@echo off setlocal set _EXITCODE=0 set _DEV_BUILD=0 if not exist %1 exit /b 1 if x%2 == xVAULT_DEV set _DEV_BUILD=1 cd %1 md bin 2>nul :: Get the git commit set _GIT_COMMIT_FILE=%TEMP%\vault-git_commit.txt set _GIT_DIRTY_FILE=%TEMP%\vault-git_dirty.txt set _NUL_CMP_FILE=%TEMP%\vault-nul_cmp.txt type nul >%_NUL_CMP_FILE% git rev-parse HEAD >"%_GIT_COMMIT_FILE%" set /p _GIT_COMMIT=<"%_GIT_COMMIT_FILE%" del /f "%_GIT_COMMIT_FILE%" 2>nul set _GIT_DIRTY= git status --porcelain >"%_GIT_DIRTY_FILE%" fc "%_GIT_DIRTY_FILE%" "%_NUL_CMP_FILE%" >nul if errorlevel 1 set _GIT_DIRTY=+CHANGES del /f "%_GIT_DIRTY_FILE%" 2>nul del /f "%_NUL_CMP_FILE%" 2>nul REM Determine the arch/os combos we're building for set _XC_ARCH=386 amd64 arm set _XC_OS=linux darwin windows freebsd openbsd REM Install dependencies echo ==^> Installing dependencies... go get ./... REM Clean up the old binaries and packages. echo ==^> Cleaning old builds... rd /s /q bin pkg 2>nul md bin 2>nul REM If its dev mode, only build for ourself if not %_DEV_BUILD% equ 1 goto build :devbuild echo ==^> Preparing for development build... set _GO_ENV_TMP_FILE=%TEMP%\vault-go-env.txt go env GOARCH >"%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" set /p _XC_ARCH=<"%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" del /f "%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" 2>nul go env GOOS >"%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" set /p _XC_OS=<"%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" del /f "%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" 2>nul :build REM Build! echo ==^> Building... gox^ -os="%_XC_OS%"^ -arch="%_XC_ARCH%"^ -ldflags "-X github.com/hashicorp/vault/version.GitCommit=%_GIT_COMMIT%%_GIT_DIRTY%"^ -output "pkg/{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}/vault"^ . if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 set %_EXITCODE%=1 if %_EXITCODE% equ 1 exit /b %_EXITCODE% set _GO_ENV_TMP_FILE=%TEMP%\vault-go-env.txt go env GOPATH >"%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" set /p _GOPATH=<"%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" del /f "%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" 2>nul go env GOARCH >"%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" set /p _GOARCH=<"%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" del /f "%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" 2>nul go env GOOS >"%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" set /p _GOOS=<"%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" del /f "%_GO_ENV_TMP_FILE%" 2>nul REM Copy our OS/Arch to the bin/ directory set _DEV_PLATFORM=pkg\%_GOOS%_%_GOARCH% for /r %%f in (%_DEV_PLATFORM%) do ( copy /b /y %%f bin\ >nul copy /b /y %%f %_GOPATH%\bin\ >nul ) REM TODO(ceh): package dist REM Done! echo. echo ==^> Results: echo. for %%A in ("bin\*") do echo %%~fA exit /b %_EXITCODE%