import AuthConfigComponent from './config'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import DS from 'ember-data'; export default AuthConfigComponent.extend({ router: service(), wizard: service(), saveModel: task(function*() { let data = this.model.config.serialize(); data.description = this.model.description; try { yield this.model.tune(data); } catch (err) { // AdapterErrors are handled by the error-message component // in the form if (err instanceof DS.AdapterError === false) { throw err; } return; } if (this.wizard.currentMachine === 'authentication' && this.wizard.featureState === 'config') { this.wizard.transitionFeatureMachine(this.wizard.featureState, 'CONTINUE'); } this.router.transitionTo('vault.cluster.access.methods').followRedirects(); this.flashMessages.success('The configuration was saved successfully.'); }), });