TOOL?=vault-plugin-auth-kerberos TEST?=$$(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) VETARGS?=-asmdecl -atomic -bool -buildtags -copylocks -methods -nilfunc -printf -rangeloops -shift -structtags -unsafeptr EXTERNAL_TOOLS=\ BUILD_TAGS?=${TOOL} GOFMT_FILES?=$$(find . -name '*.go' | grep -v vendor) # bin generates the releaseable binaries for this plugin bin: fmtcheck generate @CGO_ENABLED=0 BUILD_TAGS='$(BUILD_TAGS)' sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" default: dev # dev creates binaries for testing Vault locally. These are put # into ./bin/ as well as $GOPATH/bin, except for quickdev which # is only put into /bin/ quickdev: generate @CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -i -tags='$(BUILD_TAGS)' -o bin/vault-plugin-auth-kerberos dev: fmtcheck generate @CGO_ENABLED=0 BUILD_TAGS='$(BUILD_TAGS)' VAULT_DEV_BUILD=1 sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" go build -o bin/login-kerb ./cmd/login-kerb dev-linux-only: fmtcheck generate @CGO_ENABLED=0 BUILD_TAGS='$(BUILD_TAGS)' VAULT_DEVENV_BUILD=1 sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/login-kerb ./cmd/login-kerb dev-dynamic: generate @CGO_ENABLED=1 BUILD_TAGS='$(BUILD_TAGS)' VAULT_DEV_BUILD=1 sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" # test runs the unit tests and vets the code test: fmtcheck generate CGO_ENABLED=0 VAULT_TOKEN= VAULT_ACC= go test -v -tags='$(BUILD_TAGS)' $(TEST) $(TESTARGS) -timeout=20m -parallel=4 testcompile: fmtcheck generate @for pkg in $(TEST) ; do \ go test -v -c -tags='$(BUILD_TAGS)' $$pkg -parallel=4 ; \ done # testacc runs acceptance tests testacc: fmtcheck generate @if [ "$(TEST)" = "./..." ]; then \ echo "ERROR: Set TEST to a specific package"; \ exit 1; \ fi VAULT_ACC=1 go test -tags='$(BUILD_TAGS)' $(TEST) -v $(TESTARGS) -timeout 45m # generate runs `go generate` to build the dynamically generated # source files. generate: go generate $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) # bootstrap the build by downloading additional tools bootstrap: @for tool in $(EXTERNAL_TOOLS) ; do \ echo "Installing/Updating $$tool" ; \ go get -u $$tool; \ done fmtcheck: @sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" fmt: gofmt -w $(GOFMT_FILES) # builds for linux/amd64, then spins up a few containers for testing dev-env: dev-linux-only ./scripts/ integration: dev-linux-only ./scripts/ .PHONY: bin default generate test vet bootstrap fmt fmtcheck