import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { flattenDataset, formatByMonths, formatByNamespace, homogenizeClientNaming, sortMonthsByTimestamp, namespaceArrayToObject, } from 'core/utils/client-count-utils'; import { parseAPITimestamp } from 'core/utils/date-formatters'; import isBefore from 'date-fns/isBefore'; import isAfter from 'date-fns/isAfter'; // import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; // import ENV from 'vault/config/environment'; // import { formatRFC3339 } from 'date-fns'; module('Integration | Util | client count utils', function (hooks) { setupTest(hooks); // setupMirage(hooks); // TODO: wire up to stubbed API/mirage? // hooks.before(function () { // ENV['ember-cli-mirage'].handler = 'clients'; // }); // hooks.after(function () { // ENV['ember-cli-mirage'].handler = null; // }); /* MONTHS array contains: (update when backend work done on months ) - one month with only old client naming */ const MONTHS = [ { timestamp: '2021-05-01T00:00:00Z', counts: { distinct_entities: 25, non_entity_tokens: 25, clients: 50, }, namespaces: [ { namespace_id: 'root', namespace_path: '', counts: { distinct_entities: 13, non_entity_tokens: 7, clients: 20, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 8, non_entity_tokens: 0, clients: 8, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, non_entity_tokens: 7, clients: 7, }, }, ], }, { namespace_id: 's07UR', namespace_path: 'ns1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 5, non_entity_tokens: 5, clients: 10, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, non_entity_tokens: 5, clients: 5, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 5, non_entity_tokens: 0, clients: 5, }, }, ], }, ], new_clients: { counts: { distinct_entities: 3, non_entity_tokens: 2, clients: 5, }, namespaces: [ { namespace_id: 'root', namespace_path: '', counts: { distinct_entities: 3, non_entity_tokens: 2, clients: 5, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 3, non_entity_tokens: 0, clients: 3, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, non_entity_tokens: 2, clients: 2, }, }, ], }, ], }, }, { timestamp: '2021-10-01T00:00:00Z', counts: { distinct_entities: 20, entity_clients: 20, non_entity_tokens: 20, non_entity_clients: 20, clients: 40, }, namespaces: [ { namespace_id: 'root', namespace_path: '', counts: { distinct_entities: 8, entity_clients: 8, non_entity_tokens: 7, non_entity_clients: 7, clients: 15, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 8, entity_clients: 8, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 0, clients: 8, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 0, non_entity_tokens: 7, non_entity_clients: 7, clients: 7, }, }, ], }, { namespace_id: 's07UR', namespace_path: 'ns1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 5, entity_clients: 5, non_entity_tokens: 5, non_entity_clients: 5, clients: 10, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 0, non_entity_tokens: 5, non_entity_clients: 5, clients: 5, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 5, entity_clients: 5, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 0, clients: 5, }, }, ], }, ], new_clients: { counts: { distinct_entities: 3, entity_clients: 3, non_entity_tokens: 2, non_entity_clients: 2, clients: 5, }, namespaces: [ { namespace_id: 'root', namespace_path: '', counts: { distinct_entities: 3, entity_clients: 3, non_entity_tokens: 2, non_entity_clients: 2, clients: 5, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 3, entity_clients: 3, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 0, clients: 3, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 0, non_entity_tokens: 2, non_entity_clients: 2, clients: 2, }, }, ], }, ], }, }, { timestamp: '2021-09-01T00:00:00Z', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 17, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 18, clients: 35, }, namespaces: [ { namespace_id: 'oImjk', namespace_path: 'ns2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 5, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 5, clients: 10, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 0, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 5, clients: 5, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 5, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 0, clients: 5, }, }, ], }, { namespace_id: 'root', namespace_path: '', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 2, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 3, clients: 5, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 0, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 3, clients: 3, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 2, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 0, clients: 2, }, }, ], }, { namespace_id: 's07UR', namespace_path: 'ns1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 3, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 