import { isNone } from '@ember/utils'; import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { guidFor } from '@ember/object/internals'; import KVObject from 'vault/lib/kv-object'; export default Component.extend({ 'data-test-component': 'kv-object-editor', classNames: ['field', 'form-section'], // public API // Ember Object to mutate value: null, label: null, helpText: null, // onChange will be called with the changed Value onChange() {}, init() { this._super(...arguments); const data = KVObject.create({ content: [] }).fromJSON(this.value); this.set('kvData', data); this.addRow(); }, kvData: null, kvDataAsJSON: computed('kvData', 'kvData.[]', function() { return this.kvData.toJSON(); }), kvDataIsAdvanced: computed('kvData', 'kvData.[]', function() { return this.kvData.isAdvanced(); }), kvHasDuplicateKeys: computed('kvData', '', function() { let data = this.kvData; return data.uniqBy('name').length !== data.get('length'); }), addRow() { let data = this.kvData; let newObj = { name: '', value: '' }; if (!isNone(data.findBy('name', ''))) { return; } guidFor(newObj); data.addObject(newObj); }, actions: { addRow() { this.addRow(); }, updateRow() { let data = this.kvData; this.onChange(data.toJSON()); }, deleteRow(object, index) { let data = this.kvData; let oldObj = data.objectAt(index); assert('object guids match', guidFor(oldObj) === guidFor(object)); data.removeAt(index); this.onChange(data.toJSON()); }, }, });