import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { alias, or } from '@ember/object/computed'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import { getOwner } from '@ember/application'; import { schedule } from '@ember/runloop'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import ControlGroupError from 'vault/lib/control-group-error'; import { parseCommand, extractDataAndFlags, logFromResponse, logFromError, logErrorFromInput, executeUICommand, } from 'vault/lib/console-helpers'; export default Component.extend({ console: service(), router: service(), controlGroup: service(), store: service(), 'data-test-component': 'console/ui-panel', attributeBindings: ['data-test-component'], classNames: 'console-ui-panel', classNameBindings: ['isFullscreen:fullscreen'], isFullscreen: false, inputValue: null, cliLog: alias('console.log'), didRender() { this._super(...arguments); this.scrollToBottom(); }, logAndOutput(command, logContent) { this.console.logAndOutput(command, logContent); schedule('afterRender', () => this.scrollToBottom()); }, isRunning: or('executeCommand.isRunning', 'refreshRoute.isRunning'), executeCommand: task(function* (command, shouldThrow = false) { this.set('inputValue', ''); let service = this.console; let serviceArgs; if ( executeUICommand(command, (args) => this.logAndOutput(args), { api: () => this.routeToExplore.perform(command), clearall: () => service.clearLog(true), clear: () => service.clearLog(), fullscreen: () => this.toggleProperty('isFullscreen'), refresh: () => this.refreshRoute.perform(), }) ) { return; } // parse to verify it's valid try { serviceArgs = parseCommand(command, shouldThrow); } catch (e) { this.logAndOutput(command, { type: 'help' }); return; } // we have a invalid command but don't want to throw if (serviceArgs === false) { return; } let [method, flagArray, path, dataArray] = serviceArgs; if (dataArray || flagArray) { var { data, flags } = extractDataAndFlags(method, dataArray, flagArray); } let inputError = logErrorFromInput(path, method, flags, dataArray); if (inputError) { this.logAndOutput(command, inputError); return; } try { let resp = yield service[method].call(service, path, data, flags.wrapTTL); this.logAndOutput(command, logFromResponse(resp, path, method, flags)); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof ControlGroupError) { return this.logAndOutput(command, this.controlGroup.logFromError(error)); } this.logAndOutput(command, logFromError(error, path, method)); } }), refreshRoute: task(function* () { let owner = getOwner(this); let currentRoute = owner.lookup(`router:main`).get('currentRouteName'); try {; yield this.router.transitionTo(currentRoute); this.logAndOutput(null, { type: 'success', content: 'The current screen has been refreshed!' }); } catch (error) { this.logAndOutput(null, { type: 'error', content: 'The was a problem refreshing the current screen.' }); } }), routeToExplore: task(function* (command) { let filter = command.replace('api', '').trim(); let content = 'Welcome to the Vault API explorer! \nYou can search for endpoints, see what parameters they accept, and even execute requests with your current token.'; if (filter) { content = `Welcome to the Vault API explorer! \nWe've filtered the list of endpoints for '${filter}'.`; } try { yield this.router.transitionTo('', { queryParams: { filter }, }); this.logAndOutput(null, { type: 'success', content, }); } catch (error) { if (error.message === 'TransitionAborted') { this.logAndOutput(null, { type: 'success', content, }); } else { this.logAndOutput(null, { type: 'error', content: 'There was a problem navigating to the api explorer.', }); } } }), shiftCommandIndex(keyCode) { this.console.shiftCommandIndex(keyCode, (val) => { this.set('inputValue', val); }); }, scrollToBottom() { this.element.scrollTop = this.element.scrollHeight; }, actions: { closeConsole() { this.set('console.isOpen', false); }, toggleFullscreen() { this.toggleProperty('isFullscreen'); }, executeCommand(val) { this.executeCommand.perform(val, true); }, shiftCommandIndex(direction) { this.shiftCommandIndex(direction); }, }, });