import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { settled, currentURL } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object'; import auth from 'vault/tests/pages/auth'; import consoleClass from 'vault/tests/pages/components/console/ui-panel'; const consoleComponent = create(consoleClass); const wrappedAuth = async () => { await consoleComponent.runCommands(`write -field=token auth/token/create policies=default -wrap-ttl=3m`); await settled(); return consoleComponent.lastLogOutput; }; const setupWrapping = async () => { await auth.logout(); await settled(); await auth.visit(); await settled(); await auth.tokenInput('root').submit(); await settled(); let token = await wrappedAuth(); await auth.logout(); await settled(); return token; }; module('Acceptance | wrapped_token query param functionality', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); test('it authenticates you if the query param is present', async function(assert) { let token = await setupWrapping(); await auth.visit({ wrapped_token: token }); await settled(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/vault/secrets', 'authenticates and redirects to home'); }); test('it authenticates when used with the with=token query param', async function(assert) { let token = await setupWrapping(); await auth.visit({ wrapped_token: token, with: 'token' }); await settled(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/vault/secrets', 'authenticates and redirects to home'); }); });