import { resolve } from 'rsvp'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import $ from 'jquery'; import { isArray } from '@ember/array'; import { computed, get } from '@ember/object'; import { getOwner } from '@ember/application'; import Service, { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import getStorage from '../lib/token-storage'; import ENV from 'vault/config/environment'; import { supportedAuthBackends } from 'vault/helpers/supported-auth-backends'; const TOKEN_SEPARATOR = '☃'; const TOKEN_PREFIX = 'vault-'; const ROOT_PREFIX = '🗝'; const IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS = 3 * 60e3; const BACKENDS = supportedAuthBackends(); export { TOKEN_SEPARATOR, TOKEN_PREFIX, ROOT_PREFIX }; export default Service.extend({ namespace: service(), expirationCalcTS: null, init() { this._super(...arguments); this.checkForRootToken(); }, clusterAdapter() { return getOwner(this).lookup('adapter:cluster'); }, tokens: computed(function() { return this.getTokensFromStorage() || []; }), generateTokenName({ backend, clusterId }, policies) { return (policies || []).includes('root') ? `${TOKEN_PREFIX}${ROOT_PREFIX}${TOKEN_SEPARATOR}${clusterId}` : `${TOKEN_PREFIX}${backend}${TOKEN_SEPARATOR}${clusterId}`; }, backendFromTokenName(tokenName) { return tokenName.includes(`${TOKEN_PREFIX}${ROOT_PREFIX}`) ? 'token' : tokenName.slice(TOKEN_PREFIX.length).split(TOKEN_SEPARATOR)[0]; }, storage(tokenName) { if ( tokenName && tokenName.indexOf(`${TOKEN_PREFIX}${ROOT_PREFIX}`) === 0 && this.environment() !== 'development' ) { return getStorage('memory'); } else { return getStorage(); } }, environment() { return ENV.environment; }, now() { return; }, setCluster(clusterId) { this.set('activeCluster', clusterId); }, ajax(url, method, options) { const defaults = { url, method, dataType: 'json', headers: { 'X-Vault-Token': this.get('currentToken'), }, }; let namespace = typeof options.namespace === 'undefined' ? this.get('namespaceService.path') : options.namespace; if (namespace) { defaults.headers['X-Vault-Namespace'] = namespace; } return $.ajax(assign(defaults, options)); }, renewCurrentToken() { let namespace = this.get('authData.userRootNamespace'); const url = '/v1/auth/token/renew-self'; return this.ajax(url, 'POST', { namespace }); }, revokeCurrentToken() { let namespace = this.get('authData.userRootNamespace'); const url = '/v1/auth/token/revoke-self'; return this.ajax(url, 'POST', { namespace }); }, calculateExpiration(resp) { let now =; const ttl = resp.ttl || resp.lease_duration; const tokenExpirationEpoch = now + ttl * 1e3; this.set('expirationCalcTS', now); return { ttl, tokenExpirationEpoch, }; }, persistAuthData() { let [firstArg, resp] = arguments; let tokens = this.get('tokens'); let currentNamespace = this.get('namespace.path') || ''; let tokenName; let options; let backend; if (typeof firstArg === 'string') { tokenName = firstArg; backend = this.backendFromTokenName(tokenName); } else { options = firstArg; backend = options.backend; } let currentBackend = BACKENDS.findBy('type', backend); let displayName; if (isArray(currentBackend.displayNamePath)) { displayName = => get(resp, name)).join('/'); } else { displayName = get(resp, currentBackend.displayNamePath); } let { entity_id, policies, renewable, namespace_path } = resp; // here we prefer namespace_path if its defined, // else we look and see if there's already a namespace saved // and then finally we'll use the current query param if the others // haven't set a value yet // all of the typeof checks are necessary because the root namespace is '' let userRootNamespace = namespace_path && namespace_path.replace(/\/$/, ''); // if we're logging in with token and there's no namespace_path, we can assume // that the token belongs to the root namespace if (backend === 'token' && !userRootNamespace) { userRootNamespace = ''; } if (typeof userRootNamespace === 'undefined') { userRootNamespace = this.get('authData.userRootNamespace'); } if (typeof userRootNamespace === 'undefined') { userRootNamespace = currentNamespace; } let data = { userRootNamespace, displayName, backend: currentBackend, token: resp.client_token || get(resp, currentBackend.tokenPath), policies, renewable, entity_id, }; tokenName = this.generateTokenName( { backend, clusterId: (options && options.clusterId) || this.get('activeCluster'), }, resp.policies ); if (resp.renewable) { assign(data, this.calculateExpiration(resp)); } if (!data.displayName) { data.displayName = get(this.getTokenData(tokenName) || {}, 'displayName'); } tokens.addObject(tokenName); this.set('tokens', tokens); this.set('allowExpiration', false); this.setTokenData(tokenName, data); return resolve({ namespace: currentNamespace || data.userRootNamespace, token: tokenName, isRoot: policies.includes('root'), }); }, setTokenData(token, data) {, data); }, getTokenData(token) { return; }, removeTokenData(token) { return; }, tokenExpirationDate: computed('currentTokenName', 'expirationCalcTS', function() { const tokenName = this.get('currentTokenName'); if (!tokenName) { return; } const { tokenExpirationEpoch } = this.getTokenData(tokenName); const expirationDate = new Date(0); return tokenExpirationEpoch ? expirationDate.setUTCMilliseconds(tokenExpirationEpoch) : null; }), tokenExpired: computed(function() { const expiration = this.get('tokenExpirationDate'); return expiration ? >= expiration : null; }).volatile(), renewAfterEpoch: computed('currentTokenName', 'expirationCalcTS', function() { const tokenName = this.get('currentTokenName'); let { expirationCalcTS } = this; const data = this.getTokenData(tokenName); if (!tokenName || !data) { return null; } const { ttl, renewable } = data; // renew after last expirationCalc time + half of the ttl (in ms) return renewable ? Math.floor((ttl * 1e3) / 2) + expirationCalcTS : null; }), renew() { const tokenName = this.get('currentTokenName'); const currentlyRenewing = this.get('isRenewing'); if (currentlyRenewing) { return; } this.set('isRenewing', true); return this.renewCurrentToken().then( resp => { this.set('isRenewing', false); return this.persistAuthData(tokenName, || resp.auth); }, e => { this.set('isRenewing', false); throw e; } ); }, shouldRenew: computed(function() { const now =; const lastFetch = this.get('lastFetch'); const renewTime = this.get('renewAfterEpoch'); if (this.get('tokenExpired') || this.get('allowExpiration') || !renewTime) { return false; } if (lastFetch && now - lastFetch >= IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS) { this.set('allowExpiration', true); return false; } if (now >= renewTime) { return true; } return false; }).volatile(), setLastFetch(timestamp) { this.set('lastFetch', timestamp); }, getTokensFromStorage(filterFn) { return .keys() .reject(key => { return key.indexOf(TOKEN_PREFIX) !== 0 || (filterFn && filterFn(key)); }); }, checkForRootToken() { if (this.environment() === 'development') { return; } this.getTokensFromStorage().forEach(key => { const data = this.getTokenData(key); if (data.policies.includes('root')) { this.removeTokenData(key); } }); }, authenticate(/*{clusterId, backend, data}*/) { const [options] = arguments; const adapter = this.clusterAdapter(); return adapter.authenticate(options).then(resp => { return this.persistAuthData(options, resp.auth ||, this.get('namespace.path')); }); }, deleteCurrentToken() { const tokenName = this.get('currentTokenName'); this.deleteToken(tokenName); this.removeTokenData(tokenName); }, deleteToken(tokenName) { const tokenNames = this.get('tokens').without(tokenName); this.removeTokenData(tokenName); this.set('tokens', tokenNames); }, // returns the key for the token to use currentTokenName: computed('activeCluster', 'tokens', 'tokens.[]', function() { const regex = new RegExp(this.get('activeCluster')); return this.get('tokens').find(key => regex.test(key)); }), currentToken: computed('currentTokenName', function() { const name = this.get('currentTokenName'); const data = name && this.getTokenData(name); return name && data ? data.token : null; }), authData: computed('currentTokenName', function() { const token = this.get('currentTokenName'); if (!token) { return; } const backend = this.backendFromTokenName(token); const stored = this.getTokenData(token); return assign(stored, { backend: BACKENDS.findBy('type', backend), }); }), });