2, clients: 5, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 3, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 0, clients: 3, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 0, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 2, clients: 2, }, }, ], }, ], new_clients: { counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 10, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 10, clients: 20, }, namespaces: [ { namespace_id: 'oImjk', namespace_path: 'ns2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 5, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 5, clients: 10, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 0, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 5, clients: 5, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 5, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 0, clients: 5, }, }, ], }, { namespace_id: 'root', namespace_path: '', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 2, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 3, clients: 5, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 0, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 3, clients: 3, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 2, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 0, clients: 2, }, }, ], }, { namespace_id: 's07UR', namespace_path: 'ns1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 3, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 2, clients: 5, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 3, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 0, clients: 3, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 0, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 2, clients: 2, }, }, ], }, ], }, }, ]; const BY_NAMESPACE = [ { namespace_id: '96OwG', namespace_path: 'test-ns/', counts: { distinct_entities: 18290, entity_clients: 18290, non_entity_tokens: 18738, non_entity_clients: 18738, clients: 37028, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'path-1', counts: { distinct_entities: 6403, entity_clients: 6403, non_entity_tokens: 6300, non_entity_clients: 6300, clients: 12703, }, }, { mount_path: 'path-2', counts: { distinct_entities: 5699, entity_clients: 5699, non_entity_tokens: 6777, non_entity_clients: 6777, clients: 12476, }, }, { mount_path: 'path-3', counts: { distinct_entities: 6188, entity_clients: 6188, non_entity_tokens: 5661, non_entity_clients: 5661, clients: 11849, }, }, ], }, { namespace_id: 'root', namespace_path: '', counts: { distinct_entities: 19099, entity_clients: 19099, non_entity_tokens: 17781, non_entity_clients: 17781, clients: 36880, }, mounts: [ { mount_path: 'path-3', counts: { distinct_entities: 6863, entity_clients: 6863, non_entity_tokens: 6801, non_entity_clients: 6801, clients: 13664, }, }, { mount_path: 'path-2', counts: { distinct_entities: 6047, entity_clients: 6047, non_entity_tokens: 5957, non_entity_clients: 5957, clients: 12004, }, }, { mount_path: 'path-1', counts: { distinct_entities: 6189, entity_clients: 6189, non_entity_tokens: 5023, non_entity_clients: 5023, clients: 11212, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up2/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 50, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 23, clients: 73, }, }, { mount_path: 'auth/up1/', counts: { distinct_entities: 0, entity_clients: 25, non_entity_tokens: 0, non_entity_clients: 15, clients: 40, }, }, ], }, ]; const EMPTY_MONTHS = [ { timestamp: '2021-06-01T00:00:00Z', counts: null, namespaces: null, new_clients: null, }, { timestamp: '2021-07-01T00:00:00Z', counts: null, namespaces: null, new_clients: null, }, ]; const SOME_OBJECT = { foo: 'bar' }; test('formatByMonths: formats the months array', async function (assert) { assert.expect(103); const keyNameAssertions = (object, objectName) => { const objectKeys = Object.keys(object); assert.false(objectKeys.includes('counts'), `${objectName} doesn't include 'counts' key`); assert.true(objectKeys.includes('clients'), `${objectName} includes 'clients' key`); assert.true(objectKeys.includes('entity_clients'), `${objectName} includes 'entity_clients' key`); assert.true( objectKeys.includes('non_entity_clients'), `${objectName} includes 'non_entity_clients' key` ); }; const assertClientCounts = (object, originalObject) => { let newObjectKeys = ['clients', 'entity_clients', 'non_entity_clients']; let originalKeys = Object.keys(originalObject.counts).includes('entity_clients') ? newObjectKeys : ['clients', 'distinct_entities', 'non_entity_tokens']; newObjectKeys.forEach((key, i) => { assert.equal( object[key], originalObject.counts[originalKeys[i]], `${object.month} ${key} equal original counts` ); }); }; const formattedMonths = formatByMonths(MONTHS); assert.notEqual(formattedMonths, MONTHS, 'does not modify original array'); formattedMonths.forEach((month) => { const originalMonth = MONTHS.find((m) => month.month === parseAPITimestamp(m.timestamp, 'M/yy')); // if originalMonth is found (not undefined) then the formatted month has an accurate, parsed timestamp assert.ok(originalMonth, `month has parsed timestamp of ${month.month}`); assert.ok(month.namespaces_by_key, `month includes 'namespaces_by_key' key`); keyNameAssertions(month, 'formatted month'); assertClientCounts(month, originalMonth); assert.ok(month.new_clients.month, 'new clients key has a month key'); keyNameAssertions(month.new_clients, 'formatted month new_clients'); assertClientCounts(month.new_clients, originalMonth.new_clients); month.namespaces.forEach((namespace) => keyNameAssertions(namespace, 'namespace within month')); month.new_clients.namespaces.forEach((namespace) => keyNameAssertions(namespace, 'new client namespaces within month') ); }); // method fails gracefully let expected = [ { counts: null, month: '6/21', namespaces: [], namespaces_by_key: {}, new_clients: { month: '6/21', namespaces: [], }, timestamp: '2021-06-01T00:00:00Z', }, { counts: null, month: '7/21', namespaces: [], namespaces_by_key: {}, new_clients: { month: '7/21', namespaces: [], }, timestamp: '2021-07-01T00:00:00Z', }, ]; assert.equal(formatByMonths(SOME_OBJECT), SOME_OBJECT, 'it returns if arg is not an array'); assert.propEqual(expected, formatByMonths(EMPTY_MONTHS), 'it does not error with null months'); assert.ok(formatByMonths([...EMPTY_MONTHS, ...MONTHS]), 'it does not error with combined data'); }); test('formatByNamespace: formats namespace arrays with and without mounts', async function (assert) { assert.expect(102); const keyNameAssertions = (object, objectName) => { const objectKeys = Object.keys(object); assert.false(objectKeys.includes('counts'), `${objectName} doesn't include 'counts' key`); assert.true(objectKeys.includes('label'), `${objectName} includes 'label' key`); assert.true(objectKeys.includes('clients'), `${objectName} includes 'clients' key`); assert.true(objectKeys.includes('entity_clients'), `${objectName} includes 'entity_clients' key`); assert.true( objectKeys.includes('non_entity_clients'), `${objectName} includes 'non_entity_clients' key` ); }; const keyValueAssertions = (object, pathName, originalObject) => { const keysToAssert = ['clients', 'entity_clients', 'non_entity_clients']; assert.equal(object.label, originalObject[pathName], `${pathName} matches label`); keysToAssert.forEach((key) => { assert.equal(object[key], originalObject.counts[key], `number of ${key} equal original`); }); }; const formattedNamespaces = formatByNamespace(BY_NAMESPACE); assert.notEqual(formattedNamespaces, MONTHS, 'does not modify original array'); formattedNamespaces.forEach((namespace) => { let origNamespace = BY_NAMESPACE.find((ns) => ns.namespace_path === namespace.label); keyNameAssertions(namespace, 'formatted namespace'); keyValueAssertions(namespace, 'namespace_path', origNamespace); namespace.mounts.forEach((mount) => { let origMount = origNamespace.mounts.find((m) => m.mount_path === mount.label); keyNameAssertions(mount, 'formatted mount'); keyValueAssertions(mount, 'mount_path', origMount); }); }); const nsWithoutMounts = { namespace_id: '96OwG', namespace_path: 'no-mounts-ns/', counts: { distinct_entities: 18290, entity_clients: 18290, non_entity_tokens: 18738, non_entity_clients: 18738, clients: 37028, }, mounts: [], }; let formattedNsWithoutMounts = formatByNamespace([nsWithoutMounts])[0]; keyNameAssertions(formattedNsWithoutMounts, 'namespace without mounts'); keyValueAssertions(formattedNsWithoutMounts, 'namespace_path', nsWithoutMounts); assert.equal(formattedNsWithoutMounts.mounts.length, 0, 'formatted namespace has no mounts'); assert.equal(formatByNamespace(SOME_OBJECT), SOME_OBJECT, 'it returns if arg is not an array'); }); test('homogenizeClientNaming: homogenizes key names when both old and new keys exist, or just old key names', async function (assert) { assert.expect(168); const keyNameAssertions = (object, objectName) => { const objectKeys = Object.keys(object); assert.false( objectKeys.includes('distinct_entities'), `${objectName} doesn't include 'distinct_entities' key` ); assert.false( objectKeys.includes('non_entity_tokens'), `${objectName} doesn't include 'non_entity_tokens' key` ); assert.true(objectKeys.includes('entity_clients'), `${objectName} includes 'entity_clients' key`); assert.true( objectKeys.includes('non_entity_clients'), `${objectName} includes 'non_entity_clients' key` ); }; let transformedMonths = [...MONTHS]; transformedMonths.forEach((month) => { month.counts = homogenizeClientNaming(month.counts); keyNameAssertions(month.counts, 'month counts'); month.new_clients.counts = homogenizeClientNaming(month.new_clients.counts); keyNameAssertions(month.new_clients.counts, 'month new counts'); month.namespaces.forEach((ns) => { ns.counts = homogenizeClientNaming(ns.counts); keyNameAssertions(ns.counts, 'namespace