import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support';
import { fillIn, click, waitUntil } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { _cancelTimers as cancelTimers, later } from '@ember/runloop';
import { TOTP_VALIDATION_ERROR } from 'vault/components/mfa/mfa-form';
module('Integration | Component | mfa-form', function (hooks) {
hooks.beforeEach(function () {
this.clusterId = '123456';
this.mfaAuthData = {
backend: 'userpass',
data: { username: 'foo', password: 'bar' },
this.authService = this.owner.lookup('service:auth');
// setup basic totp mfa_requirement
// override in tests that require different scenarios
this.totpConstraint = this.server.create('mfa-method', { type: 'totp' });
const { mfa_requirement } = this.authService._parseMfaResponse({
mfa_request_id: 'test-mfa-id',
mfa_constraints: { test_mfa: { any: [this.totpConstraint] } },
this.mfaAuthData.mfa_requirement = mfa_requirement;
test('it should render correct descriptions', async function (assert) {
const totpConstraint = this.server.create('mfa-method', { type: 'totp' });
const oktaConstraint = this.server.create('mfa-method', { type: 'okta' });
const duoConstraint = this.server.create('mfa-method', { type: 'duo' });
this.mfaAuthData.mfa_requirement = this.authService._parseMfaResponse({
mfa_request_id: 'test-mfa-id',
mfa_constraints: { test_mfa_1: { any: [totpConstraint] } },
await render(
'Enter your authentication code to log in.',
'Correct description renders for single passcode'
this.mfaAuthData.mfa_requirement = this.authService._parseMfaResponse({
mfa_request_id: 'test-mfa-id',
mfa_constraints: { test_mfa_1: { any: [duoConstraint, oktaConstraint] } },
await render(
'Select the MFA method you wish to use.',
'Correct description renders for multiple methods'
this.mfaAuthData.mfa_requirement = this.authService._parseMfaResponse({
mfa_request_id: 'test-mfa-id',
mfa_constraints: { test_mfa_1: { any: [oktaConstraint] }, test_mfa_2: { any: [duoConstraint] } },
await render(
'Two methods are required for successful authentication.',
'Correct description renders for multiple constraints'
test('it should render method selects and passcode inputs', async function (assert) {
const duoConstraint = this.server.create('mfa-method', { type: 'duo', uses_passcode: true });
const oktaConstraint = this.server.create('mfa-method', { type: 'okta' });
const pingidConstraint = this.server.create('mfa-method', { type: 'pingid' });
const { mfa_requirement } = this.authService._parseMfaResponse({
mfa_request_id: 'test-mfa-id',
mfa_constraints: {
test_mfa_1: {
any: [pingidConstraint, oktaConstraint],
test_mfa_2: {
any: [duoConstraint],
this.mfaAuthData.mfa_requirement = mfa_requirement;'/sys/mfa/validate', (schema, req) => {
const json = JSON.parse(req.requestBody);
const payload = {
mfa_request_id: 'test-mfa-id',
mfa_payload: { []: [], []: ['passcode=test-code'] },
assert.deepEqual(json, payload, 'Correct mfa payload passed to validate endpoint');
return {};
// override to avoid authSuccess method since it expects an auth payload
async totpValidate({ mfa_requirement }) {
await this.clusterAdapter().mfaValidate(mfa_requirement);
return 'test response';
this.onSuccess = (resp) =>
assert.strictEqual(resp, 'test response', 'Response is returned in onSuccess callback');
await render(hbs`
await fillIn('[data-test-mfa-select="0"] select',;
await fillIn('[data-test-mfa-passcode="1"]', 'test-code');
await click('[data-test-mfa-validate]');
test('it should validate mfa requirement', async function (assert) {
assert.expect(5);'/sys/mfa/validate', (schema, req) => {
const json = JSON.parse(req.requestBody);
const payload = {
mfa_request_id: 'test-mfa-id',
mfa_payload: { []: ['test-code'] },
assert.deepEqual(json, payload, 'Correct mfa payload passed to validate endpoint');
return {};
const expectedAuthData = { clusterId: this.clusterId, ...this.mfaAuthData };
// override to avoid authSuccess method since it expects an auth payload
async totpValidate(authData) {
await waitUntil(() =>
assert.dom('[data-test-mfa-validate]').hasClass('is-loading', 'Loading class applied to button')
assert.dom('[data-test-mfa-validate]').isDisabled('Button is disabled while loading');
assert.deepEqual(authData, expectedAuthData, 'Mfa auth data passed to validate method');
await this.clusterAdapter().mfaValidate(authData.mfa_requirement);
return 'test response';
this.onSuccess = (resp) =>
assert.strictEqual(resp, 'test response', 'Response is returned in onSuccess callback');
await render(hbs`
await fillIn('[data-test-mfa-passcode]', 'test-code');
await click('[data-test-mfa-validate]');
test('it should show countdown on passcode already used and rate limit errors', async function (assert) {
const messages = {
used: 'code already used; new code is available in 45 seconds',
'maximum TOTP validation attempts 4 exceeded the allowed attempts 3. Please try again in 15 seconds',
const codes = ['used', 'limit'];
for (const code of codes) {
totpValidate() {
throw { errors: [messages[code]] };
await render(hbs`
await fillIn('[data-test-mfa-passcode]', code);
later(() => cancelTimers(), 50);
await click('[data-test-mfa-validate]');
code === 'used' ? '45' : '15',
'countdown renders with correct initial value from error response'
assert.dom('[data-test-mfa-validate]').isDisabled('Button is disabled during countdown');
assert.dom('[data-test-mfa-passcode]').isDisabled('Input is disabled during countdown');
assert.dom('[data-test-inline-error-message]').exists('Alert message renders');
test('it should show error message for passcode invalid error', async function (assert) {
totpValidate() {
throw { errors: ['failed to validate'] };
await render(hbs`
await fillIn('[data-test-mfa-passcode]', 'test-code');
later(() => cancelTimers(), 50);
await click('[data-test-mfa-validate]');
.includesText(TOTP_VALIDATION_ERROR, 'Generic error message renders for passcode validation error');