import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { copy } from 'ember-copy'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { TOKEN_SEPARATOR, TOKEN_PREFIX, ROOT_PREFIX } from 'vault/services/auth'; import Pretender from 'pretender'; function storage() { return { items: {}, getItem(key) { var item = this.items[key]; return item && JSON.parse(item); }, setItem(key, val) { return (this.items[key] = JSON.stringify(val)); }, removeItem(key) { delete this.items[key]; }, keys() { return Object.keys(this.items); }, }; } const ROOT_TOKEN_RESPONSE = { request_id: 'e6674d7f-c96f-d51f-4463-cc95f0ad307e', lease_id: '', renewable: false, lease_duration: 0, data: { accessor: '1dd25306-fdb9-0f43-8169-48ad702041b0', creation_time: 1477671134, creation_ttl: 0, display_name: 'root', explicit_max_ttl: 0, id: '', meta: null, num_uses: 0, orphan: true, path: 'auth/token/root', policies: ['root'], ttl: 0, }, wrap_info: null, warnings: null, auth: null, }; const TOKEN_NON_ROOT_RESPONSE = function () { return { request_id: '3ca32cd9-fd40-891d-02d5-ea23138e8642', lease_id: '', renewable: false, lease_duration: 0, data: { accessor: '4ef32471-a94c-79ee-c290-aeba4d63bdc9', creation_time: Math.floor( / 1000), creation_ttl: 2764800, display_name: 'token', explicit_max_ttl: 0, id: '6d83e912-1b21-9df9-b51a-d201b709f3d5', meta: null, num_uses: 0, orphan: false, path: 'auth/token/create', policies: ['default', 'userpass'], renewable: true, ttl: 2763327, }, wrap_info: null, warnings: null, auth: null, }; }; const USERPASS_RESPONSE = { request_id: '7e5e8d3d-599e-6ef7-7570-f7057fc7c53d', lease_id: '', renewable: false, lease_duration: 0, data: null, wrap_info: null, warnings: null, auth: { client_token: '5313ff81-05cb-699f-29d1-b82b4e2906dc', accessor: '5c5303e7-56d6-ea13-72df-d85411bd9a7d', policies: ['default'], metadata: { username: 'matthew', }, lease_duration: 2764800, renewable: true, }, }; const GITHUB_RESPONSE = { request_id: '4913f9cd-a95f-d1f9-5746-4c3af4e15660', lease_id: '', renewable: false, lease_duration: 0, data: null, wrap_info: null, warnings: null, auth: { client_token: '0d39b535-598e-54d9-96e3-97493492a5f7', accessor: 'd8cd894f-bedf-5ce3-f1b5-98f7c6cf8ab4', policies: ['default'], metadata: { org: 'hashicorp', username: 'meirish', }, lease_duration: 2764800, renewable: true, }, }; module('Integration | Service | auth', function (hooks) { setupTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function () { this.owner.lookup('service:flash-messages').registerTypes(['warning']); = storage(); this.memStore = storage(); this.server = new Pretender(function () { this.get('/v1/auth/token/lookup-self', function (request) { const resp = copy(ROOT_TOKEN_RESPONSE, true); = request.requestHeaders['X-Vault-Token']; = request.requestHeaders['X-Vault-Token']; return [200, {}, resp]; });'/v1/auth/userpass/login/:username', function (request) { const { username } = request.params; const resp = copy(USERPASS_RESPONSE, true); resp.auth.metadata.username = username; return [200, {}, resp]; });'/v1/auth/github/login', function () { const resp = copy(GITHUB_RESPONSE, true); return [200, {}, resp]; }); }); this.server.prepareBody = function (body) { return body ? JSON.stringify(body) : '{"error": "not found"}'; }; this.server.prepareHeaders = function (headers) { headers['content-type'] = 'application/javascript'; return headers; }; }); hooks.afterEach(function () { this.server.shutdown(); }); test('token authentication: root token', function (assert) { assert.expect(6); const done = assert.async(); const self = this; const service = this.owner.factoryFor('service:auth').create({ storage(tokenName) { if ( tokenName && tokenName.indexOf(`${TOKEN_PREFIX}${ROOT_PREFIX}`) === 0 && this.environment() !== 'development' ) { return self.memStore; } else { return; } }, }); run(() => { service.authenticate({ clusterId: '1', backend: 'token', data: { token: 'test' } }).then(() => { const clusterTokenName = service.get('currentTokenName'); const clusterToken = service.get('currentToken'); const authData = service.get('authData'); const expectedTokenName = `${TOKEN_PREFIX}${ROOT_PREFIX}${TOKEN_SEPARATOR}1`; assert.strictEqual(clusterToken, 'test', 'token is saved properly'); assert.strictEqual( `${TOKEN_PREFIX}${ROOT_PREFIX}${TOKEN_SEPARATOR}1`, clusterTokenName, 'token name is saved properly' ); assert.strictEqual(authData.backend.type, 'token', 'backend is saved properly'); assert.strictEqual(, authData.displayName, 'displayName is saved properly' ); assert.ok( this.memStore.keys().includes(expectedTokenName), 'root token is stored in the memory store' ); assert.strictEqual(, 0, 'normal storage is empty'); done(); }); }); }); test('token authentication: root token in ember development environment', async function (assert) { const self = this; const service = this.owner.factoryFor('service:auth').create({ storage(tokenName) { if ( tokenName && tokenName.indexOf(`${TOKEN_PREFIX}${ROOT_PREFIX}`) === 0 && this.environment() !