import EditForm from 'core/components/edit-form'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import layout from '../templates/components/edit-form-kmip-role'; export default EditForm.extend({ layout, model: null, cancelLink: computed('cancelLinkParams.[]', function () { if (!Array.isArray(this.cancelLinkParams) || !this.cancelLinkParams.length) return; const [route, ...models] = this.cancelLinkParams; return { route, models }; }), init() { this._super(...arguments); if (this.model.isNew) { this.model.operationAll = true; } }, actions: { toggleOperationSpecial(checked) { this.model.operationNone = !checked; this.model.operationAll = checked; }, // when operationAll is true, we want all of the items // to appear checked, but we don't want to override what items // a user has selected - so this action creates an object that we // pass to the FormField component as the model instead of the real model placeholderOrModel(isOperationAll, attr) { return isOperationAll ? { []: true } : this.model; }, preSave(model) { // if we have operationAll or operationNone, we want to clear // out the others so that display shows the right data if (model.operationAll || model.operationNone) { model.operationFieldsWithoutSpecial.forEach((field) => model.set(field, null)); } }, }, });