import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { gt } from '@ember/object/computed'; import { camelize } from '@ember/string'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import { get, computed } from '@ember/object'; import layout from '../templates/components/shamir-flow'; const DEFAULTS = { key: null, loading: false, errors: [], threshold: null, progress: null, pgp_key: null, haveSavedPGPKey: false, started: false, generateWithPGP: false, pgpKeyFile: { value: '' }, nonce: '', }; export default Component.extend(DEFAULTS, { tagName: '', store: service(), formText: null, fetchOnInit: false, buttonText: 'Submit', thresholdPath: 'required', generateAction: false, layout, init() { this._super(...arguments); if (this.get('fetchOnInit')) { this.attemptProgress(); } }, didInsertElement() { this._super(...arguments); this.onUpdate(this.getProperties(Object.keys(DEFAULTS))); }, onUpdate() {}, onShamirSuccess() {}, // can be overridden w/an attr isComplete(data) { return data.complete === true; }, stopLoading() { this.setProperties({ loading: false, errors: [], key: null, }); }, reset() { this.setProperties(DEFAULTS); }, hasProgress: gt('progress', 0), actionSuccess(resp) { let { onUpdate, isComplete, onShamirSuccess, thresholdPath } = this; let threshold = get(resp, thresholdPath); let props = { ...resp, threshold, }; this.stopLoading(); // if we have an OTP, but update doesn't include one, // we don't want to null it out if (this.otp && !props.otp) { delete props.otp; } this.setProperties(props); onUpdate(props); if (isComplete(props)) { this.reset(); onShamirSuccess(props); } }, actionError(e) { this.stopLoading(); if (e.httpStatus === 400) { this.set('errors', e.errors); } else { throw e; } }, generateStep: computed('generateWithPGP', 'haveSavedPGPKey', 'pgp_key', function() { let { generateWithPGP, pgp_key, haveSavedPGPKey } = this; if (!generateWithPGP && !pgp_key) { return 'chooseMethod'; } if (generateWithPGP) { if (pgp_key && haveSavedPGPKey) { return 'beginGenerationWithPGP'; } else { return 'providePGPKey'; } } }), extractData(data) { const isGenerate = this.get('generateAction'); const hasStarted = this.get('started'); const usePGP = this.get('generateWithPGP'); const nonce = this.get('nonce'); if (!isGenerate || hasStarted) { if (nonce) { data.nonce = nonce; } return data; } if (usePGP) { return { pgp_key: data.pgp_key, }; } return { attempt: data.attempt, }; }, attemptProgress(data) { const checkStatus = data ? false : true; let action = this.get('action'); action = action && camelize(action); this.set('loading', true); const adapter = this.get('store').adapterFor('cluster'); const method = adapter[action]; method .call(adapter, data, { checkStatus }) .then(resp => this.actionSuccess(resp), (...args) => this.actionError(...args)); }, actions: { reset() { this.reset(); this.set('encoded_token', null); this.set('otp', null); }, onSubmit(data) { if (!data.key) { return; } this.attemptProgress(this.extractData(data)); }, startGenerate(data) { if (this.generateAction) { data.attempt = true; } this.attemptProgress(this.extractData(data)); }, setKey(_, keyFile) { this.set('pgp_key', keyFile.value); this.set('pgpKeyFile', keyFile); }, savePGPKey() { if (this.get('pgp_key')) { this.set('haveSavedPGPKey', true); } }, }, });