/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model'; import { withFormFields } from 'vault/decorators/model-form-fields'; import lazyCapabilities, { apiPath } from 'vault/macros/lazy-capabilities'; import { service } from '@ember/service'; const issuerUrls = ['issuingCertificates', 'crlDistributionPoints', 'ocspServers']; const inputFields = [ 'issuerName', 'leafNotAfterBehavior', 'usage', 'manualChain', 'revocationSignatureAlgorithm', ...issuerUrls, ]; const displayFields = [ { default: ['certificate', 'caChain', 'commonName', 'issuerName', 'issuerId', 'keyId'], // also displays parsedCertificate values in the template }, { 'Issuer URLs': issuerUrls }, ]; @withFormFields(inputFields, displayFields) export default class PkiIssuerModel extends Model { @service secretMountPath; // TODO use openAPI after removing route extension (see pki/roles route for example) get useOpenAPI() { return false; } get backend() { return this.secretMountPath.currentPath; } get issuerRef() { return this.issuerName || this.issuerId; } // READ ONLY @attr isDefault; @attr('string', { label: 'Issuer ID', detailLinkTo: 'issuers.issuer.details' }) issuerId; @attr('string', { label: 'Default key ID', detailLinkTo: 'keys.key.details' }) keyId; @attr({ label: 'CA Chain', masked: true }) caChain; @attr({ masked: true }) certificate; @attr('string') serialNumber; // parsed from certificate contents in serializer (see parse-pki-cert.js) @attr parsedCertificate; @attr('string') commonName; @attr isRoot; @attr subjectSerialNumber; // this is not the UUID serial number field randomly generated by Vault for leaf certificates @attr({ label: 'Subject Alternative Names (SANs)' }) altNames; @attr({ label: 'IP SANs' }) ipSans; @attr({ label: 'URI SANs' }) uriSans; @attr({ label: 'Other SANs' }) otherSans; // UPDATING @attr('string') issuerName; @attr({ label: 'Leaf notAfter behavior', subText: 'What happens when a leaf certificate is issued, but its NotAfter field (and therefore its expiry date) exceeds that of this issuer.', docLink: '/vault/api-docs/secret/pki#update-issuer', editType: 'yield', valueOptions: ['err', 'truncate', 'permit'], }) leafNotAfterBehavior; @attr({ subText: 'Allowed usages for this issuer. It can always be read.', editType: 'yield', valueOptions: [ { label: 'Issuing certificates', value: 'issuing-certificates' }, { label: 'Signing CRLs', value: 'crl-signing' }, { label: 'Signing OCSPs', value: 'ocsp-signing' }, ], }) usage; @attr('string', { subText: "An advanced field useful when automatic chain building isn't desired. The first element must be the present issuer's reference.", }) manualChain; @attr({ subText: 'The signature algorithm to use when building CRLs. The default value (empty string) is for Go to select the signature algorithm automatically, which may not always work.', noDefault: true, possibleValues: [ 'sha256withrsa', 'ecdsawithsha384', 'sha256withrsapss', 'ed25519', 'sha384withrsapss', 'sha512withrsapss', 'pureed25519', 'sha384withrsa', 'sha512withrsa', 'ecdsawithsha256', 'ecdsawithsha512', ], }) revocationSignatureAlgorithm; @attr('string', { subText: 'The URL values for the Issuing Certificate field; these are different URLs for the same resource.', editType: 'stringArray', }) issuingCertificates; @attr('string', { label: 'CRL distribution points', subText: 'Specifies the URL values for the CRL Distribution Points field.', editType: 'stringArray', }) crlDistributionPoints; @attr('string', { label: 'OCSP servers', subText: 'Specifies the URL values for the OCSP Servers field.', editType: 'stringArray', }) ocspServers; // IMPORTING @attr('string') pemBundle; // readonly attrs returned after importing @attr importedIssuers; @attr importedKeys; @attr mapping; @lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/issuer/${'issuerId'}`) issuerPath; @lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/root/rotate/exported`) rotateExported; @lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/root/rotate/internal`) rotateInternal; @lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/root/rotate/existing`) rotateExisting; @lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/root`, 'backend') deletePath; @lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/intermediate/cross-sign`) crossSignPath; @lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'backend'}/issuer/${'issuerId'}/sign-intermediate`) signIntermediate; get canRotateIssuer() { return ( this.rotateExported.get('canUpdate') !== false || this.rotateExisting.get('canUpdate') !== false || this.rotateInternal.get('canUpdate') !== false ); } get canCrossSign() { return this.crossSignPath.get('canUpdate') !== false; } get canSignIntermediate() { return this.signIntermediate.get('canUpdate') !== false; } get canConfigure() { return this.issuerPath.get('canUpdate') !== false; } get canDeleteAllIssuers() { return this.deletePath.get('isLoading') || this.deletePath.get('canDelete') !== false; } }