{{#if (and (eq replicationMode 'dr') (eq model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl 'secondary'))}}

Change a secondary cluster’s assigned primary cluster using a secondary activation token. This does not wipe all data in the cluster.

{{input class="input" id="dr_operation_token" name="dr_operation_token" value=dr_operation_token}}
{{textarea value=token id="secondary-token" name="secondary-token" class="textarea"}}
{{input class="input" value=primary_api_addr id="primary_api_addr" name="primary_api_addr"}}

Set this to the API address (normal Vault address) to override the value embedded in the token.

{{input value=ca_file id="ca_file" name="ca_file" class="input"}}

Specifies the path to a CA root file (PEM format) that the secondary can use when unwrapping the token from the primary.

{{input value=ca_path id="ca_path" name="ca_file" class="input"}}

Specifies the path to a CA root directory containing PEM-format files that the secondary can use when unwrapping the token from the primary.

{{#confirm-action buttonClasses="button is-primary" onConfirmAction=(action "onSubmit" "update-primary" model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl (hash dr_operation_token=dr_operation_token token=token primary_api_addr=primary_api_addr ca_path=ca_path ca_file=ca_file)) confirmMessage="Are you sure you want to update this cluster's primary?" confirmButtonText="Update primary" cancelButtonText="Cancel" }} Update primary {{/confirm-action}}

Update primary

Change a secondary cluster’s assigned primary cluster using a secondary activation token. This does not wipe all data in the cluster.

{{textarea value=token id="secondary-token" name="secondary-token" class="textarea"}}
{{input class="input" value=primary_api_addr id="primary_api_addr" name="primary_api_addr"}}

Set this to the API address (normal Vault address) to override the value embedded in the token.

{{input value=ca_file id="ca_file" name="ca_file" class="input"}}

Specifies the path to a CA root file (PEM format) that the secondary can use when unwrapping the token from the primary.

{{input value=ca_path id="ca_path" name="ca_file" class="input"}}

Specifies the path to a CA root directory containing PEM-format files that the secondary can use when unwrapping the token from the primary.

{{#confirm-action buttonClasses="button is-primary" onConfirmAction=(action "onSubmit" "update-primary" model.replicationAttrs.modeForUrl (hash token=token primary_api_addr=primary_api_addr ca_path=ca_path ca_file=ca_file)) confirmMessage="Are you sure you want to update this cluster's primary?" confirmButtonText="Update primary" cancelButtonText="Cancel" }} Update primary {{/confirm-action}}