import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { alias, gt } from '@ember/object/computed'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import keyUtils from 'vault/lib/key-utils'; import pathToTree from 'vault/lib/path-to-tree'; import { task, timeout } from 'ember-concurrency'; const { ancestorKeysForKey } = keyUtils; const DOT_REPLACEMENT = '☃'; const ANIMATION_DURATION = 250; export default Component.extend({ tagName: '', namespaceService: service('namespace'), auth: service(), store: service(), namespace: null, listCapability: null, canList: alias('listCapability.canList'), init() { this._super(...arguments); this.get('namespaceService.findNamespacesForUser').perform(); }, didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); let ns = this.get('namespace'); let oldNS = this.get('oldNamespace'); if (!oldNS || ns !== oldNS) { this.get('setForAnimation').perform(); this.get('fetchListCapability').perform(); } this.set('oldNamespace', ns); }, fetchListCapability: task(function*() { try { if (this.listCapability) { yield this.listCapability.reload(); return; } let capability = yield'capabilities', 'sys/namespaces/'); this.set('listCapability', capability); } catch (e) { //do nothing here } }), setForAnimation: task(function*() { let leaves = this.get('menuLeaves'); let lastLeaves = this.get('lastMenuLeaves'); if (!lastLeaves) { this.set('lastMenuLeaves', leaves); yield timeout(0); return; } let isAdding = leaves.length > lastLeaves.length; let changedLeaf = (isAdding ? leaves : lastLeaves).get('lastObject'); this.set('isAdding', isAdding); this.set('changedLeaf', changedLeaf); // if we're adding we want to render immediately an animate it in // if we're not adding, we need time to move the item out before // a rerender removes it if (isAdding) { this.set('lastMenuLeaves', leaves); yield timeout(0); return; } yield timeout(ANIMATION_DURATION); this.set('lastMenuLeaves', leaves); }).drop(), isAnimating: alias('setForAnimation.isRunning'), namespacePath: alias('namespaceService.path'), // this is an array of namespace paths that the current user // has access to accessibleNamespaces: alias('namespaceService.accessibleNamespaces'), inRootNamespace: alias('namespaceService.inRootNamespace'), namespaceTree: computed('accessibleNamespaces', function() { let nsList = this.get('accessibleNamespaces'); if (!nsList) { return []; } return pathToTree(nsList); }), maybeAddRoot(leaves) { let userRoot = this.get('auth.authData.userRootNamespace'); if (userRoot === '') { leaves.unshift(''); } return leaves.uniq(); }, pathToLeaf(path) { // dots are allowed in namespace paths // so we need to preserve them, and replace slashes with dots // in order to use Ember's get function on the namespace tree // to pull out the correct level return ( path // trim trailing slash .replace(/\/$/, '') // replace dots with snowman .replace(/\.+/g, DOT_REPLACEMENT) // replace slash with dots .replace(/\/+/g, '.') ); }, // an array that keeps track of what additional panels to render // on the menu stack // if you're in 'foo/bar/baz', // this array will be: ['foo', '', ''] // the template then iterates over this, and does Ember.get(namespaceTree, leaf) // to render the nodes of each leaf // gets set as 'lastMenuLeaves' in the ember concurrency task above menuLeaves: computed('namespacePath', 'namespaceTree', function() { let ns = this.get('namespacePath'); let leaves = ancestorKeysForKey(ns) || []; leaves.push(ns); leaves = this.maybeAddRoot(leaves); leaves =; return leaves; }), // the nodes at the root of the namespace tree // these will get rendered as the bottom layer rootLeaves: computed('namespaceTree', function() { let tree = this.get('namespaceTree'); let leaves = Object.keys(tree); return leaves; }), currentLeaf: alias('lastMenuLeaves.lastObject'), canAccessMultipleNamespaces: gt('accessibleNamespaces.length', 1), isUserRootNamespace: computed('auth.authData.userRootNamespace', 'namespacePath', function() { return this.get('auth.authData.userRootNamespace') === this.get('namespacePath'); }), namespaceDisplay: computed('namespacePath', 'accessibleNamespaces', 'accessibleNamespaces.[]', function() { let namespace = this.get('namespacePath'); if (namespace === '') { return ''; } let parts = namespace.split('/'); return parts[parts.length - 1]; }), });