import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import IdentityModel from './_base'; import DS from 'ember-data'; import lazyCapabilities, { apiPath } from 'vault/macros/lazy-capabilities'; import identityCapabilities from 'vault/macros/identity-capabilities'; const { attr, belongsTo } = DS; export default IdentityModel.extend({ formFields: computed('type', function() { let fields = ['name', 'type', 'policies', 'metadata']; if (this.get('type') === 'internal') { return fields.concat(['memberGroupIds', 'memberEntityIds']); } return fields; }), name: attr('string'), type: attr('string', { defaultValue: 'internal', possibleValues: ['internal', 'external'], }), creationTime: attr('string', { readOnly: true, }), lastUpdateTime: attr('string', { readOnly: true, }), numMemberEntities: attr('number', { readOnly: true, }), numParentGroups: attr('number', { readOnly: true, }), metadata: attr('object', { editType: 'kv', }), policies: attr({ editType: 'stringArray', }), memberGroupIds: attr({ label: 'Member Group IDs', editType: 'stringArray', }), parentGroupIds: attr({ label: 'Parent Group IDs', editType: 'stringArray', }), memberEntityIds: attr({ label: 'Member Entity IDs', editType: 'stringArray', }), hasMembers: computed( 'memberEntityIds', 'memberEntityIds.[]', 'memberGroupIds', 'memberGroupIds.[]', function() { let { memberEntityIds, memberGroupIds } = this.getProperties('memberEntityIds', 'memberGroupIds'); let numEntities = (memberEntityIds && memberEntityIds.get('length')) || 0; let numGroups = (memberGroupIds && memberGroupIds.get('length')) || 0; return numEntities + numGroups > 0; } ), alias: belongsTo('identity/group-alias', { async: false, readOnly: true }), updatePath: identityCapabilities(), canDelete: alias('updatePath.canDelete'), canEdit: alias('updatePath.canUpdate'), aliasPath: lazyCapabilities(apiPath`identity/group-alias`), canAddAlias: computed('aliasPath.canCreate', 'type', 'alias', function() { let type = this.get('type'); let alias = this.get('alias'); // internal groups can't have aliases, and external groups can only have one if (type === 'internal' || alias) { return false; } return this.get('aliasPath.canCreate'); }), });