import { isWildcardString } from 'vault/helpers/is-wildcard-string'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; module('Unit | Helpers | is-wildcard-string', function() { test('it returns true if regular string with wildcard', function(assert) { let string = 'foom#*eep'; let result = isWildcardString(string); assert.equal(result, true); }); test('it returns false if no wildcard', function(assert) { let string = ''; let result = isWildcardString(string); assert.equal(result, false); }); test('it returns true if string with id as in searchSelect selected has wildcard', function(assert) { let string = { id: '*baz' }; let result = isWildcardString(string); assert.equal(result, true); }); test('it returns true if string object has name and no id', function(assert) { let string = { name: '*baz' }; let result = isWildcardString(string); assert.equal(result, true); }); test('it returns true if string object has name and id with at least one wildcard', function(assert) { let string = { id: '7*', name: 'seven' }; let result = isWildcardString(string); assert.equal(result, true); }); test('it returns true if string object has name and id with wildcard in name not id', function(assert) { let string = { id: '7', name: 'sev*n' }; let result = isWildcardString(string); assert.equal(result, true); }); });