import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; /** * @module ToolWrap * ToolWrap components are components that sys/wrapping/wrap functionality. Most of the functionality is passed through as actions from the tool-actions-form and then called back with properties. * * @example * ```js * * ``` * @param onClear {Function} - parent action that is passed through. Must be passed as {{action "onClear"}} * @param token=null {String} - property passed from parent to child and then passed back up to parent * @param selectedAction="wrap" - passed in from parent. This is the wrap action, others include hash, etc. * @param codemirrorUpdated {Function} - parent action that is passed through. Must be passed as {{action "codemirrorUpdated"}}. * @param updateTtl {Function} - parent action that is passed through. Must be passed as {{action "updateTtl"}} * @param buttonDisabled=false {Boolean} - false default and if there is an error on codemirror it turns to true. * @param error=null {Object} - errors passed from parent as default then from child back to parent. */ export default class ToolWrap extends Component { @tracked data = '{\n}'; @tracked buttonDisabled = false; @action onClear() { this.args.onClear(); } @action updateTtl(evt) { if (!evt) return; const ttl = evt.enabled ? `${evt.seconds}s` : '30m'; this.args.updateTtl(ttl); } @action codemirrorUpdated(val, codemirror) { codemirror.performLint(); const hasErrors = codemirror?.state.lint.marked?.length > 0; = val; this.buttonDisabled = hasErrors; this.args.codemirrorUpdated(val, hasErrors); } }