import Ember from 'ember'; import DS from 'ember-data'; import lazyCapabilities, { apiPath } from 'vault/macros/lazy-capabilities'; import { fragment } from 'ember-data-model-fragments/attributes'; import fieldToAttrs, { expandAttributeMeta } from 'vault/utils/field-to-attrs'; const { attr } = DS; const { computed } = Ember; //identity will be managed separately and the inclusion //of the system backend is an implementation detail const LIST_EXCLUDED_BACKENDS = ['system', 'identity']; export default DS.Model.extend({ path: attr('string'), accessor: attr('string'), name: attr('string'), type: attr('string', { label: 'Secret engine type', }), description: attr('string', { editType: 'textarea', }), config: fragment('mount-config', { defaultValue: {} }), options: fragment('mount-options', { defaultValue: {} }), local: attr('boolean', { helpText: 'When replication is enabled, a local mount will not be replicated across clusters. This can only be specified at mount time.', }), sealWrap: attr('boolean', { helpText: 'When enabled - if a seal supporting seal wrapping is specified in the configuration, all critical security parameters (CSPs) in this backend will be seal wrapped. (For K/V mounts, all values will be seal wrapped.) This can only be specified at mount time.', }), modelTypeForKV: computed('engineType', 'options.version', function() { let type = this.get('engineType'); let version = this.get('options.version'); let modelType = 'secret'; if ((type === 'kv' || type === 'generic') && version === 2) { modelType = 'secret-v2'; } return modelType; }), formFields: computed('engineType', function() { let type = this.get('engineType'); let fields = [ 'type', 'path', 'description', 'accessor', 'local', 'sealWrap', 'config.{defaultLeaseTtl,maxLeaseTtl,auditNonHmacRequestKeys,auditNonHmacResponseKeys,passthroughRequestHeaders}', ]; if (type === 'kv' || type === 'generic') { fields.push('options.{version}'); } return fields; }), formFieldGroups: computed('engineType', function() { let type = this.get('engineType'); let defaultGroup = { default: ['path'] }; if (type === 'kv' || type === 'generic') { defaultGroup.default.push('options.{version}'); } return [ defaultGroup, { 'Method Options': [ 'description', 'config.listingVisibility', 'local', 'sealWrap', 'config.{defaultLeaseTtl,maxLeaseTtl,auditNonHmacRequestKeys,auditNonHmacResponseKeys,passthroughRequestHeaders}', ], }, ]; }), attrs: computed('formFields', function() { return expandAttributeMeta(this, this.get('formFields')); }), fieldGroups: computed('formFieldGroups', function() { return fieldToAttrs(this, this.get('formFieldGroups')); }), // namespaces introduced types with a `ns_` prefix for built-in engines // so we need to strip that to normalize the type engineType: computed('type', function() { return (this.get('type') || '').replace(/^ns_/, ''); }), shouldIncludeInList: computed('engineType', function() { return !LIST_EXCLUDED_BACKENDS.includes(this.get('engineType')); }), localDisplay: Ember.computed('local', function() { return this.get('local') ? 'local' : 'replicated'; }), // ssh specific ones privateKey: attr('string'), publicKey: attr('string'), generateSigningKey: attr('boolean', { defaultValue: true, }), saveCA(options) { if (this.get('type') !== 'ssh') { return; } if (options.isDelete) { this.setProperties({ privateKey: null, publicKey: null, generateSigningKey: false, }); } return{ adapterOptions: { options: options, apiPath: 'config/ca', attrsToSend: ['privateKey', 'publicKey', 'generateSigningKey'], }, }); }, saveZeroAddressConfig() { return{ adapterOptions: { adapterMethod: 'saveZeroAddressConfig', }, }); }, zeroAddressPath: lazyCapabilities(apiPath`${'id'}/config/zeroaddress`, 'id'), canEditZeroAddress: computed.alias('zeroAddressPath.canUpdate'), // aws backend attrs lease: attr('string'), leaseMax: attr('string'), });