/* This service is used to pull an OpenAPI document describing the shape of data at a specific path to hydrate a model with attrs it has less (or no) information about. */ import Service from '@ember/service'; import DS from 'ember-data'; import { encodePath } from 'vault/utils/path-encoding-helpers'; import { getOwner } from '@ember/application'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { expandOpenApiProps, combineAttributes } from 'vault/utils/openapi-to-attrs'; import fieldToAttrs from 'vault/utils/field-to-attrs'; import { resolve } from 'rsvp'; import { debug } from '@ember/debug'; import generatedItemAdapter from 'vault/adapters/generated-item-list'; export function sanitizePath(path) { //remove whitespace + remove trailing and leading slashes return path.trim().replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, ''); } export default Service.extend({ attrs: null, ajax(url, options = {}) { let appAdapter = getOwner(this).lookup(`adapter:application`); let { data } = options; return appAdapter.ajax(url, 'GET', { data, }); }, getNewModel(modelType, backend, apiPath, itemType) { let owner = getOwner(this); const modelName = `model:${modelType}`; const modelFactory = owner.factoryFor(modelName); let newModel, helpUrl; //if we have a factory, we need to take the existing model into account if (modelFactory) { debug(`Model factory found for ${modelType}`); newModel = modelFactory.class; const modelProto = newModel.proto(); if (newModel.merged || modelProto.useOpenAPI !== true) { return resolve(); } helpUrl = modelProto.getHelpUrl(backend); return this.registerNewModelWithProps(helpUrl, backend, newModel, modelName); } else { debug(`Creating new Model for ${modelType}`); newModel = DS.Model.extend({}); //use paths to dynamically create our openapi help url //if we have a brand new model return this.getPaths(apiPath, backend, itemType).then(paths => { const adapterFactory = owner.factoryFor(`adapter:${modelType}`); //if we have an adapter already use that, otherwise create one if (!adapterFactory) { debug(`Creating new adapter for ${modelType}`); const adapter = this.getNewAdapter(paths, itemType); owner.register(`adapter:${modelType}`, adapter); } //if we have an item we want the create info for that itemType let path; if (itemType) { const createPath = paths.create.find(path => path.path.includes(itemType)); path = createPath.path; path = path.slice(0, path.indexOf('{') - 1) + '/example'; } else { //we need the mount config path = paths.configPath[0].path; } helpUrl = `/v1/${apiPath}${path}?help=true`; return this.registerNewModelWithProps(helpUrl, backend, newModel, modelName); }); } }, reducePaths(paths, currentPath) { const pathName = currentPath[0]; const pathInfo = currentPath[1]; //config is a get/post endpoint that doesn't take route params //and isn't also a list endpoint and has an Action of Configure if ( pathInfo.post && pathInfo.get && (pathInfo['x-vault-displayAttrs'] && pathInfo['x-vault-displayAttrs'].action === 'Configure') ) { paths.configPath.push({ path: pathName }); return paths; //config path should only be config path } //list endpoints all have { name: "list" } in their get parameters if (pathInfo.get && pathInfo.get.parameters && pathInfo.get.parameters[0].name === 'list') { paths.list.push({ path: pathName }); } if (pathInfo.delete) { paths.delete.push({ path: pathName }); } //create endpoints have path an action (e.g. "Create" or "Generate") if (pathInfo.post && pathInfo['x-vault-displayAttrs'] && pathInfo['x-vault-displayAttrs'].action) { paths.create.push({ path: pathName, action: pathInfo['x-vault-displayAttrs'].action, }); } if (pathInfo['x-vault-displayAttrs'] && pathInfo['x-vault-displayAttrs'].navigation) { paths.navPaths.push({ path: pathName }); } return paths; }, getPaths(apiPath, backend) { debug(`Fetching relevant paths for ${backend} from ${apiPath}`); return this.ajax(`/v1/${apiPath}?help=1`, backend).then(help => { const pathInfo = help.openapi.paths; let paths = Object.entries(pathInfo); return paths.reduce(this.reducePaths, { apiPath: apiPath, configPath: [], list: [], create: [], delete: [], navPaths: [], }); }); }, //Makes a call to grab the OpenAPI document. //Returns relevant information from OpenAPI //as determined by the expandOpenApiProps util getProps(helpUrl, backend) { debug(`Fetching schema properties for ${backend} from ${helpUrl}`); return this.ajax(helpUrl, backend).then(help => { //paths is an array but it will have a single entry // for the scope we're in const path = Object.keys(help.openapi.paths)[0]; const pathInfo = help.openapi.paths[path]; const params = pathInfo.parameters; let paramProp = {}; //include url params if (params) { const { name, schema, description } = params[0]; let label = name.split('_').join(' '); paramProp[name] = { 'x-vault-displayAttrs': { name: label, group: 'default', }, type: schema.type, description: description, isId: true, }; } //TODO: handle post endpoints without requestBody const props = pathInfo.post.requestBody.content['application/json'].schema.properties; //put url params (e.g. {name}, {role}) //at the front of the props list const newProps = assign({}, paramProp, props); return expandOpenApiProps(newProps); }); }, getNewAdapter(paths, itemType) { //we need list and create paths to set the correct urls for actions const { list, create, apiPath } = paths; const createPath = create.find(path => path.path.includes(itemType)); const listPath = list.find(pathInfo => pathInfo.path.includes(itemType)); const deletePath = paths.delete.find(path => path.path.includes(itemType)); return generatedItemAdapter.extend({ urlForItem(method, id) { let { path } = listPath; let url = `${this.buildURL()}/${apiPath}${path}/`; if (id) { url = url + encodePath(id); } return url; }, urlForFindRecord(id, modelName, snapshot) { return this.urlForItem(modelName, id, snapshot); }, urlForUpdateRecord(id) { let { path } = createPath; path = path.slice(0, path.indexOf('{') - 1); return `${this.buildURL()}/${apiPath}${path}/${id}`; }, urlForCreateRecord(modelType, snapshot) { const { id } = snapshot; let { path } = createPath; path = path.slice(0, path.indexOf('{') - 1); return `${this.buildURL()}/${apiPath}${path}/${id}`; }, urlForDeleteRecord(id) { let { path } = deletePath; path = path.slice(0, path.indexOf('{') - 1); return `${this.buildURL()}/${apiPath}${path}/${id}`; }, }); }, registerNewModelWithProps(helpUrl, backend, newModel, modelName) { return this.getProps(helpUrl, backend).then(props => { const { attrs, newFields } = combineAttributes(newModel.attributes, props); let owner = getOwner(this); newModel = newModel.extend(attrs, { newFields }); //if our newModel doesn't have fieldGroups already //we need to create them try { let fieldGroups = newModel.proto().fieldGroups; if (!fieldGroups) { debug(`Constructing fieldGroups for ${backend}`); fieldGroups = this.getFieldGroups(newModel); newModel = newModel.extend({ fieldGroups }); } } catch (err) { //eat the error, fieldGroups is computed in the model definition } newModel.reopenClass({ merged: true }); owner.unregister(modelName); owner.register(modelName, newModel); }); }, getFieldGroups(newModel) { let groups = { default: [], }; let fieldGroups = []; newModel.attributes.forEach(attr => { //if the attr comes in with a fieldGroup from OpenAPI, //add it to that group if (attr.options.fieldGroup) { if (groups[attr.options.fieldGroup]) { groups[attr.options.fieldGroup].push(attr.name); } else { groups[attr.options.fieldGroup] = [attr.name]; } } else { //otherwise just add that attr to the default group groups.default.push(attr.name); } }); for (let group in groups) { fieldGroups.push({ [group]: groups[group] }); } return fieldToAttrs(newModel, fieldGroups); }, });