import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render, click, fillIn } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import sinon from 'sinon'; module('Integration | Component | mount-accessor-select', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function () { = this.owner.lookup('service:store'); this.server.get('/sys/auth', () => ({ data: { 'userpass/': { type: 'userpass', accessor: 'auth_userpass_1234' }, 'token/': { type: 'token', accessor: 'auth_token' }, }, })); this.set('onChange', sinon.spy()); }); test('it renders', async function (assert) { await render(hbs``); assert.dom('[data-test-mount-accessor-select]').exists(); }); test('it filters token', async function (assert) { await render(hbs``); await click('[data-test-mount-accessor-select]'); let options = document.querySelector('[data-test-mount-accessor-select]').options; assert.equal(options.length, 1, 'only the auth option, no token'); }); test('it shows token', async function (assert) { await render(hbs``); await click('[data-test-mount-accessor-select]'); let options = document.querySelector('[data-test-mount-accessor-select]').options; assert.equal(options.length, 2, 'both auth and token show'); }); test('it sends value to parent onChange', async function (assert) { await render(hbs``); await fillIn('[data-test-mount-accessor-select]', 'auth_userpass_1234'); assert.ok( this.onChange.calledWith('auth_userpass_1234'), 'Passes the auth method selected to the parent' ); }); test('it selects the first option if no default', async function (assert) { await render(hbs``); let defaultSelection = document.querySelector('[data-test-mount-accessor-select]').options[0].innerHTML; // remove all non letters assert.equal(defaultSelection.replace(/\W/g, ''), 'userpassuserpass'); }); test('it shows Select one if yes default', async function (assert) { await render(hbs``); let defaultSelection = document.querySelector('[data-test-mount-accessor-select]').options[0].innerHTML; // remove all non letters assert.equal(defaultSelection.replace(/\W/g, ''), 'Selectone'); }); });