/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import errorMessage from 'vault/utils/error-message'; import timestamp from 'vault/utils/timestamp'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; /** * @module DownloadButton * DownloadButton components are an action button used to download data. Both the action text and icon are yielded. * * NOTE: when using in an engine, remember to add the 'download' service to its dependencies (in /engine.js) and map to it in /app.js * [ember-docs](https://ember-engines.com/docs/services) * @example * ```js * * * Download * * ``` * @param {string} [filename] - name of file that prefixes the ISO timestamp generated at download * @param {string} [data] - data to download * @param {function} [fetchData] - function that fetches data and returns download content * @param {string} [extension='txt'] - file extension, the download service uses this to determine the mimetype * @param {boolean} [stringify=false] - argument to stringify the data before passing to the File constructor */ export default class DownloadButton extends Component { @service download; @service flashMessages; @tracked fetchedData; constructor() { super(...arguments); const hasConflictingArgs = this.args.data && this.args.fetchData; assert( 'Only pass either @data or @fetchData, passing both means @data will be overwritten by the return value of @fetchData', !hasConflictingArgs ); } get filename() { const ts = timestamp.now().toISOString(); return this.args.filename ? this.args.filename + '-' + ts : ts; } get content() { if (this.args.stringify) { return JSON.stringify(this.args.data, null, 2); } return this.fetchedData || this.args.data; } get extension() { return this.args.extension || 'txt'; } @action async handleDownload() { if (this.args.fetchData) { this.fetchedData = await this.args.fetchData(); } try { this.download.miscExtension(this.filename, this.content, this.extension); this.flashMessages.info(`Downloading ${this.filename}`); } catch (error) { this.flashMessages.danger(errorMessage(error, 'There was a problem downloading. Please try again.')); } } }