import { render } from 'preact' import { hydrateInitialState } from 'reshape-preact-components/lib/browser' // rehydrates and initializes top-level preact components export function initializeComponents(obj) { const res = {} for (let k in obj) { const name = getName(k) res[name] = [] each(document.querySelectorAll(`.g-${name}`), el => { // do not initialize nested components const matches = Object.keys(obj) .map(getName) .reduce((m, name) => { const parent = findParent(el, `.g-${name}`) if (parent) m.push(parent) return m }, []) if (matches.length > 1) return // if there's no data-state, don't try if (!el.dataset.state || !el.dataset.state.length) { return } // otherwise, initialize away const vdom = hydrateInitialState(el.dataset.state, { [`hashi-${name}`]: obj[k] }) res[name].push(render(vdom, el.parentElement, el)) }) } return res function getName(s) { return s.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase() } } // iterates through a NodeList export function each(list, cb) { for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { cb(list[i], i) } } // polyfills object-fit in unsupported browsers export function fixObjectFit() { if (Modernizr.objectfit) { import('object-fit-images').then(ofi => { ofi.default() }) } } // given an element and selector, finds the closest parent element. doesn't // handle attribute selectors, just class, id, and element name export function findParent(el, selector) { const firstChar = selector[0] if (firstChar === '.') { if (el.classList.contains(selector.substr(1))) return el } else if (firstChar === '#') { if ( === selector.substr(1)) return el } else { if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() === selector) return el } if (!el.parentNode.tagName) return undefined return findParent(el.parentNode, selector) }