import { currentRouteName, settled } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import editPage from 'vault/tests/pages/secrets/backend/pki/edit-role'; import showPage from 'vault/tests/pages/secrets/backend/pki/show'; import listPage from 'vault/tests/pages/secrets/backend/list'; import enablePage from 'vault/tests/pages/settings/mount-secret-backend'; import authPage from 'vault/tests/pages/auth'; module('Acceptance | secrets/pki/create', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { return authPage.login(); }); const mountAndNav = async () => { const path = `pki-${new Date().getTime()}`; await enablePage.enable('pki', path); await settled(); await editPage.visitRoot({ backend: path }); await settled(); return path; }; test('it creates a role and redirects', async function(assert) { // UPGRADE TODO: Getting error: // Promise rejected before "it creates a role and redirects meep": Assertion Failed: You cannot use the same root element (#ember-testing) multiple times in an Ember.Application const path = await mountAndNav(assert); await editPage.createRole('role', ''); await settled(); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), '', 'redirects to the show page'); assert.ok(showPage.editIsPresent, 'shows the edit button'); assert.ok(showPage.generateCertIsPresent, 'shows the generate button'); assert.ok(showPage.signCertIsPresent, 'shows the sign button'); await showPage.visit({ backend: path, id: 'role' }); await settled(); await showPage.generateCert(); await settled(); assert.equal( currentRouteName(), 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.credentials', 'navs to the credentials page' ); await showPage.visit({ backend: path, id: 'role' }); await settled(); await showPage.signCert(); await settled(); assert.equal( currentRouteName(), 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.credentials', 'navs to the credentials page' ); await listPage.visitRoot({ backend: path }); await settled(); assert.equal(listPage.secrets.length, 1, 'shows role in the list'); let secret = listPage.secrets.objectAt(0); await secret.menuToggle(); await settled(); assert.ok(listPage.menuItems.length > 0, 'shows links in the menu'); }); test('it deletes a role', async function(assert) { const path = await mountAndNav(assert); await editPage.createRole('role', ''); await settled(); await showPage.visit({ backend: path, id: 'role' }); await settled(); await showPage.deleteRole(); await settled(); assert.equal(currentRouteName(), 'vault.cluster.secrets.backend.list-root', 'redirects to list page'); assert.ok(listPage.backendIsEmpty, 'no roles listed'); }); });