import md from '@hashicorp/platform-markdown-utils/markdown-to-html' import mdInline from '@hashicorp/platform-markdown-utils/markdown-to-inline-html' export default async function processBeforeAfterDiagramProps(props) { const { beforeHeadline, beforeContent, afterHeadline, afterContent } = props // Transform headline markdown to HTML, for inline bold / italic support props.beforeHeadline = await mdInline(beforeHeadline) props.afterHeadline = await mdInline(afterHeadline) // Transform content markdown to HTML, using custom type classes const contentOptions = { contentPlugins: { pluginOptions: { typography: { map: { h1: 'g-type-label', h2: 'g-type-label', h3: 'g-type-label', h4: 'g-type-label', h5: 'g-type-label', h6: 'g-type-label', p: 'g-type-body-small', li: 'g-type-body-small', }, }, }, }, } props.beforeContent = await md(beforeContent, contentOptions) props.afterContent = await md(afterContent, contentOptions) return props }