanoid,robot", "key_type": "ec", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed setting up role") // - Issue cert without user IDs. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "") // - Issue cert with one approved ID. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "humanoid", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "humanoid") // - Issue cert with other user ID. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "robot", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "robot") // - Issue cert with unknown user ID will fail. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "robot2", }) require.Error(t, err) require.True(t, resp.IsError()) // - Issue cert with both should succeed. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "humanoid,robot", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "humanoid") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "robot") // 6. Use a glob. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "roles/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_user_ids": "human*", "key_type": "ec", "use_csr_sans": true, // setup for further testing. }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed setting up role") // - Issue cert without user IDs. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "") // - Issue cert with approved ID. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "humanoid", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "humanoid") // - Issue cert with another approved ID. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "human", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "human") // - Issue cert with literal glob. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "human*", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "human*") // - Still no robotic certs are allowed; will fail. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "issue/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", "user_ids": "robot", }) require.Error(t, err) require.True(t, resp.IsError()) // Create a CSR and validate it works with both sign/ and sign-verbatim. csrTemplate := x509.CertificateRequest{ Subject: pkix.Name{ CommonName: "localhost", ExtraNames: []pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue{ { Type: certutil.SubjectPilotUserIDAttributeOID, Value: "humanoid", }, }, }, } _, _, csrPem := generateCSR(t, &csrTemplate, "ec", 256) // Should work with role-based signing. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "sign/testing", map[string]interface{}{ "csr": csrPem, }) schema.ValidateResponse(t, schema.GetResponseSchema(t, b.Route("sign/testing"), logical.UpdateOperation), resp, true) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "humanoid") // - Definitely will work with sign-verbatim. resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "sign-verbatim", map[string]interface{}{ "csr": csrPem, }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed issuing leaf cert") requireSubjectUserIDAttr(t, resp.Data["certificate"].(string), "humanoid") } // TestStandby_Operations test proper forwarding for PKI requests from a standby node to the // active node within a cluster. func TestStandby_Operations(t *testing.T) { conf, opts := teststorage.ClusterSetup(&vault.CoreConfig{ LogicalBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{ "pki": Factory, }, }, nil, teststorage.InmemBackendSetup) cluster := vault.NewTestCluster(t, conf, opts) cluster.Start() defer cluster.Cleanup() testhelpers.WaitForActiveNodeAndStandbys(t, cluster) standbyCores := testhelpers.DeriveStandbyCores(t, cluster) require.Greater(t, len(standbyCores), 0, "Need at least one standby core.") client := standbyCores[0].Client mountPKIEndpoint(t, client, "pki") _, err := client.Logical().Write("pki/root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "key_type": "ec", "common_name": "root-ca.com", "ttl": "600h", }) require.NoError(t, err, "error setting up pki role: %v", err) _, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/roles/example", map[string]interface{}{ "allowed_domains": "example.com", "allow_subdomains": "true", "no_store": "false", // make sure we store this cert "ttl": "5h", "key_type": "ec", }) require.NoError(t, err, "error setting up pki role: %v", err) resp, err := client.Logical().Write("pki/issue/example", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "test.example.com", }) require.NoError(t, err, "error issuing certificate: %v", err) require.NotNil(t, resp, "got nil response from issuing request") serialOfCert := resp.Data["serial_number"].