import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; const DATA = { anyReplicationEnabled: true, dr: { mode: 'secondary', rm: { mode: 'dr', }, }, unsealed: 'good', }; const TITLE = 'Disaster Recovery'; const SECONDARY_ID = '123abc'; module('Integration | Component | replication-header', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { this.set('data', DATA); this.set('title', TITLE); this.set('isSecondary', true); this.set('secondaryId', SECONDARY_ID); }); test('it renders', async function(assert) { await render(hbs``); assert.dom('[data-test-replication-header]').exists(); }); test('it renders with mode and secondaryId when set', async function(assert) { await render( hbs`` ); assert.dom('[data-test-secondaryId]').includesText(SECONDARY_ID, `shows the correct secondaryId value`); assert.dom('[data-test-mode]').includesText('secondary', `shows the correct mode value`); }); test('it does not render mode or secondaryId when replication is not enabled', async function(assert) { const notEnabled = { anyReplicationEnabled: false }; const noId = null; this.set('data', notEnabled); this.set('secondaryId', noId); await render( hbs`` ); assert.dom('[data-test-secondaryId]').doesNotExist(); assert.dom('[data-test-mode]').doesNotExist(); }); test('it does not show tabs when showTabs is not set', async function(assert) { await render(hbs``); assert.dom('[data-test-tabs]').doesNotExist(); }); });