{{#if (or (eq this.policyType "acl") (has-feature "Sentinel"))}}

{{uppercase this.policyType}} Policies {{#if (not-eq this.policyType "acl")}} Sentinel {{/if}}

{{#if this.model.meta.total}} {{#if this.filterFocused}} {{#if this.filterMatchesKey}}

ENTER to go to {{or this.pageFilter this.filter}}

{{/if}} {{#if this.firstPartialMatch}}

TAB to complete {{this.firstPartialMatch.id}}

{{/if}} {{/if}}
{{/if}} Create {{uppercase this.policyType}} policy
{{#if this.model.meta.total}} {{#each this.model as |item|}} {{#if (eq item.id "root")}}

The root policy does not contain any rules but can do anything within Vault. It should be used with extreme care.

{{/if}} {{else}} {{/each}} {{#if (gt this.model.meta.lastPage 1)}} {{/if}} {{else}} Create {{uppercase this.policyType}} policy Learn more {{/if}} {{else}} {{/if}}