import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { resolve } from 'rsvp'; import Service from '@ember/service'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { click, fillIn, blur, render, find } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import sinon from 'sinon'; const storeStub = Service.extend({ callArgs: null, adapterFor() { return { replicationAction() { return { then(cb) { cb(); }, }; }, }; }, }); const routerService = Service.extend({ transitionTo: sinon.stub().returns(resolve()), }); module('Integration | Component | replication actions', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { run(() => { this.owner.register('service:router', routerService); this.owner.unregister('service:store'); this.owner.register('service:store', storeStub); this.storeService = this.owner.lookup('service:store'); }); }); let testCases = [ ['dr', 'primary', 'disable', 'Disable replication', null, ['disable', 'primary']], ['performance', 'primary', 'disable', 'Disable replication', null, ['disable', 'primary']], ['dr', 'secondary', 'disable', 'Disable replication', null, ['disable', 'secondary']], ['performance', 'secondary', 'disable', 'Disable replication', null, ['disable', 'secondary']], ['dr', 'primary', 'recover', 'Recover', null, ['recover']], ['performance', 'primary', 'recover', 'Recover', null, ['recover']], ['performance', 'secondary', 'recover', 'Recover', null, ['recover']], ['dr', 'primary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex']], ['performance', 'primary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex']], ['dr', 'secondary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex']], ['performance', 'secondary', 'reindex', 'Reindex', null, ['reindex']], ['dr', 'primary', 'demote', 'Demote cluster', null, ['demote', 'primary']], ['performance', 'primary', 'demote', 'Demote cluster', null, ['demote', 'primary']], // we don't do dr secondary promote in this component so just test perf [ 'performance', 'secondary', 'promote', 'Promote cluster', async function() { await fillIn('[name="primary_cluster_addr"]', 'cluster addr'); await blur('[name="primary_cluster_addr"]'); }, ['promote', 'secondary', { primary_cluster_addr: 'cluster addr' }], ], // don't yet update-primary for dr [ 'performance', 'secondary', 'update-primary', 'Update primary', async function() { await fillIn('#secondary-token', 'token'); await blur('#secondary-token'); await fillIn('#primary_api_addr', 'addr'); await blur('#primary_api_addr'); }, ['update-primary', 'secondary', { token: 'token', primary_api_addr: 'addr' }], ], ]; for (let [replicationMode, clusterMode, action, headerText, fillInFn, expectedOnSubmit] of testCases) { test(`replication mode ${replicationMode}, cluster mode: ${clusterMode}, action: ${action}`, async function(assert) { const testKey = `${replicationMode}-${clusterMode}-${action}`; this.set('model', { replicationAttrs: { modeForUrl: clusterMode, }, [replicationMode]: { mode: clusterMode, modeForUrl: clusterMode, }, reload() { return resolve(); }, rollbackAttributes() {}, }); this.set('replicationMode', replicationMode); this.set('selectedAction', action); this.set('onSubmit', (...actual) => { assert.deepEqual( JSON.stringify(actual), JSON.stringify(expectedOnSubmit), `${testKey}: submitted values match expected` ); return resolve(); }); this.set('storeService.capabilitiesReturnVal', ['root']); await render( hbs`{{replication-actions model=model replicationMode=replicationMode selectedAction=selectedAction onSubmit=(action onSubmit)}}` ); assert.equal( find('h4').textContent.trim(), headerText, `${testKey}: renders the correct partial as default` ); if (typeof fillInFn === 'function') { await; } await click('[data-test-confirm-action-trigger]'); await click('[data-test-confirm-button]'); }); } });