(string) resp, err = client.Logical().Write("pki/revoke", map[string]interface{}{ "serial_number": serialOfCert, }) require.NoError(t, err, "error revoking certificate: %v", err) require.NotNil(t, resp, "got nil response from revoke request") } type pathAuthCheckerFunc func(t *testing.T, client *api.Client, path string, token string) func isPermDenied(err error) bool { return err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "permission denied") } func isUnsupportedPathOperation(err error) bool { return err != nil && (strings.Contains(err.Error(), "unsupported path") || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "unsupported operation")) } func isDeniedOp(err error) bool { return isPermDenied(err) || isUnsupportedPathOperation(err) } func pathShouldBeAuthed(t *testing.T, client *api.Client, path string, token string) { client.SetToken("") resp, err := client.Logical().ReadWithContext(ctx, path) if err == nil || !isPermDenied(err) { t.Fatalf("expected failure to read %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().ListWithContext(ctx, path) if err == nil || !isPermDenied(err) { t.Fatalf("expected failure to list %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().WriteWithContext(ctx, path, map[string]interface{}{}) if err == nil || !isPermDenied(err) { t.Fatalf("expected failure to write %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().DeleteWithContext(ctx, path) if err == nil || !isPermDenied(err) { t.Fatalf("expected failure to delete %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().JSONMergePatch(ctx, path, map[string]interface{}{}) if err == nil || !isPermDenied(err) { t.Fatalf("expected failure to patch %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } } func pathShouldBeUnauthedReadList(t *testing.T, client *api.Client, path string, token string) { // Should be able to read both with and without a token. client.SetToken("") resp, err := client.Logical().ReadWithContext(ctx, path) if err != nil && isPermDenied(err) { // Read will sometimes return permission denied, when the handler // does not support the given operation. Retry with the token. client.SetToken(token) resp2, err2 := client.Logical().ReadWithContext(ctx, path) if err2 != nil && !isUnsupportedPathOperation(err2) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure to read %v while unauthed: %v / %v\nWhile authed: %v / %v", path, err, resp, err2, resp2) } client.SetToken("") } resp, err = client.Logical().ListWithContext(ctx, path) if err != nil && isPermDenied(err) { // List will sometimes return permission denied, when the handler // does not support the given operation. Retry with the token. client.SetToken(token) resp2, err2 := client.Logical().ListWithContext(ctx, path) if err2 != nil && !isUnsupportedPathOperation(err2) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure to list %v while unauthed: %v / %v\nWhile authed: %v / %v", path, err, resp, err2, resp2) } client.SetToken("") } // These should all be denied. resp, err = client.Logical().WriteWithContext(ctx, path, map[string]interface{}{}) if err == nil || !isDeniedOp(err) { if !strings.Contains(path, "ocsp") || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Code: 40") { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during write on read-only path %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } } resp, err = client.Logical().DeleteWithContext(ctx, path) if err == nil || !isDeniedOp(err) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during delete on read-only path %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().JSONMergePatch(ctx, path, map[string]interface{}{}) if err == nil || !isDeniedOp(err) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during patch on read-only path %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } // Retrying with token should allow read/list, but not modification still. client.SetToken(token) resp, err = client.Logical().ReadWithContext(ctx, path) if err != nil && isPermDenied(err) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure to read %v while authed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().ListWithContext(ctx, path) if err != nil && isPermDenied(err) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure to list %v while authed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } // Should all be denied. resp, err = client.Logical().WriteWithContext(ctx, path, map[string]interface{}{}) if err == nil || !isDeniedOp(err) { if !strings.Contains(path, "ocsp") || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Code: 40") { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during write on read-only path %v while authed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } } resp, err = client.Logical().DeleteWithContext(ctx, path) if err == nil || !isDeniedOp(err) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during delete on read-only path %v while authed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().JSONMergePatch(ctx, path, map[string]interface{}{}) if err == nil || !isDeniedOp(err) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during patch on read-only path %v while authed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } } func pathShouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly(t *testing.T, client *api.Client, path string, token string) { client.SetToken("") resp, err := client.Logical().WriteWithContext(ctx, path, map[string]interface{}{}) if err != nil && isPermDenied(err) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure to write %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } // These should all be denied. However, on OSS, we might end up with // a regular 404, which looks like err == resp == nil; hence we only // fail when there's a non-nil response and/or a non-nil err. resp, err = client.Logical().ReadWithContext(ctx, path) if (err == nil && resp != nil) || (err != nil && !isDeniedOp(err)) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during read on write-only path %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().ListWithContext(ctx, path) if (err == nil && resp != nil) || (err != nil && !isDeniedOp(err)) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during list on write-only path %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().DeleteWithContext(ctx, path) if (err == nil && resp != nil) || (err != nil && !isDeniedOp(err)) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during delete on write-only path %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().JSONMergePatch(ctx, path, map[string]interface{}{}) if (err == nil && resp != nil) || (err != nil && !isDeniedOp(err)) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during patch on write-only path %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } // Retrying with token should allow writing, but nothing else. client.SetToken(token) resp, err = client.Logical().WriteWithContext(ctx, path, map[string]interface{}{}) if err != nil && isPermDenied(err) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure to write %v while unauthed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } // These should all be denied. resp, err = client.Logical().ReadWithContext(ctx, path) if (err == nil && resp != nil) || (err != nil && !isDeniedOp(err)) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during read on write-only path %v while authed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().ListWithContext(ctx, path) if (err == nil && resp != nil) || (err != nil && !isDeniedOp(err)) { if resp != nil || err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during list on write-only path %v while authed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } } resp, err = client.Logical().DeleteWithContext(ctx, path) if (err == nil && resp != nil) || (err != nil && !isDeniedOp(err)) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during delete on write-only path %v while authed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } resp, err = client.Logical().JSONMergePatch(ctx, path, map[string]interface{}{}) if (err == nil && resp != nil) || (err != nil && !isDeniedOp(err)) { t.Fatalf("unexpected failure during patch on write-only path %v while authed: %v / %v", path, err, resp) } } type pathAuthChecker int const ( shouldBeAuthed pathAuthChecker = iota shouldBeUnauthedReadList shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly ) var pathAuthChckerMap = map[pathAuthChecker]pathAuthCheckerFunc{ shouldBeAuthed: pathShouldBeAuthed, shouldBeUnauthedReadList: pathShouldBeUnauthedReadList, shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly: pathShouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly, } func TestProperAuthing(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx := context.Background() coreConfig := &vault.CoreConfig{ LogicalBackends: map[string]logical.Factory{ "pki": Factory, }, } cluster := vault.NewTestCluster(t, coreConfig, &vault.TestClusterOptions{ HandlerFunc: vaulthttp.Handler, }) cluster.Start() defer cluster.Cleanup() client := cluster.Cores[0].Client token := client.Token() // Mount PKI. err := client.Sys().MountWithContext(ctx, "pki", &api.MountInput{ Type: "pki", Config: api.MountConfigInput{ DefaultLeaseTTL: "16h", MaxLeaseTTL: "60h", }, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Setup basic configuration. _, err = client.Logical().WriteWithContext(ctx, "pki/root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "ttl": "40h", "common_name": "myvault.com", }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = client.Logical().WriteWithContext(ctx, "pki/roles/test", map[string]interface{}{ "allow_localhost": true, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } resp, err := client.Logical().WriteWithContext(ctx, "pki/issue/test", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "localhost", }) if err != nil || resp == nil { t.Fatal(err) } serial := resp.Data["serial_number"].