import { next } from '@ember/runloop'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { match, alias, or } from '@ember/object/computed'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { dasherize } from '@ember/string'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import { get, computed } from '@ember/object'; import { supportedAuthBackends } from 'vault/helpers/supported-auth-backends'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; const BACKENDS = supportedAuthBackends(); /** * @module AuthForm * The `AuthForm` is used to sign users into Vault. * * @example ```js * // All properties are passed in via query params. * ``` * * @param wrappedToken=null {String} - The auth method that is currently selected in the dropdown. * @param cluster=null {Object} - The auth method that is currently selected in the dropdown. This corresponds to an Ember Model. * @param namespace=null {String} - The currently active namespace. * @param redirectTo=null {String} - The name of the route to redirect to. * @param selectedAuth=null {String} - The auth method that is currently selected in the dropdown. */ const DEFAULTS = { token: null, username: null, password: null, customPath: null, }; export default Component.extend(DEFAULTS, { router: service(), auth: service(), flashMessages: service(), store: service(), csp: service('csp-event'), // passed in via a query param selectedAuth: null, methods: null, cluster: null, redirectTo: null, namespace: null, wrappedToken: null, // internal oldNamespace: null, didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); let token = this.get('wrappedToken'); let newMethod = this.get('selectedAuth'); let oldMethod = this.get('oldSelectedAuth'); let ns = this.get('namespace'); let oldNS = this.get('oldNamespace'); if (oldNS === null || oldNS !== ns) { this.get('fetchMethods').perform(); } this.set('oldNamespace', ns); if (oldMethod && oldMethod !== newMethod) { this.resetDefaults(); } this.set('oldSelectedAuth', newMethod); if (token) { this.get('unwrapToken').perform(token); } }, didRender() { this._super(...arguments); let firstMethod = this.firstMethod(); // on very narrow viewports the active tab may be overflowed, so we scroll it into view here let activeEle = this.element.querySelector(''); if (activeEle) { activeEle.scrollIntoView(); } // set `with` to the first method if ( (this.get('fetchMethods.isIdle') && firstMethod && !this.get('selectedAuth')) || (this.get('selectedAuth') && !this.get('selectedAuthBackend')) ) { this.set('selectedAuth', firstMethod); } }, firstMethod() { let firstMethod = this.get('methodsToShow.firstObject'); if (!firstMethod) return; // prefer backends with a path over those with a type return get(firstMethod, 'path') || get(firstMethod, 'type'); }, resetDefaults() { this.setProperties(DEFAULTS); }, selectedAuthIsPath: match('selectedAuth', /\/$/), selectedAuthBackend: computed('methods', 'methods.[]', 'selectedAuth', 'selectedAuthIsPath', function() { let methods = this.get('methods'); let selectedAuth = this.get('selectedAuth'); let keyIsPath = this.get('selectedAuthIsPath'); if (!methods) { return {}; } if (keyIsPath) { return methods.findBy('path', selectedAuth); } return BACKENDS.findBy('type', selectedAuth); }), providerPartialName: computed('selectedAuthBackend', function() { let type = this.get('selectedAuthBackend.type') || 'token'; type = type.toLowerCase(); let templateName = dasherize(type); return `partials/auth-form/${templateName}`; }), hasCSPError: alias('csp.connectionViolations.firstObject'), cspErrorText: `This is a standby Vault node but can't communicate with the active node via request forwarding. Sign in at the active node to use the Vault UI.`, allSupportedMethods: computed('methodsToShow', 'hasMethodsWithPath', function() { let hasMethodsWithPath = this.get('hasMethodsWithPath'); let methodsToShow = this.get('methodsToShow'); return hasMethodsWithPath ? methodsToShow.concat(BACKENDS) : methodsToShow; }), hasMethodsWithPath: computed('methodsToShow', function() { return this.get('methodsToShow').isAny('path'); }), methodsToShow: computed('methods', function() { let methods = this.get('methods') || []; let shownMethods = methods.filter(m => BACKENDS.find(b => get(b, 'type').toLowerCase() === get(m, 'type').toLowerCase()) ); return shownMethods.length ? shownMethods : BACKENDS; }), unwrapToken: task(function*(token) { // will be using the Token Auth Method, so set it here this.set('selectedAuth', 'token'); let adapter = this.get('store').adapterFor('tools'); try { let response = yield adapter.toolAction('unwrap', null, { clientToken: token }); this.set('token', response.auth.client_token); next(() => { this.send('doSubmit'); }); } catch (e) { this.set('error', `Token unwrap failed: ${e.errors[0]}`); } }).withTestWaiter(), fetchMethods: task(function*() { let store = this.get('store'); try { let methods = yield store.findAll('auth-method', { adapterOptions: { unauthenticated: true, }, }); this.set('methods', => m.serialize({ includeId: true }))); next(() => { store.unloadAll('auth-method'); }); } catch (e) { this.set('error', `There was an error fetching Auth Methods: ${e.errors[0]}`); } }).withTestWaiter(), showLoading: or('isLoading', 'authenticate.isRunning', 'fetchMethods.isRunning', 'unwrapToken.isRunning'), handleError(e, prefixMessage = true) { this.set('loading', false); let errors; if (e.errors) { errors = => { if (error.detail) { return error.detail; } return error; }); } else { errors = [e]; } let message = prefixMessage ? 'Authentication failed: ' : ''; this.set('error', `${message}${errors.join('.')}`); }, authenticate: task(function*(backendType, data) { let clusterId =; try { let authResponse = yield this.auth.authenticate({ clusterId, backend: backendType, data }); let { isRoot, namespace } = authResponse; let transition; let { redirectTo } = this; if (redirectTo) { // reset the value on the controller because it's bound here this.set('redirectTo', ''); // here we don't need the namespace because it will be encoded in redirectTo transition = this.router.transitionTo(redirectTo); } else { transition = this.router.transitionTo('vault.cluster', { queryParams: { namespace } }); } // returning this w/then because if we keep it // in the task, it will get cancelled when the component in un-rendered yield transition.followRedirects().then(() => { if (isRoot) { this.flashMessages.warning( 'You have logged in with a root token. As a security precaution, this root token will not be stored by your browser and you will need to re-authenticate after the window is closed or refreshed.' ); } }); } catch (e) { this.handleError(e); } }).withTestWaiter(), actions: { doSubmit() { let passedData, e; if (arguments.length > 1) { [passedData, e] = arguments; } else { [e] = arguments; } if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } let data = {}; this.setProperties({ error: null, }); let backend = this.get('selectedAuthBackend') || {}; let backendMeta = BACKENDS.find( b => (get(b, 'type') || '').toLowerCase() === (get(backend, 'type') || '').toLowerCase() ); let attributes = get(backendMeta || {}, 'formAttributes') || {}; data = assign(data, this.getProperties(...attributes)); if (passedData) { data = assign(data, passedData); } if (this.get('customPath') || get(backend, 'id')) { data.path = this.get('customPath') || get(backend, 'id'); } return this.authenticate.unlinked().perform(backend.type, data); }, handleError(e) { if (e) { this.handleError(e, false); } else { this.set('error', null); } }, }, });