import EmberObject from '@ember/object'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render, click, fillIn } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import formFields from '../../pages/components/form-field'; const component = create(formFields); module('Integration | Component | form field', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); const createAttr = (name, type, options) => { return { name, type, options, }; }; const setup = async function (attr) { let model = EmberObject.create({}); let spy = sinon.spy(); this.set('onChange', spy); this.set('model', model); this.set('attr', attr); await render(hbs``); return [model, spy]; }; test('it renders', async function (assert) { let model = EmberObject.create({}); this.attr = { name: 'foo' }; this.model = model; await render(hbs``); assert.equal(component.fields.objectAt(0).labelText, 'Foo', 'renders a label'); assert.notOk(component.hasInput, 'renders only the label'); }); test('it renders: string', async function (assert) { let [model, spy] = await, createAttr('foo', 'string', { defaultValue: 'default' })); assert.equal(component.fields.objectAt(0).labelText, 'Foo', 'renders a label'); assert.equal(component.fields.objectAt(0).inputValue, 'default', 'renders default value'); assert.ok(component.hasInput, 'renders input for string'); await component.fields.objectAt(0).input('bar').change(); assert.equal(model.get('foo'), 'bar'); assert.ok(spy.calledWith('foo', 'bar'), 'onChange called with correct args'); }); test('it renders: boolean', async function (assert) { let [model, spy] = await, createAttr('foo', 'boolean', { defaultValue: false })); assert.equal(component.fields.objectAt(0).labelText, 'Foo', 'renders a label'); assert.notOk(component.fields.objectAt(0).inputChecked, 'renders default value'); assert.ok(component.hasCheckbox, 'renders a checkbox for boolean'); await component.fields.objectAt(0).clickLabel(); assert.equal(model.get('foo'), true); assert.ok(spy.calledWith('foo', true), 'onChange called with correct args'); }); test('it renders: number', async function (assert) { let [model, spy] = await, createAttr('foo', 'number', { defaultValue: 5 })); assert.equal(component.fields.objectAt(0).labelText, 'Foo', 'renders a label'); assert.equal(component.fields.objectAt(0).inputValue, 5, 'renders default value'); assert.ok(component.hasInput, 'renders input for number'); await component.fields.objectAt(0).input(8).change(); assert.equal(model.get('foo'), 8); assert.ok(spy.calledWith('foo', '8'), 'onChange called with correct args'); }); test('it renders: object', async function (assert) { await, createAttr('foo', 'object')); assert.equal(component.fields.objectAt(0).labelText, 'Foo', 'renders a label'); assert.ok(component.hasJSONEditor, 'renders the json editor'); }); test('it renders: string as json with clear button', async function (assert) { await, createAttr('foo', 'string', { editType: 'json', allowReset: true })); assert.equal(component.fields.objectAt(0).labelText, 'Foo', 'renders a label'); assert.ok(component.hasJSONEditor, 'renders the json editor'); assert.ok(component.hasJSONClearButton, 'renders button that will clear the JSON value'); }); test('it renders: editType textarea', async function (assert) { let [model, spy] = await this, createAttr('foo', 'string', { defaultValue: 'goodbye', editType: 'textarea' }) ); assert.equal(component.fields.objectAt(0).labelText, 'Foo', 'renders a label'); assert.ok(component.hasTextarea, 'renders a textarea'); assert.equal(component.fields.objectAt(0).textareaValue, 'goodbye', 'renders default value'); await component.fields.objectAt(0).textarea('hello'); assert.equal(model.get('foo'), 'hello'); assert.ok(spy.calledWith('foo', 'hello'), 'onChange called with correct args'); }); test('it renders: editType file', async function (assert) { await, createAttr('foo', 'string', { editType: 'file' })); assert.ok(component.hasTextFile, 'renders the text-file component'); await click('[data-test-text-toggle]'); await fillIn('[data-test-text-file-textarea]', 'hello world'); assert.dom('[data-test-text-file-textarea]').hasClass('masked-font'); await click('[data-test-button]'); assert.dom('[data-test-text-file-textarea]').doesNotHaveClass('masked-font'); }); test('it renders: editType ttl', async function (assert) { let [model, spy] = await, createAttr('foo', null, { editType: 'ttl' })); assert.ok(component.hasTTLPicker, 'renders the ttl-picker component'); await component.fields.objectAt(0).toggleTtl(); await component.fields.objectAt(0).select('h').change(); await component.fields.objectAt(0).ttlTime('3'); const expectedSeconds = `${3 * 3600}s`; assert.equal(model.get('foo'), expectedSeconds); assert.ok(spy.calledWith('foo', expectedSeconds), 'onChange called with correct args'); }); test('it renders: editType stringArray', async function (assert) { let [model, spy] = await, createAttr('foo', 'string', { editType: 'stringArray' })); assert.ok(component.hasStringList, 'renders the string-list component'); await component.fields.objectAt(0).textarea('array').change(); assert.deepEqual(model.get('foo'), ['array'], 'sets the value on the model'); assert.deepEqual(spy.args[0], ['foo', ['array']], 'onChange called with correct args'); }); test('it renders: sensitive', async function (assert) { let [model, spy] = await, createAttr('password', 'string', { sensitive: true })); assert.ok(component.hasMaskedInput, 'renders the masked-input component'); await component.fields.objectAt(0).textarea('secret'); assert.equal(model.get('password'), 'secret'); assert.ok(spy.calledWith('password', 'secret'), 'onChange called with correct args'); }); test('it uses a passed label', async function (assert) { await, createAttr('foo', 'string', { label: 'Not Foo' })); assert.equal(component.fields.objectAt(0).labelText, 'Not Foo', 'renders the label from options'); }); test('it renders a help tooltip', async function (assert) { await, createAttr('foo', 'string', { helpText: 'Here is some help text' })); await component.tooltipTrigger(); assert.ok(component.hasTooltip, 'renders the tooltip component'); }); test('it should not expand and toggle ttl when default 0s value is present', async function (assert) { assert.expect(2); this.setProperties({ model: EmberObject.create({ foo: '0s' }), attr: createAttr('foo', null, { editType: 'ttl' }), onChange: () => {}, }); await render(hbs``); assert .dom('[data-test-toggle-input="Foo"]') .isNotChecked('Toggle is initially unchecked when given default value'); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-picker-group="Foo"]').doesNotExist('Ttl input is hidden'); }); test('it should toggle and expand ttl when initial non default value is provided', async function (assert) { assert.expect(2); this.setProperties({ model: EmberObject.create({ foo: '1s' }), attr: createAttr('foo', null, { editType: 'ttl' }), onChange: () => {}, }); await render(hbs``); assert.dom('[data-test-toggle-input="Foo"]').isChecked('Toggle is initially checked when given value'); assert.dom('[data-test-ttl-value="Foo"]').hasValue('1', 'Ttl input displays with correct value'); }); });