/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import AdapterError from '@ember-data/adapter/error'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import { waitFor } from '@ember/test-waiters'; /** * @module GeneratedItem * The `GeneratedItem` component is the form to configure generated items related to mounts (e.g. groups, roles, users) * * @example * ```js * * ``` * * @property model=null {DS.Model} - The corresponding item model that is being configured. * @property mode {String} - which config mode to use. either `show`, `edit`, or `create` * @property itemType {String} - the type of item displayed * */ export default Component.extend({ model: null, itemType: null, flashMessages: service(), router: service(), modelValidations: null, isFormInvalid: false, props: computed('model', function () { return this.model.serialize(); }), saveModel: task( waitFor(function* () { try { yield this.model.save(); } catch (err) { // AdapterErrors are handled by the error-message component // in the form if (err instanceof AdapterError === false) { throw err; } return; } this.router.transitionTo('vault.cluster.access.method.item.list').followRedirects(); this.flashMessages.success(`Successfully saved ${this.itemType} ${this.model.id}.`); }) ), init() { this._super(...arguments); this.model.fieldGroups.forEach((element) => { // overwriting the helpText for Token Polices. // HelpText from the backend says add a comma separated list, which works on the CLI but not here on the UI. // This effects TLS Certificates, Userpass, and Kubernetes. https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/issues/10346 if (element.Tokens) { element.Tokens.find((attr) => attr.name === 'tokenPolicies').options.helpText = 'Add policies that will apply to the generated token for this user. One policy per row.'; } }); if (this.mode === 'edit') { // For validation to work in edit mode, // reconstruct the model values from field group this.model.fieldGroups.forEach((element) => { if (element.default) { element.default.forEach((attr) => { const fieldValue = attr.options && attr.options.fieldValue; if (fieldValue) { this.model[attr.name] = this.model[fieldValue]; } }); } }); } }, actions: { onKeyUp(name, value) { this.model.set(name, value); if (this.model.validate) { // Set validation error message for updated attribute const { isValid, state } = this.model.validate(); this.setProperties({ modelValidations: state, isFormInvalid: !isValid, }); } else { this.set('isFormInvalid', false); } }, deleteItem() { this.model.destroyRecord().then(() => { this.router.transitionTo('vault.cluster.access.method.item.list').followRedirects(); this.flashMessages.success(`Successfully deleted ${this.itemType} ${this.model.id}.`); }); }, }, });