{{#if (eq model.httpStatus 404)}} 404 Not Found {{else if (eq model.httpStatus 403)}} Not Authorized {{else}} Error {{/if}}

{{#if (eq model.httpStatus 404)}}

Unable to find secret at {{concat model.backend "/" model.secret}}. Try going back to the {{#link-to params=(if model.backend (array "vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list-root") (array "vault.cluster.secrets") ) }}root{{/link-to}} and navigating from there.

{{else if (eq model.httpStatus 403)}} {{#if (eq model.policyPath 'sys/capabilities-self') }}

Your auth token does not have access to {{model.policyPath}}. Vault Enterprise uses this endpoint to determine what actions are allowed in the interface.

Make sure the policy for the path {{model.policyPath}} includes capabilities = ['update'].


You don't have access to {{if model.secret (concat model.backend '/' model.secret) (concat model.backend '/')}}. If you think you've reached this page in error, please contact your administrator.

{{#if model.secret}} {{#link-to "vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list-root"}}Navigate back to the root{{/link-to}}. {{else}} {{#home-link}}Go back home{{/home-link}}. {{/if}}

{{/if}} {{else}} {{#if model.message}}


{{/if}} {{#each model.errors as |error|}}


{{/each}} {{/if}}