import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render, fillIn } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; const COUNTERS = [ { start_time: '2018-12-01T00:00:00Z', total: 5500 }, { start_time: '2019-01-01T00:00:00Z', total: 4500 }, { start_time: '2019-02-01T00:00:00Z', total: 5000 }, { start_time: '2019-03-01T00:00:00Z', total: 5000 }, ]; module('Integration | Component | http-requests-container', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { this.set('counters', COUNTERS); }); test('it renders', async function(assert) { await render(hbs``); assert.dom('.http-requests-container').exists(); assert.dom('.select').exists(); assert.dom('.http-requests-bar-chart-container').exists(); assert.dom('.http-requests-table').exists(); }); test('it does not render a bar chart for less than one month of data', async function(assert) { const one_month_counter = [ { start_time: '2019-05-01T00:00:00Z', total: 50, }, ]; this.set('one_month_counter', one_month_counter); await render(hbs``); assert.dom('.http-requests-table').exists(); assert.dom('.http-requests-bar-chart-container').doesNotExist(); }); test('it filters the data according to the dropdown', async function(assert) { await render(hbs``); await fillIn('[data-test-select="requests-timewindow"]', '2018'); assert.dom('.shadow-bars> .bar').exists({ count: 1 }, 'filters the bar chart to the selected year'); assert.dom('.start-time').exists({ count: 1 }, 'filters the table to the selected year'); }); });