/* eslint-disable import/extensions */ import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/ember'; import notes from './search-select.md'; import { withKnobs, text, select } from '@storybook/addon-knobs'; const onChange = (value) => alert(`New value is "${value}"`); const models = ["identity/groups"]; storiesOf('SearchSelect/', module) .addParameters({ options: { showPanel: true } }) .addDecorator(withKnobs({ escapeHTML: false })) .add(`SearchSelect`, () => ({ template: hbs`
Search Select
`, context: { label: text("Label", "Group IDs"), helpText: text("Help Tooltip Text", "Group IDs to associate with this entity"), inputValue: [], models: models, onChange: onChange, staticOptions: [{ name: "my-group", id: "123dsafdsarf" }, { name: "my-other-group", id: "45ssadd435" }, { name: "example-1", id: "5678" }, { name: "group-2", id: "gro09283" }], }, }), { notes } );