import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; /** * @module OidcKeyForm * OidcKeyForm components are used to create and update OIDC providers * * @example * ```js * * ``` * @callback onCancel * @callback onSave * @param {Object} model - oidc client model * @param {onCancel} onCancel - callback triggered when cancel button is clicked * @param {onSave} onSave - callback triggered on save success */ export default class OidcKeyForm extends Component { @service store; @service flashMessages; @tracked errorBanner; @tracked invalidFormAlert; @tracked modelValidations; @tracked radioCardGroupValue = // If "*" is provided, all clients are allowed: !this.args.model.allowedClientIds || this.args.model.allowedClientIds.includes('*') ? 'allow_all' : 'limited'; get filterDropdownOptions() { // query object sent to search-select so only clients that reference this key appear in dropdown return { paramKey: 'key', filterFor: [] }; } @action handleClientSelection(selection) { // if array then coming from search-select component, set selection as model clients if (Array.isArray(selection)) { this.args.model.allowedClientIds = => client.clientId); } else { // otherwise update radio button value and reset clients so // UI always reflects a user's selection (including when no clients are selected) this.radioCardGroupValue = selection; this.args.model.allowedClientIds = []; } } @action cancel() { const method = this.args.model.isNew ? 'unloadRecord' : 'rollbackAttributes'; this.args.model[method](); this.args.onCancel(); } @task *save(event) { event.preventDefault(); try { const { isValid, state, invalidFormMessage } = this.args.model.validate(); this.modelValidations = isValid ? null : state; this.invalidFormAlert = invalidFormMessage; if (isValid) { const { isNew, name } = this.args.model; if (this.radioCardGroupValue === 'allow_all') { this.args.model.allowedClientIds = ['*']; } // if TTL components are toggled off, set to default lease duration const { rotationPeriod, verificationTtl } = this.args.model; // value returned from API is a number, and string when from form action if (Number(rotationPeriod) === 0) this.args.model.rotationPeriod = '24h'; if (Number(verificationTtl) === 0) this.args.model.verificationTtl = '24h'; yield; this.flashMessages.success( `Successfully ${isNew ? 'created' : 'updated'} the key ${name}.` ); this.args.onSave(); } } catch (error) { const message = error.errors ? error.errors.join('. ') : error.message; this.errorBanner = message; this.invalidFormAlert = 'There was an error submitting this form.'; } } }