import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import { create } from 'ember-cli-page-object'; import kvObjectEditor from '../../pages/components/kv-object-editor'; import sinon from 'sinon'; const component = create(kvObjectEditor); module('Integration | Component | kv-object-editor', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function () { this.spy = sinon.spy(); }); test('it renders with no initial value', async function (assert) { await render(hbs`{{kv-object-editor onChange=this.spy}}`); assert.equal(component.rows.length, 1, 'renders a single row'); await component.addRow(); assert.equal(component.rows.length, 1, 'will only render row with a blank key'); }); test('it calls onChange when the val changes', async function (assert) { await render(hbs`{{kv-object-editor onChange=this.spy}}`); await component.rows.objectAt(0).kvKey('foo').kvVal('bar'); assert.equal(this.spy.callCount, 2, 'calls onChange each time change is triggered'); assert.deepEqual( this.spy.lastCall.args[0], { foo: 'bar' }, 'calls onChange with the JSON respresentation of the data' ); await component.addRow(); assert.equal(component.rows.length, 2, 'adds a row when there is no blank one'); }); test('it renders passed data', async function (assert) { let metadata = { foo: 'bar', baz: 'bop' }; this.set('value', metadata); await render(hbs`{{kv-object-editor value=value}}`); assert.equal( component.rows.length, Object.keys(metadata).length + 1, 'renders both rows of the metadata, plus an empty one' ); }); test('it deletes a row', async function (assert) { await render(hbs`{{kv-object-editor onChange=this.spy}}`); await component.rows.objectAt(0).kvKey('foo').kvVal('bar'); await component.addRow(); assert.equal(component.rows.length, 2); assert.equal(this.spy.callCount, 2, 'calls onChange for editing'); await component.rows.objectAt(0).deleteRow(); assert.equal(component.rows.length, 1, 'only the blank row left'); assert.equal(this.spy.callCount, 3, 'calls onChange deleting row'); assert.deepEqual(this.spy.lastCall.args[0], {}, 'last call to onChange is an empty object'); }); test('it shows a warning if there are duplicate keys', async function (assert) { let metadata = { foo: 'bar', baz: 'bop' }; this.set('value', metadata); await render(hbs`{{kv-object-editor value=value onChange=this.spy}}`); await component.rows.objectAt(0).kvKey('foo'); assert.ok(component.showsDuplicateError, 'duplicate keys are allowed but an error message is shown'); }); test('it supports custom placeholders', async function (assert) { await render(hbs``); assert.dom('input').hasAttribute('placeholder', 'foo', 'Placeholder applied to key input'); assert.dom('textarea').hasAttribute('placeholder', 'bar', 'Placeholder applied to value input'); }); test('it yields block in place of value input', async function (assert) { await render( hbs` ` ); assert.dom('textarea').doesNotExist('Value input hidden when block is provided'); assert.dom('[data-test-yield]').exists('Component yields block'); }); });