import { visit, currentURL } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import parseURL from 'core/utils/parse-url'; import consoleClass from 'vault/tests/pages/components/console/ui-panel'; import authPage from 'vault/tests/pages/auth'; const shell = create(consoleClass); const createNS = async (name) => { await shell.runCommands(`write sys/namespaces/${name} -force`); }; const SELECTORS = { authTab: (path) => `[data-test-auth-method="${path}"] a`, }; module('Acceptance | Enterprise | oidc auth namespace test', function (hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function () { this.namespace = 'test-ns'; this.rootOidc = 'root-oidc'; this.nsOidc = 'ns-oidc';`/auth/:path/config`, () => {}); this.enableOidc = (path, role = '') => { return shell.runCommands([ `write sys/auth/${path} type=oidc`, `write auth/${path}/config default_role="${role}" oidc_discovery_url=""`, // show method as tab `write sys/auth/${path}/tune listing_visibility="unauth"`, ]); }; this.disableOidc = (path) => shell.runCommands([`delete /sys/auth/${path}`]); }); test('oidc: request is made to auth_url when a namespace is inputted', async function (assert) { assert.expect(5);`/auth/${this.rootOidc}/oidc/auth_url`, (schema, req) => { const { redirect_uri } = JSON.parse(req.requestBody); const { pathname, search } = parseURL(redirect_uri); assert.strictEqual( pathname + search, `/ui/vault/auth/${this.rootOidc}/oidc/callback`, 'request made to auth_url when the login page is visited' ); });`/auth/${this.nsOidc}/oidc/auth_url`, (schema, req) => { const { redirect_uri } = JSON.parse(req.requestBody); const { pathname, search } = parseURL(redirect_uri); assert.strictEqual( pathname + search, `/ui/vault/auth/${this.nsOidc}/oidc/callback?namespace=${this.namespace}`, 'request made to correct auth_url when namespace is filled in' ); }); await authPage.login(); // enable oidc in root namespace, without default role await this.enableOidc(this.rootOidc); // create child namespace to enable oidc await createNS(this.namespace); // enable oidc in child namespace with default role await authPage.loginNs(this.namespace); await this.enableOidc(this.nsOidc, `${this.nsOidc}-role`); await authPage.logout(); await visit('/vault/auth'); assert.dom(SELECTORS.authTab(this.rootOidc)).exists('renders oidc method tab for root'); await authPage.namespaceInput(this.namespace); assert.strictEqual( currentURL(), `/vault/auth?namespace=${this.namespace}&with=${this.nsOidc}%2F`, 'url updates with namespace value' ); assert.dom(SELECTORS.authTab(this.nsOidc)).exists('renders oidc method tab for child namespace'); // disable methods to cleanup test state for re-running await authPage.login(); await this.disableOidc(this.rootOidc); await this.disableOidc(this.nsOidc); await shell.runCommands([`delete /sys/auth/${this.namespace}`]); await authPage.logout(); }); });