import Pretender from 'pretender'; import { moduleFor, test } from 'ember-qunit'; import testCases from './_test-cases'; const noop = response => { return function() { return [response, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({})]; }; }; moduleFor('adapter:identity/entity-alias', 'Unit | Adapter | identity/entity-alias', { needs: ['service:auth', 'service:flash-messages'], beforeEach() { this.server = new Pretender(function() {'/v1/**', noop()); this.put('/v1/**', noop()); this.get('/v1/**', noop()); this.delete('/v1/**', noop(204)); }); }, afterEach() { this.server.shutdown(); }, }); const cases = testCases('identit/entity-alias'); cases.forEach(testCase => { test(`entity-alias#${testCase.adapterMethod}`, function(assert) { assert.expect(2); let adapter = this.subject(); adapter[testCase.adapterMethod](...testCase.args); let { url, method } = this.server.handledRequests[0]; assert.equal(url, testCase.url, `${testCase.adapterMethod} calls the correct url: ${testCase.url}`); assert.equal( method, testCase.method, `${testCase.adapterMethod} uses the correct http verb: ${testCase.method}` ); }); });