(string) paths := map[string]pathAuthChecker{ "ca_chain": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/ca_chain": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "ca": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "ca/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/" + serial: shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/" + serial + "/raw": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/" + serial + "/raw/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/crl": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/crl/raw": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/crl/raw/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/delta-crl": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/delta-crl/raw": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/delta-crl/raw/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/unified-crl": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/unified-crl/raw": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/unified-crl/raw/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/unified-delta-crl": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/unified-delta-crl/raw": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "cert/unified-delta-crl/raw/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "certs": shouldBeAuthed, "certs/revoked": shouldBeAuthed, "certs/revocation-queue": shouldBeAuthed, "certs/unified-revoked": shouldBeAuthed, "config/acme": shouldBeAuthed, "config/auto-tidy": shouldBeAuthed, "config/ca": shouldBeAuthed, "config/cluster": shouldBeAuthed, "config/crl": shouldBeAuthed, "config/issuers": shouldBeAuthed, "config/keys": shouldBeAuthed, "config/urls": shouldBeAuthed, "crl": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "crl/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "crl/delta": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "crl/delta/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "crl/rotate": shouldBeAuthed, "crl/rotate-delta": shouldBeAuthed, "intermediate/cross-sign": shouldBeAuthed, "intermediate/generate/exported": shouldBeAuthed, "intermediate/generate/internal": shouldBeAuthed, "intermediate/generate/existing": shouldBeAuthed, "intermediate/generate/kms": shouldBeAuthed, "intermediate/set-signed": shouldBeAuthed, "issue/test": shouldBeAuthed, "issuer/default": shouldBeAuthed, "issuer/default/der": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/json": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/crl": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/crl/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/crl/der": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/crl/delta": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/crl/delta/der": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/crl/delta/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/unified-crl": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/unified-crl/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/unified-crl/der": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/unified-crl/delta": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/unified-crl/delta/der": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/unified-crl/delta/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuer/default/issue/test": shouldBeAuthed, "issuer/default/resign-crls": shouldBeAuthed, "issuer/default/revoke": shouldBeAuthed, "issuer/default/sign-intermediate": shouldBeAuthed, "issuer/default/sign-revocation-list": shouldBeAuthed, "issuer/default/sign-self-issued": shouldBeAuthed, "issuer/default/sign-verbatim": shouldBeAuthed, "issuer/default/sign-verbatim/test": shouldBeAuthed, "issuer/default/sign/test": shouldBeAuthed, "issuers": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "issuers/generate/intermediate/exported": shouldBeAuthed, "issuers/generate/intermediate/internal": shouldBeAuthed, "issuers/generate/intermediate/existing": shouldBeAuthed, "issuers/generate/intermediate/kms": shouldBeAuthed, "issuers/generate/root/exported": shouldBeAuthed, "issuers/generate/root/internal": shouldBeAuthed, "issuers/generate/root/existing": shouldBeAuthed, "issuers/generate/root/kms": shouldBeAuthed, "issuers/import/cert": shouldBeAuthed, "issuers/import/bundle": shouldBeAuthed, "key/default": shouldBeAuthed, "keys": shouldBeAuthed, "keys/generate/internal": shouldBeAuthed, "keys/generate/exported": shouldBeAuthed, "keys/generate/kms": shouldBeAuthed, "keys/import": shouldBeAuthed, "ocsp": shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly, "ocsp/dGVzdAo=": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "revoke": shouldBeAuthed, "revoke-with-key": shouldBeAuthed, "roles/test": shouldBeAuthed, "roles": shouldBeAuthed, "root": shouldBeAuthed, "root/generate/exported": shouldBeAuthed, "root/generate/internal": shouldBeAuthed, "root/generate/existing": shouldBeAuthed, "root/generate/kms": shouldBeAuthed, "root/replace": shouldBeAuthed, "root/rotate/internal": shouldBeAuthed, "root/rotate/exported": shouldBeAuthed, "root/rotate/existing": shouldBeAuthed, "root/rotate/kms": shouldBeAuthed, "root/sign-intermediate": shouldBeAuthed, "root/sign-self-issued": shouldBeAuthed, "sign-verbatim": shouldBeAuthed, "sign-verbatim/test": shouldBeAuthed, "sign/test": shouldBeAuthed, "tidy": shouldBeAuthed, "tidy-cancel": shouldBeAuthed, "tidy-status": shouldBeAuthed, "unified-crl": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "unified-crl/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "unified-crl/delta": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "unified-crl/delta/pem": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, "unified-ocsp": shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly, "unified-ocsp/dGVzdAo=": shouldBeUnauthedReadList, } // Add ACME based paths to the test suite for _, acmePrefix := range []string{"", "issuer/default/", "roles/test/", "issuer/default/roles/test/"} { paths[acmePrefix+"acme/directory"] = shouldBeUnauthedReadList paths[acmePrefix+"acme/new-nonce"] = shouldBeUnauthedReadList paths[acmePrefix+"acme/new-account"] = shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly paths[acmePrefix+"acme/revoke-cert"] = shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly paths[acmePrefix+"acme/new-order"] = shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly paths[acmePrefix+"acme/orders"] = shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly paths[acmePrefix+"acme/account/hrKmDYTvicHoHGVN2-3uzZV_BPGdE0W_dNaqYTtYqeo="] = shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly paths[acmePrefix+"acme/authorization/29da8c38-7a09-465e-b9a6-3d76802b1afd"] = shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly paths[acmePrefix+"acme/challenge/29da8c38-7a09-465e-b9a6-3d76802b1afd/http-01"] = shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly paths[acmePrefix+"acme/order/13b80844-e60d-42d2-b7e9-152a8e834b90"] = shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly paths[acmePrefix+"acme/order/13b80844-e60d-42d2-b7e9-152a8e834b90/finalize"] = shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly paths[acmePrefix+"acme/order/13b80844-e60d-42d2-b7e9-152a8e834b90/cert"] = shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly } for path, checkerType := range paths { checker := pathAuthChckerMap[checkerType] checker(t, client, "pki/"+path, token) } client.SetToken(token) openAPIResp, err := client.Logical().ReadWithContext(ctx, "sys/internal/specs/openapi") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to get openapi data: %v", err) } validatedPath := false for openapi_path, raw_data := range openAPIResp.Data["paths"].(map[string]interface{}) { if !strings.HasPrefix(openapi_path, "/pki/") { t.Logf("Skipping path: %v", openapi_path) continue } t.Logf("Validating path: %v", openapi_path) validatedPath = true // Substitute values in from our testing map. raw_path := openapi_path[5:] if strings.Contains(raw_path, "roles/") && strings.Contains(raw_path, "{name}") { raw_path = strings.ReplaceAll(raw_path, "{name}", "test") } if strings.Contains(raw_path, "{role}") { raw_path = strings.ReplaceAll(raw_path, "{role}", "test") } if strings.Contains(raw_path, "ocsp/") && strings.Contains(raw_path, "{req}") { raw_path = strings.ReplaceAll(raw_path, "{req}", "dGVzdAo=") } if strings.Contains(raw_path, "{issuer_ref}") { raw_path = strings.ReplaceAll(raw_path, "{issuer_ref}", "default") } if strings.Contains(raw_path, "{key_ref}") { raw_path = strings.ReplaceAll(raw_path, "{key_ref}", "default") } if strings.Contains(raw_path, "{exported}") { raw_path = strings.ReplaceAll(raw_path, "{exported}", "internal") } if strings.Contains(raw_path, "{serial}") { raw_path = strings.ReplaceAll(raw_path, "{serial}", serial) } if strings.Contains(raw_path, "acme/account/") && strings.Contains(raw_path, "{kid}") { raw_path = strings.ReplaceAll(raw_path, "{kid}", "hrKmDYTvicHoHGVN2-3uzZV_BPGdE0W_dNaqYTtYqeo=") } if strings.Contains(raw_path, "acme/") && strings.Contains(raw_path, "{auth_id}") { raw_path = strings.ReplaceAll(raw_path, "{auth_id}", "29da8c38-7a09-465e-b9a6-3d76802b1afd") } if strings.Contains(raw_path, "acme/") && strings.Contains(raw_path, "{challenge_type}") { raw_path = strings.ReplaceAll(raw_path, "{challenge_type}", "http-01") } if strings.Contains(raw_path, "acme/") && strings.Contains(raw_path, "{order_id}") { raw_path = strings.ReplaceAll(raw_path, "{order_id}", "13b80844-e60d-42d2-b7e9-152a8e834b90") } handler, present := paths[raw_path] if !present { t.Fatalf("OpenAPI reports PKI mount contains %v->%v but was not tested to be authed or authed.", openapi_path, raw_path) } openapi_data := raw_data.