import Component from '@ember/component'; import d3 from 'd3-selection'; import d3Scale from 'd3-scale'; import d3Axis from 'd3-axis'; import d3TimeFormat from 'd3-time-format'; import d3Tip from 'd3-tip'; import d3Transition from 'd3-transition'; import d3Ease from 'd3-ease'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { task, waitForEvent } from 'ember-concurrency'; /** * @module HttpRequestsBarChart * HttpRequestsBarChart components are used to render a bar chart with the total number of HTTP Requests to a Vault server per month. * * @example * ```js * * ``` * * @param counters=null {Array} - A list of objects containing the total number of HTTP Requests for each month. `counters` should be the response from the `/internal/counters/requests` endpoint which looks like: * COUNTERS = [ * { * "start_time": "2019-05-01T00:00:00Z", * "total": 50 * } * ] */ const HEIGHT = 240; const HOVER_PADDING = 12; const BASE_SPEED = 150; const DURATION = BASE_SPEED * 2; export default Component.extend({ classNames: ['http-requests-bar-chart-container'], counters: null, margin: Object.freeze({ top: 24, right: 16, bottom: 24, left: 16 }), padding: 0.04, width: 0, height() { const { margin } = this; return HEIGHT - - margin.bottom; }, parsedCounters: computed('counters', function() { // parse the start times so bars and ticks display properly const { counters } = this; return => { return assign({}, counter, { start_time: d3TimeFormat.isoParse(counter.start_time) }); }); }), yScale: computed('parsedCounters', 'height', function() { const { parsedCounters } = this; const height = this.height(); const counterTotals = =>; return d3Scale .scaleLinear() .domain([0, Math.max(...counterTotals)]) .range([height, 0]); }), xScale: computed('parsedCounters', 'width', function() { const { parsedCounters, width, margin, padding } = this; return d3Scale .scaleBand() .domain( => c.start_time)) .rangeRound([0, width - margin.left - margin.right], 0.05) .paddingInner(padding) .paddingOuter(padding); }), didInsertElement() { this._super(...arguments); const { margin } = this; // set the width after the element has been rendered because the chart axes depend on it. // this helps us avoid an arbitrary hardcoded width which causes alignment & resizing problems. run.schedule('afterRender', this, () => { this.set('width', this.element.clientWidth - margin.left - margin.right); this.renderBarChart(); }); }, didUpdateAttrs() { this.renderBarChart(); }, renderBarChart() { const { margin, width, xScale, yScale, parsedCounters, elementId } = this; const height = this.height(); const barChartSVG ='.http-requests-bar-chart'); const barsContainer =`#bars-container-${elementId}`); // initialize the tooltip const tip = d3Tip() .attr('class', 'd3-tooltip') .offset([HOVER_PADDING / 2, 0]) .html(function(d) { const formatter = d3TimeFormat.utcFormat('%B %Y'); return `


${Intl.NumberFormat().format(} Requests

`; });; // render the chart'.http-requests-bar-chart') .attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr('height', height + + margin.bottom) .attr('viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`); // scale and render the axes const yAxis = d3Axis .axisRight(yScale) .ticks(3, '~s') .tickSizeOuter(0); const xAxis = d3Axis .axisBottom(xScale) .tickFormat(d3TimeFormat.utcFormat('%b %Y')) .tickSizeOuter(0); barChartSVG .select('g.x-axis') .attr('transform', `translate(0,${height})`) .call(xAxis); barChartSVG .select('g.y-axis') .attr('transform', `translate(${width - margin.left - margin.right}, 0)`) .call(yAxis); // render the gridlines const gridlines = d3Axis .axisRight(yScale) .ticks(3) .tickFormat('') .tickSize(width - margin.left - margin.right);'.gridlines').call(gridlines); // render the bars const bars = barsContainer.selectAll('.bar').data(parsedCounters, c => +c.start_time); const barsEnter = bars .enter() .append('rect') .attr('class', 'bar'); const t = d3Transition .transition() .duration(DURATION) .ease(d3Ease.easeQuad); bars .merge(barsEnter) .attr('x', counter => xScale(counter.start_time)) // set the initial y value to 0 so the bars animate upwards .attr('y', () => yScale(0)) .attr('width', xScale.bandwidth()) .transition(t) .delay(function(d, i) { return i * BASE_SPEED; }) .attr('height', counter => height - yScale( .attr('y', counter => yScale(; bars.exit().remove(); // render transparent bars and bind the tooltip to them since we cannot // bind the tooltip to the actual bars. this is because the bars are // within a clipPath & you cannot bind DOM events to non-display elements. const shadowBarsContainer ='.shadow-bars'); const shadowBars = shadowBarsContainer.selectAll('.bar').data(parsedCounters, c => +c.start_time); const shadowBarsEnter = shadowBars .enter() .append('rect') .attr('class', 'bar') .on('mouseenter', .on('mouseleave', tip.hide); shadowBars .merge(shadowBarsEnter) .attr('width', xScale.bandwidth()) .attr('height', counter => height - yScale( + HOVER_PADDING) .attr('x', counter => xScale(counter.start_time)) .attr('y', counter => yScale( - HOVER_PADDING) .attr('fill', 'transparent') .attr('stroke', 'transparent'); shadowBars.exit().remove(); }, updateDimensions() { const newWidth = this.element.clientWidth; const { margin } = this; this.set('width', newWidth - margin.left - margin.right); this.renderBarChart(); }, waitForResize: task(function*() { while (true) { yield waitForEvent(window, 'resize'); run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, 'updateDimensions'); } }) .on('didInsertElement') .cancelOn('willDestroyElement') .drop(), });