import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { resolve } from 'rsvp'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import Service from '@ember/service'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render, click, find, findAll, fillIn, blur, triggerEvent } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import { encodeString } from 'vault/utils/b64'; import waitForError from 'vault/tests/helpers/wait-for-error'; const storeStub = Service.extend({ callArgs: null, keyActionReturnVal: null, rootKeyActionReturnVal: null, adapterFor() { const self = this; return { keyAction(action, { backend, id, payload }, options) { self.set('callArgs', { action, backend, id, payload }); self.set('callArgsOptions', options); const rootResp = assign({}, self.get('rootKeyActionReturnVal')); const resp = Object.keys(rootResp).length > 0 ? rootResp : { data: assign({}, self.get('keyActionReturnVal')), }; return resolve(resp); }, }; }, }); module('Integration | Component | transit key actions', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function () { run(() => { this.owner.unregister('service:store'); this.owner.register('service:store', storeStub); this.storeService = this.owner.lookup('service:store'); }); }); test('it requires `key`', async function (assert) { let promise = waitForError(); render(hbs` {{transit-key-actions}} `); let err = await promise; assert.ok(err.message.includes('`key` is required for'), 'asserts without key'); }); test('it renders', async function (assert) { this.set('key', { backend: 'transit', supportedActions: ['encrypt'] }); await render(hbs` {{transit-key-actions selectedAction="encrypt" key=key}} `); assert.dom('[data-test-transit-action="encrypt"]').exists({ count: 1 }, 'renders encrypt'); this.set('key', { backend: 'transit', supportedActions: ['sign'] }); await render(hbs` {{transit-key-actions selectedAction="sign" key=key}} `); assert.dom('[data-test-transit-action="sign"]').exists({ count: 1 }, 'renders sign'); }); test('it renders: signature_algorithm field', async function (assert) { this.set('key', { backend: 'transit', supportsSigning: true, supportedActions: ['sign', 'verify'] }); this.set('selectedAction', 'sign'); await render(hbs` {{transit-key-actions selectedAction=selectedAction key=key}} `); assert .dom('[data-test-signature-algorithm]') .doesNotExist('does not render signature_algorithm field on sign'); this.set('selectedAction', 'verify'); assert .dom('[data-test-signature-algorithm]') .doesNotExist('does not render signature_algorithm field on verify'); this.set('selectedAction', 'sign'); this.set('key', { type: 'rsa-2048', supportsSigning: true, backend: 'transit', supportedActions: ['sign', 'verify'], }); assert .dom('[data-test-signature-algorithm]') .exists({ count: 1 }, 'renders signature_algorithm field on sign with rsa key'); this.set('selectedAction', 'verify'); assert .dom('[data-test-signature-algorithm]') .exists({ count: 1 }, 'renders signature_algorithm field on verify with rsa key'); }); test('it renders: rotate', async function (assert) { this.set('key', { backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', supportedActions: ['rotate'] }); await render(hbs` {{transit-key-actions selectedAction="rotate" key=key}} `); assert.dom('*').hasText('', 'renders an empty div'); this.set('key.canRotate', true); assert .dom('button') .hasText('Rotate encryption key', 'renders confirm-button when key.canRotate is true'); }); async function doEncrypt(assert, actions = [], keyattrs = {}) { let keyDefaults = { backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', supportedActions: ['encrypt'].concat(actions) }; const key = assign({}, keyDefaults, keyattrs); this.set('key', key); this.set('selectedAction', 'encrypt'); this.set('storeService.keyActionReturnVal', { ciphertext: 'secret' }); await render(hbs` {{transit-key-actions selectedAction=selectedAction key=key}} `); find('#plaintext-control .CodeMirror').CodeMirror.setValue('plaintext'); await click('button[type="submit"]'); assert.deepEqual( this.storeService.callArgs, { action: 'encrypt', backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', payload: { plaintext: encodeString('plaintext'), }, }, 'passes expected args to the adapter' ); assert.equal(find('[data-test-encrypted-value="ciphertext"]').innerText, 'secret'); // exit modal await click('[data-test-modal-background]'); // Encrypt again, with pre-encoded value and checkbox selected const preEncodedValue = encodeString('plaintext'); find('#plaintext-control .CodeMirror').CodeMirror.setValue(preEncodedValue); await click('input[data-test-transit-input="encodedBase64"]'); await click('button[type="submit"]'); assert.deepEqual( this.storeService.callArgs, { action: 'encrypt', backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', payload: { plaintext: preEncodedValue, }, }, 'passes expected args to the adapter' ); } test('it encrypts', doEncrypt); test('it shows key version selection', async function (assert) { let keyDefaults = { backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', supportedActions: ['encrypt'].concat([]) }; let keyattrs = { keysForEncryption: [3, 2, 1], latestVersion: 3 }; const key = assign({}, keyDefaults, keyattrs); this.set('key', key); this.set('storeService.keyActionReturnVal', { ciphertext: 'secret' }); await render(hbs` {{transit-key-actions selectedAction="encrypt" key=key}} `); findAll('.CodeMirror')[0].CodeMirror.setValue('plaintext'); assert.dom('#key_version').exists({ count: 1 }, 'it renders the key version selector'); await triggerEvent('#key_version', 'change'); await click('button[type="submit"]'); assert.deepEqual( this.storeService.callArgs, { action: 'encrypt', backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', payload: { plaintext: encodeString('plaintext'), key_version: '0', }, }, 'includes key_version in the payload' ); }); test('it hides key version selection', async function (assert) { let keyDefaults = { backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', supportedActions: ['encrypt'].concat([]) }; let keyattrs = { keysForEncryption: [1] }; const key = assign({}, keyDefaults, keyattrs); this.set('key', key); this.set('storeService.keyActionReturnVal', { ciphertext: 'secret' }); await render(hbs` {{transit-key-actions selectedAction="encrypt" key=key}} `); // await fillIn('#plaintext', 'plaintext'); find('#plaintext-control .CodeMirror').CodeMirror.setValue('plaintext'); assert.dom('#key_version').doesNotExist('it does not render the selector when there is only one key'); }); test('it does not carry ciphertext value over to decrypt', async function (assert) { assert.expect(4); const plaintext = 'not so secret'; await, assert, ['decrypt']); this.set('storeService.keyActionReturnVal', { plaintext }); this.set('selectedAction', 'decrypt'); assert.equal( find('#ciphertext-control .CodeMirror').CodeMirror.getValue(), '', 'does not prefill ciphertext value' ); }); const setupExport = async function () { this.set('key', { backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', supportedActions: ['export'], exportKeyTypes: ['encryption'], validKeyVersions: [1], }); await render(hbs` {{transit-key-actions key=key}} `); }; test('it can export a key:default behavior', async function (assert) { this.set('storeService.rootKeyActionReturnVal', { wrap_info: { token: 'wrapped-token' } }); await; await click('button[type="submit"]'); assert.deepEqual( this.storeService.callArgs, { action: 'export', backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', payload: { param: ['encryption'], }, }, 'passes expected args to the adapter' ); assert.equal(this.storeService.callArgsOptions.wrapTTL, '30m', 'passes value for wrapTTL'); assert.equal(find('[data-test-encrypted-value="export"]').innerText, 'wrapped-token', 'wraps by default'); }); test('it can export a key:unwrapped behavior', async function (assert) { const response = { keys: { a: 'key' } }; this.set('storeService.keyActionReturnVal', response); await; await click('[data-test-toggle-label="Wrap response"]'); await click('button[type="submit"]'); assert.dom('').exists('Modal opens after export'); assert.deepEqual( find('.modal [data-test-encrypted-value="export"]').innerText, JSON.stringify(response, null, 2), 'prints json response' ); }); test('it can export a key: unwrapped, single version', async function (assert) { const response = { keys: { a: 'key' } }; this.set('storeService.keyActionReturnVal', response); await; await click('[data-test-toggle-label="Wrap response"]'); await click('#exportVersion'); await triggerEvent('#exportVersion', 'change'); await click('button[type="submit"]'); assert.dom('').exists('Modal opens after export'); assert.deepEqual( find('.modal [data-test-encrypted-value="export"]').innerText, JSON.stringify(response, null, 2), 'prints json response' ); assert.deepEqual( this.storeService.callArgs, { action: 'export', backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', payload: { param: ['encryption', 1], }, }, 'passes expected args to the adapter' ); }); test('it includes algorithm param for HMAC', async function (assert) { this.set('key', { backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', supportedActions: ['hmac'], validKeyVersions: [1], }); await render(hbs` {{transit-key-actions key=key}} `); await fillIn('#algorithm', 'sha2-384'); await blur('#algorithm'); await click('button[type="submit"]'); assert.deepEqual( this.storeService.callArgs, { action: 'hmac', backend: 'transit', id: 'akey', payload: { algorithm: 'sha2-384', }, }, 'passes expected args to the adapter' ); }); });