== 'development' ) { return self.memStore; } else { return; } }, environment: () => 'development', }); await service.authenticate({ clusterId: '1', backend: 'token', data: { token: 'test' } }); const clusterTokenName = service.get('currentTokenName'); const clusterToken = service.get('currentToken'); const authData = service.get('authData'); const expectedTokenName = `${TOKEN_PREFIX}${ROOT_PREFIX}${TOKEN_SEPARATOR}1`; assert.strictEqual(clusterToken, 'test', 'token is saved properly'); assert.strictEqual( `${TOKEN_PREFIX}${ROOT_PREFIX}${TOKEN_SEPARATOR}1`, clusterTokenName, 'token name is saved properly' ); assert.strictEqual(authData.backend.type, 'token', 'backend is saved properly'); assert.strictEqual(, authData.displayName, 'displayName is saved properly' ); assert.ok(, 'root token is stored in the store'); assert.strictEqual(this.memStore.keys().length, 0, 'mem storage is empty'); }); test('github authentication', function (assert) { assert.expect(6); const done = assert.async(); const service = this.owner.factoryFor('service:auth').create({ storage: (type) => (type === 'memory' ? this.memStore :, }); run(() => { service.authenticate({ clusterId: '1', backend: 'github', data: { token: 'test' } }).then(() => { const clusterTokenName = service.get('currentTokenName'); const clusterToken = service.get('currentToken'); const authData = service.get('authData'); const expectedTokenName = `${TOKEN_PREFIX}github${TOKEN_SEPARATOR}1`; assert.strictEqual(GITHUB_RESPONSE.auth.client_token, clusterToken, 'token is saved properly'); assert.strictEqual(expectedTokenName, clusterTokenName, 'token name is saved properly'); assert.strictEqual(authData.backend.type, 'github', 'backend is saved properly'); assert.strictEqual( + '/' + GITHUB_RESPONSE.auth.metadata.username, authData.displayName, 'displayName is saved properly' ); assert.strictEqual(this.memStore.keys().length, 0, 'mem storage is empty'); assert.ok(, 'normal storage contains the token'); done(); }); }); }); test('userpass authentication', function (assert) { assert.expect(4); const done = assert.async(); const service = this.owner.factoryFor('service:auth').create({ storage: () => }); run(() => { service .authenticate({ clusterId: '1', backend: 'userpass', data: { username: USERPASS_RESPONSE.auth.metadata.username, password: 'passoword' }, }) .then(() => { const clusterTokenName = service.get('currentTokenName'); const clusterToken = service.get('currentToken'); const authData = service.get('authData'); assert.strictEqual(USERPASS_RESPONSE.auth.client_token, clusterToken, 'token is saved properly'); assert.strictEqual( `${TOKEN_PREFIX}userpass${TOKEN_SEPARATOR}1`, clusterTokenName, 'token name is saved properly' ); assert.strictEqual(authData.backend.type, 'userpass', 'backend is saved properly'); assert.strictEqual( USERPASS_RESPONSE.auth.metadata.username, authData.displayName, 'displayName is saved properly' ); done(); }); }); }); test('token auth expiry with non-root token', function (assert) { assert.expect(5); const tokenResp = TOKEN_NON_ROOT_RESPONSE(); () { this.get('/v1/auth/token/lookup-self', function (request) { const resp = copy(tokenResp, true); = request.requestHeaders['X-Vault-Token']; = request.requestHeaders['X-Vault-Token']; return [200, {}, resp]; }); }); const done = assert.async(); const service = this.owner.factoryFor('service:auth').create({ storage: () => }); run(() => { service.authenticate({ clusterId: '1', backend: 'token', data: { token: 'test' } }).then(() => { const clusterTokenName = service.get('currentTokenName'); const clusterToken = service.get('currentToken'); const authData = service.get('authData'); assert.strictEqual(clusterToken, 'test', 'token is saved properly'); assert.strictEqual( `${TOKEN_PREFIX}token${TOKEN_SEPARATOR}1`, clusterTokenName, 'token name is saved properly' ); assert.strictEqual(authData.backend.type, 'token', 'backend is saved properly'); assert.strictEqual( authData.displayName,, 'displayName is saved properly' ); assert.false(service.get('tokenExpired'), 'token is not expired'); done(); }); }); }); });