(map[string]interface{}) hasList := false rawGetData, hasGet := openapi_data["get"] if hasGet { getData := rawGetData.(map[string]interface{}) getParams, paramsPresent := getData["parameters"].(map[string]interface{}) if getParams != nil && paramsPresent { if _, hasList = getParams["list"]; hasList { // LIST is exclusive from GET on the same endpoint usually. hasGet = false } } } _, hasPost := openapi_data["post"] _, hasDelete := openapi_data["delete"] if handler == shouldBeUnauthedReadList { if hasPost || hasDelete { t.Fatalf("Unauthed read-only endpoints should not have POST/DELETE capabilities: %v->%v", openapi_path, raw_path) } } else if handler == shouldBeUnauthedWriteOnly { if hasGet || hasList { t.Fatalf("Unauthed write-only endpoints should not have GET/LIST capabilities: %v->%v", openapi_path, raw_path) } } } if !validatedPath { t.Fatalf("Expected to have validated at least one path.") } } func TestPatchIssuer(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() type TestCase struct { Field string Before interface{} Patched interface{} } testCases := []TestCase{ { Field: "issuer_name", Before: "root", Patched: "root-new", }, { Field: "leaf_not_after_behavior", Before: "err", Patched: "permit", }, { Field: "usage", Before: "crl-signing,issuing-certificates,ocsp-signing,read-only", Patched: "issuing-certificates,read-only", }, { Field: "revocation_signature_algorithm", Before: "ECDSAWithSHA256", Patched: "ECDSAWithSHA384", }, { Field: "issuing_certificates", Before: []string{"http://localhost/v1/pki-1/ca"}, Patched: []string{"http://localhost/v1/pki/ca"}, }, { Field: "crl_distribution_points", Before: []string{"http://localhost/v1/pki-1/crl"}, Patched: []string{"http://localhost/v1/pki/crl"}, }, { Field: "ocsp_servers", Before: []string{"http://localhost/v1/pki-1/ocsp"}, Patched: []string{"http://localhost/v1/pki/ocsp"}, }, { Field: "enable_aia_url_templating", Before: false, Patched: true, }, { Field: "manual_chain", Before: []string(nil), Patched: []string{"self"}, }, } for index, testCase := range testCases { t.Logf("index: %v / tc: %v", index, testCase) b, s := CreateBackendWithStorage(t) // 1. Setup root issuer. resp, err := CBWrite(b, s, "root/generate/internal", map[string]interface{}{ "common_name": "Vault Root CA", "key_type": "ec", "ttl": "7200h", "issuer_name": "root", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed generating root issuer") id := string(resp.Data["issuer_id"].(issuerID)) // 2. Enable Cluster paths resp, err = CBWrite(b, s, "config/urls", map[string]interface{}{ "path": "https://localhost/v1/pki", "aia_path": "http://localhost/v1/pki", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed updating AIA config") // 3. Add AIA information resp, err = CBPatch(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{ "issuing_certificates": "http://localhost/v1/pki-1/ca", "crl_distribution_points": "http://localhost/v1/pki-1/crl", "ocsp_servers": "http://localhost/v1/pki-1/ocsp", }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed setting up issuer") // 4. Read the issuer before. resp, err = CBRead(b, s, "issuer/default") requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed reading root issuer before") require.Equal(t, testCase.Before, resp.Data[testCase.Field], "bad expectations") // 5. Perform modification. resp, err = CBPatch(b, s, "issuer/default", map[string]interface{}{ testCase.Field: testCase.Patched, }) requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed patching root issuer") if testCase.Field != "manual_chain" { require.Equal(t, testCase.Patched, resp.Data[testCase.Field], "failed persisting value") } else { // self->id require.Equal(t, []string{id}, resp.Data[testCase.Field], "failed persisting value") } // 6. Ensure it stuck resp, err = CBRead(b, s, "issuer/default") requireSuccessNonNilResponse(t, resp, err, "failed reading root issuer after") if testCase.Field != "manual_chain" { require.Equal(t, testCase.Patched, resp.Data[testCase.Field]) } else { // self->id require.Equal(t, []string{id}, resp.Data[testCase.Field], "failed persisting value") } } } var ( initTest sync.Once rsaCAKey string rsaCACert string ecCAKey string ecCACert string edCAKey string edCACert string )