counts'); ns.mounts.forEach((mount) => { mount.counts = homogenizeClientNaming(mount.counts); keyNameAssertions(mount.counts, 'mount counts'); }); }); month.new_clients.namespaces.forEach((ns) => { ns.counts = homogenizeClientNaming(ns.counts); keyNameAssertions(ns.counts, 'namespace new counts'); ns.mounts.forEach((mount) => { mount.counts = homogenizeClientNaming(mount.counts); keyNameAssertions(mount.counts, 'mount new counts'); }); }); }); }); test('flattenDataset: removes the counts key and flattens the dataset', async function (assert) { assert.expect(22); const flattenedNamespace = flattenDataset(BY_NAMESPACE[0]); const flattenedMount = flattenDataset(BY_NAMESPACE[0].mounts[0]); const flattenedMonth = flattenDataset(MONTHS[0]); const flattenedNewMonthClients = flattenDataset(MONTHS[0].new_clients); const objectNullCounts = { counts: null, foo: 'bar' }; const keyNameAssertions = (object, objectName) => { const objectKeys = Object.keys(object); assert.false(objectKeys.includes('counts'), `${objectName} doesn't include 'counts' key`); assert.true(objectKeys.includes('clients'), `${objectName} includes 'clients' key`); assert.true(objectKeys.includes('entity_clients'), `${objectName} includes 'entity_clients' key`); assert.true( objectKeys.includes('non_entity_clients'), `${objectName} includes 'non_entity_clients' key` ); }; keyNameAssertions(flattenedNamespace, 'namespace object'); keyNameAssertions(flattenedMount, 'mount object'); keyNameAssertions(flattenedMonth, 'month object'); keyNameAssertions(flattenedNewMonthClients, 'month new_clients object'); assert.equal( flattenDataset(SOME_OBJECT), SOME_OBJECT, "it returns original object if counts key doesn't exist" ); assert.equal( flattenDataset(objectNullCounts), objectNullCounts, 'it returns original object if counts are null' ); assert.propEqual( ['some array'], flattenDataset(['some array']), 'it fails gracefully if an array is passed in' ); assert.equal(flattenDataset(null), null, 'it fails gracefully if null is passed in'); assert.equal( flattenDataset('some string'), 'some string', 'it fails gracefully if a string is passed in' ); assert.propEqual( new Object(), flattenDataset(new Object()), 'it fails gracefully if an empty object is passed in' ); }); test('sortMonthsByTimestamp: sorts timestamps chronologically, oldest to most recent', async function (assert) { assert.expect(4); const sortedMonths = sortMonthsByTimestamp(MONTHS); assert.ok( isBefore(parseAPITimestamp(sortedMonths[0].timestamp), parseAPITimestamp(sortedMonths[1].timestamp)), 'first timestamp date is earlier than second' ); assert.ok( isAfter(parseAPITimestamp(sortedMonths[2].timestamp), parseAPITimestamp(sortedMonths[1].timestamp)), 'third timestamp date is later second' ); assert.notEqual(sortedMonths[1], MONTHS[1], 'it does not modify original array'); assert.equal(sortedMonths[0], MONTHS[0], 'it does not modify original array'); }); test('namespaceArrayToObject: transforms data without modifying original', async function (assert) { assert.expect(30); const assertClientCounts = (object, originalObject) => { let valuesToCheck = ['clients', 'entity_clients', 'non_entity_clients']; valuesToCheck.forEach((key) => { assert.equal(object[key], originalObject[key], `${key} equal original counts`); }); }; const totalClientsByNamespace = formatByNamespace(MONTHS[1].namespaces); const newClientsByNamespace = formatByNamespace(MONTHS[1].new_clients.namespaces); const byNamespaceKeyObject = namespaceArrayToObject( totalClientsByNamespace, newClientsByNamespace, '10/21' ); assert.propEqual( totalClientsByNamespace, formatByNamespace(MONTHS[1].namespaces), 'it does not modify original array' ); assert.propEqual( newClientsByNamespace, formatByNamespace(MONTHS[1].new_clients.namespaces), 'it does not modify original array' ); let namespaceKeys = Object.keys(byNamespaceKeyObject); namespaceKeys.forEach((nsKey) => { const newNsObject = byNamespaceKeyObject[nsKey]; let originalNsData = totalClientsByNamespace.find((ns) => ns.label === nsKey); assertClientCounts(newNsObject, originalNsData); let mountKeys = Object.keys(newNsObject.mounts_by_key); mountKeys.forEach((mKey) => { let mountData = originalNsData.mounts.find((m) => m.label === mKey); assertClientCounts(newNsObject.mounts_by_key[mKey], mountData); }); }); namespaceKeys.forEach((nsKey) => { const newNsObject = byNamespaceKeyObject[nsKey]; let originalNsData = newClientsByNamespace.find((ns) => ns.label === nsKey); if (!originalNsData) return; assertClientCounts(newNsObject.new_clients, originalNsData); let mountKeys = Object.keys(newNsObject.mounts_by_key); mountKeys.forEach((mKey) => { let mountData = originalNsData.mounts.find((m) => m.label === mKey); assertClientCounts(newNsObject.mounts_by_key[mKey].new_clients, mountData); }); }); assert.propEqual( {}, namespaceArrayToObject(null, null, '10/21'), 'returns an empty object when totalClientsByNamespace = null' ); }); });