{{#if encoded_token}}

Encoded Operation Token


If you entered a One Time Password, you can use the Vault CLI to decode the Token:

{{#with (if otp (concat 'vault operator generate-root -otp="' otp '" -decode="' encoded_token '"') (concat 'vault operator generate-root -otp="" -decode="' encoded_token '"') ) as |cmd|}}

DR Operation Token Command

{{else if (and generateAction (not started))}}
{{message-error errors=errors}} {{#if (eq generateStep 'chooseMethod')}}

Updating or promoting this cluster requires an operation token. Let's generate one by inputting the master key shares. To get started you'll need to generate a One Time Password (OTP) or provide a PGP Key to encrypt the resultant operation token.

{{/if}} {{#if (eq generateStep 'providePGPKey')}}

Choose a PGP Key from your computer or paste the contents of one in the form below. This key will be used to Encrypt the generated Operation Token.

{{pgp-file index='' key=pgpKeyFile onChange=(action 'setKey')}}
{{/if}} {{#if (eq generateStep 'beginGenerationWithPGP')}}

Below is the base-64 encoded PGP Key that will be used to encrypt the generated Operation Token. Next we'll enter portions of the master key to generate an Operation Token. Click the "Generate Operation Token" button to proceed.

PGP Key {{pgpKeyFile.fileName}}

{{/if}} {{#if (eq generateStep 'beginGenerationWithOTP')}}

Below is the generated OTP. This will be used to encrypt the generated Operation Token. Make sure to save this, as you will need it later to decrypt the Operation Token. Next we'll enter portions of the master key to generate an Operation Token. Click the "Generate Operation Token" button to proceed.

One Time Password

{{message-error errors=errors}} {{#if hasBlock}} {{yield}} {{else}}


{{input class="input"type="password" name="key" value=key data-test-shamir-input=true}}
{{#if (or started hasProgress)}} {{/if}}