/* Global Component Styles */ @import '~@hashicorp/mktg-global-styles/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/mktg-global-styles/_temporary-to-remove/layout.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/mktg-global-styles/_temporary-to-remove/tables.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/nextjs-scripts/prism/style.css'; :root { --highlight-color: var(--brand); } @import '~@hashicorp/react-alert-banner/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-button/styles/index.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-case-study-slider/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-code-block/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-consent-manager/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-content/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-docs-page/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-enterprise-alert/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-hero/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-logo-grid/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-search/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-section-header/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-tabs/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-text-split/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-toggle/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-use-cases/dist/style.css'; @import '~@hashicorp/react-vertical-text-block-list/style.css'; /* Global Components - Transpiled */ /* Local Components */ @import '../components/footer/style.css'; @import '../components/subnav/style.css'; @import '../components/use-case-cta-section/style.css'; /* Pages */ @import './not-found/style.css'; @import './community/style.css'; @import './use-cases/style.css'; /* Print Styles */ @import './print.css'; /* * About this selector: * `.g-subnav ~ *` finds all elements after the navigation. * `:target` finds the active permalink on the page. * * About this style: * `scroll-margin-top` adjusts the vertical scroll of a permalink. * `64px` adjusts the scroll to account for the navigation. * `0.5em` further adjusts the scroll to give the permalink breathing room. * * See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:target * See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/scroll-margin-top */ .g-subnav ~ * :target { scroll-margin-top: calc(64px + 0.5em); } /* Layout Styles */ .g-section-block section { padding-top: 96px; padding-bottom: 96px; & > .g-section-header + *, & > .g-container > .g-section-header + * { margin-top: 72px; } &:not(.no-section-spacing) > * + *, & > .g-container > * + * { margin-top: 96px; } } .g-section-block .button-container { display: -webkit-box; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; -webkit-box-pack: center; justify-content: center; margin: auto -8px -16px; } .g-section-block section > * + .button-container, .g-section-block section > .g-container > * + .button-container { margin-top: 40px; } .g-section-block .button-container > * { margin: auto 8px 16px; } .g-section-block.theme-black-background-white-text { background: var(--gray-1); color: white; } /** DEBT: short term patch until the branding changes roll out. Remove this with this PR — https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/pull/11118 **/ .g-content { --brand-text: var(--vagrant) !important; }