Demo.DemoStepController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({ needs: ['demo'], socket: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.demo.socket'), logs: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.demo.logs'), isLoading: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.demo.isLoading'), currentText: "", commandLog: [], cursor: 0, notCleared: true, fullscreen: false, renderedLogs: function() { return this.get('logs'); }.property('logs.length'), setFromHistory: function() { var index = this.get('commandLog.length') + this.get('cursor'); var previousMessage = this.get('commandLog')[index]; this.set('currentText', previousMessage); }.observes('cursor'), logCommand: function(command) { var commandLog = this.get('commandLog'); commandLog.push(command); this.set('commandLog', commandLog); }, actions: { submitText: function() { // Send the actual request (fake for now) this.sendCommand(); }, close: function() { this.transitionTo('index'); }, next: function() { var nextStepNumber = parseInt(this.get(''), 10) + 1; this.transitionTo('demo.step', nextStepNumber); }, previous: function() { var prevStepNumber = parseInt(this.get(''), 10) - 1; this.transitionTo('demo.step', prevStepNumber); }, }, sendCommand: function() { var command = this.getWithDefault('currentText', ''); var log = this.get('log'); this.set('currentText', ''); this.logCommand(command); this.get('controllers.demo').appendLog(command, true); switch(command) { case "": break; case "next": case "forward": this.set('notCleared', true); this.send('next'); break; case "previous": case "back": case "prev": this.set('notCleared', true); this.send('previous'); break; case "quit": case "exit": this.send('close'); break; case "clear": this.set('logs', ""); this.set('notCleared', false); break; case "fu": case "fullscreen": this.set('fullscreen', true); break; case "help": this.get('controllers.demo').appendLog('You can use `vault path-help ` ' + 'to learn more about specific Vault commands, or `next` ' + 'and `previous` to navigate. Or, `fu` to go fullscreen.', false); break; default: this.set('isLoading', true); var data = JSON.stringify({type: "cli", data: {command: command}}); this.get('socket').send(data); } }, });