/** * @module Toggle * Toggle components are used to indicate boolean values which can be toggled on or off. * They are a stylistic alternative to checkboxes, but still use the input[type="checkbox"] under the hood. * * @example * ```js * * ``` * @param {function} onChange - onChange is triggered on checkbox change (select, deselect). Must manually mutate checked value * @param {string} name - name is passed along to the form field, as well as to generate the ID of the input & "for" value of the label * @param {boolean} [checked=false] - checked status of the input, and must be passed in and mutated from the parent * @param {boolean} [disabled=false] - disabled makes the switch unclickable * @param {string} [size='medium'] - Sizing can be small or medium * @param {string} [status='normal'] - Status can be normal or success, which makes the switch have a blue background when checked=true */ import Component from '@ember/component'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import layout from '../templates/components/toggle'; export default Component.extend({ layout, tagName: '', checked: false, disabled: false, name: '', size: 'normal', status: 'normal', safeId: computed('name', function() { return `toggle-${this.name.replace(/\W/g, '')}`; }), inputClasses: computed('size', 'status', function() { const sizeClass = `is-${this.size}`; const statusClass = `is-${this.status}`; return `toggle ${statusClass} ${sizeClass}`; }), actions: { handleChange(value) { this.onChange(value); }, }, });