import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; import { KEY_TYPES } from '../../models/keymgmt/key'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import { waitFor } from '@ember/test-waiters'; /** * @module KeymgmtDistribute * KeymgmtDistribute components are used to provide a form to distribute Keymgmt keys to a provider. * * @example * ```js * * ``` * @param {string} backend - name of backend, which will be the basis of other store queries * @param {string} [key] - key is the name of the existing key which is being distributed. Will hide the key field in UI * @param {string} [provider] - provider is the name of the existing provider which is being distributed to. Will hide the provider field in UI */ class DistributionData { @tracked key; @tracked provider; @tracked operations; @tracked protection; } const VALID_TYPES_BY_PROVIDER = { gcpckms: ['aes256-gcm96', 'rsa-2048', 'rsa-3072', 'rsa-4096', 'ecdsa-p256', 'ecdsa-p384', 'ecdsa-p521'], awskms: ['aes256-gcm96'], azurekeyvault: ['rsa-2048', 'rsa-3072', 'rsa-4096'], }; export default class KeymgmtDistribute extends Component { @service store; @service flashMessages; @service router; @service wizard; @tracked keyModel; @tracked isNewKey = false; @tracked providerType; @tracked formData; @tracked formErrors; constructor() { super(...arguments); this.formData = new DistributionData(); // Set initial values passed in this.formData.key = this.args.key || ''; this.formData.provider = this.args.provider || ''; // Side effects to get types of key or provider passed in if (this.args.provider) { this.getProviderType(this.args.provider); } if (this.args.key) { this.getKeyInfo(this.args.key); } this.formData.operations = []; this.updateWizard('nextStep'); } updateWizard(key) { // wizard will pause unless we manually continue it -- verify that keymgmt tutorial is in progress if (this.wizard[key] === 'distribute') { this.wizard.transitionFeatureMachine(this.wizard.featureState, 'CONTINUE', 'keymgmt'); } } get keyTypes() { return KEY_TYPES; } get validMatchError() { if (!this.providerType || !this.keyModel?.type) { return null; } const valid = VALID_TYPES_BY_PROVIDER[this.providerType]?.includes(this.keyModel.type); if (valid) return null; // default to showing error on provider unless @provider (field hidden) if (this.args.provider) { return { key: `This key type is incompatible with the ${this.providerType} provider. To distribute to this provider, change the key type or choose another key.`, }; } const message = `This provider is incompatible with the ${this.keyModel.type} key type. Please choose another provider`; return { provider: this.args.key ? `${message}.` : `${message} or change the key type.`, }; } get operations() { const pt = this.providerType; if (pt === 'awskms') { return ['encrypt', 'decrypt']; } else if (pt === 'gcpckms') { const kt = this.keyModel?.type || ''; switch (kt) { case 'aes256-gcm96': return ['encrypt', 'decrypt']; case 'rsa-2048': case 'rsa-3072': case 'rsa-4096': return ['decrypt', 'sign']; case 'ecdsa-p256': case 'ecdsa-p384': return ['sign']; default: return ['encrypt', 'decrypt', 'sign', 'verify', 'wrap', 'unwrap']; } } return ['encrypt', 'decrypt', 'sign', 'verify', 'wrap', 'unwrap']; } get disableOperations() { return ( this.validMatchError || !this.formData.provider || !this.formData.key || (this.isNewKey && !this.keyModel.type) ); } async getKeyInfo(keyName, isNew = false) { let key; if (isNew) { this.isNewKey = true; key =`keymgmt/key`, { backend: this.args.backend, id: keyName, name: keyName, }); } else { key = await .queryRecord(`keymgmt/key`, { backend: this.args.backend, id: keyName, recordOnly: true, }) .catch(() => { // Key type isn't essential for distributing, so if // we can't read it for some reason swallow the error // and allow the API to respond with any key/provider // type matching errors }); } this.keyModel = key; } async getProviderType(id) { if (!id) { this.providerType = ''; return; } const provider = await .queryRecord('keymgmt/provider', { backend: this.args.backend, id, }) .catch(() => {}); this.providerType = provider?.provider; } destroyKey() { if (this.isNewKey) { // Delete record from store if it was created here this.keyModel.destroyRecord().finally(() => { this.keyModel = null; }); } this.isNewKey = false; this.keyModel = null; } /** * * @param {DistributionData} rawData * @returns POJO formatted how the distribution endpoint needs */ formatData(rawData) { const { key, provider, operations, protection } = rawData; if (!key || !provider || !operations || operations.length === 0) return null; return { key, provider, purpose: operations.join(','), protection }; } distributeKey(backend, data) { const adapter ='keymgmt/key'); const { key, provider, purpose, protection } = data; return adapter .distribute(backend, provider, key, { purpose, protection }) .then(() => { this.flashMessages.success(`Successfully distributed key ${key} to ${provider}`); // update keys on provider model'keymgmt/key'); const providerModel ='keymgmt/provider', provider); providerModel.fetchKeys(providerModel.keys?.meta?.currentPage || 1); // move wizard forward if tutorial is in progress this.updateWizard('featureState'); this.args.onClose(); }) .catch((e) => { this.formErrors = `${e.errors}`; }); } @action handleProvider(selection) { let providerName = selection[0]; if (typeof selection === 'string') { // Handles case if no list permissions and fallback component is used providerName = selection; } this.formData.provider = providerName; if (providerName) { this.getProviderType(providerName); } } @action handleKeyType(evt) { this.keyModel.set('type',; } @action handleOperation(evt) { const ops = [...this.formData.operations]; if ( { ops.push(; } else { const idx = ops.indexOf(; ops.splice(idx, 1); } this.formData.operations = ops; } @action async handleKeySelect(selected) { const selectedKey = selected[0] || null; if (!selectedKey) { this.formData.key = null; return this.destroyKey(); } this.formData.key =; return this.getKeyInfo(, selectedKey.isNew); } @task @waitFor *createDistribution(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const { backend } = this.args; const data = this.formatData(this.formData); if (!data) { this.flashMessages.danger(`Key, provider, and operations are all required`); return; } if (this.isNewKey) { try { yield; this.flashMessages.success(`Successfully created key ${}`); } catch (e) { this.flashMessages.danger(`Error creating new key ${}: ${e.errors}`); return; } } yield this.distributeKey(backend, data); // Reload key to get dist info yield`keymgmt/key`, { backend: this.args.backend, id:, }); } }