import Model from '@ember-data/model'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import attachCapabilities from 'vault/lib/attach-capabilities'; import apiPath from 'vault/utils/api-path'; let MODEL_TYPE = 'test-form-model'; let makeModelClass = () => { return Model.extend(); }; module('Unit | lib | attach capabilities', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('it attaches passed capabilities', function(assert) { let mc = makeModelClass(); mc = attachCapabilities(mc, { updatePath: apiPath`update/{'id'}`, deletePath: apiPath`delete/{'id'}`, }); let relationship = mc.relationshipsByName.get('updatePath'); assert.equal(relationship.key, 'updatePath', 'has updatePath relationship'); assert.equal(relationship.kind, 'belongsTo', 'kind of relationship is belongsTo'); assert.equal(relationship.type, 'capabilities', 'updatePath is a related capabilities model'); relationship = mc.relationshipsByName.get('deletePath'); assert.equal(relationship.key, 'deletePath', 'has deletePath relationship'); assert.equal(relationship.kind, 'belongsTo', 'kind of relationship is belongsTo'); assert.equal(relationship.type, 'capabilities', 'deletePath is a related capabilities model'); }); test('it adds a static method to the model class', function(assert) { let mc = makeModelClass(); mc = attachCapabilities(mc, { updatePath: apiPath`update/{'id'}`, deletePath: apiPath`delete/{'id'}`, }); assert.ok( !!mc.relatedCapabilities && typeof mc.relatedCapabilities === 'function', 'model class now has a relatedCapabilities static function' ); }); test('calling static method with single response JSON-API document adds expected relationships', function(assert) { let mc = makeModelClass(); mc = attachCapabilities(mc, { updatePath: apiPath`update/${'id'}`, deletePath: apiPath`delete/${'id'}`, }); let jsonAPIDocSingle = { data: { id: 'test', type: MODEL_TYPE, attributes: {}, relationships: {}, }, included: [], }; let expected = { data: { id: 'test', type: MODEL_TYPE, attributes: {}, relationships: { updatePath: { data: { type: 'capabilities', id: 'update/test', }, }, deletePath: { data: { type: 'capabilities', id: 'delete/test', }, }, }, }, included: [], }; mc.relatedCapabilities(jsonAPIDocSingle); assert.equal( Object.keys(, 2, 'document now has 2 relationships' ); assert.deepEqual(jsonAPIDocSingle, expected, 'has the exected new document structure'); }); test('calling static method with an arrary response JSON-API document adds expected relationships', function(assert) { let mc = makeModelClass(); mc = attachCapabilities(mc, { updatePath: apiPath`update/${'id'}`, deletePath: apiPath`delete/${'id'}`, }); let jsonAPIDocSingle = { data: [ { id: 'test', type: MODEL_TYPE, attributes: {}, relationships: {}, }, { id: 'foo', type: MODEL_TYPE, attributes: {}, relationships: {}, }, ], included: [], }; let expected = { data: [ { id: 'test', type: MODEL_TYPE, attributes: {}, relationships: { updatePath: { data: { type: 'capabilities', id: 'update/test', }, }, deletePath: { data: { type: 'capabilities', id: 'delete/test', }, }, }, }, { id: 'foo', type: MODEL_TYPE, attributes: {}, relationships: { updatePath: { data: { type: 'capabilities', id: 'update/foo', }, }, deletePath: { data: { type: 'capabilities', id: 'delete/foo', }, }, }, }, ], included: [], }; mc.relatedCapabilities(jsonAPIDocSingle); assert.deepEqual(jsonAPIDocSingle, expected, 'has the exected new document structure'); }); });