{{#if keyData}} {{#let (or keyData.recovery_keys keyData.keys) as |keyArray|}}

Vault has been initialized! {{#if (eq keyArray.length 1)}} Here is your key. {{else}} Here are your {{pluralize keyArray.length "key"}}. {{/if}}


{{#if keyData.recovery_keys}} Please securely distribute the keys below. Certain privileged operations in Vault such as rekeying the barrier or generating a new root token will require you to provide at least {{secret_threshold}} of these keys to perform the operation. {{else}} Please securely distribute the keys below. When the Vault is re-sealed, restarted, or stopped, you must provide at least {{secret_threshold}} of these keys to unseal it again. Vault does not store the master key. Without at least {{secret_threshold}} keys, your Vault will remain permanently sealed. {{/if}}

Initial root token

{{#each (or keyData.recovery_keys_base64 keyData.recovery_keys keyData.keys_base64 keyData.keys) as |key index|}}

Key {{add index 1}}

{{#if (and model.sealed (not keyData.recovery_keys))}}
{{#link-to 'vault.cluster.unseal' model.name class="button is-primary"}} Continue to Unseal {{/link-to}}
{{#link-to 'vault.cluster.auth' model.name class=(concat (if model.sealed 'is-loading ' '') 'button is-primary') disabled=model.sealed }} Continue to Authenticate {{/link-to}}
{{/if}} Download keys

Let's set up the initial set of master keys that you’ll need in case of an emergency

{{input data-test-key-shares="true" class="input" autocomplete="off" name="key-shares" type="number" step="1" min="1" pattern="[0-9]*" value=secret_shares }}

The number of key shares to split the master key into

{{input data-test-key-threshold="true" class="input" autocomplete="off" name="key-threshold" type="number" step="1" min="1" pattern="[0-9]*" value=secret_threshold }}

The number of key shares required to reconstruct the master key

{{#if use_pgp}}

The output unseal keys will be encrypted and hex-encoded, in order, with the given public keys.

{{/if}} {{#if use_pgp_for_root}}

The root unseal key will be encrypted and hex-encoded with the given public key.

{{partial "svg/initialize"}}